Tagged With "CYRM"
Blog Post
Building Resilience for Better Lives - from HelenaIR.com
Life is hard. “In this world you WILL have trouble,” Jesus said. The ability to successfully face the hardships that will inevitably come to us will determine our level of satisfaction, joy, and peace. Resilience isn’t just a desirable trait, it’s absolutely essential. And, it turns out that scripture has a lot to say about this essential quality for successful living. There are many passages we could examine to illustrate the point, but the letter from James is one of my favorites. Eugene...
Blog Post
Knowing and Growing - a look in to a recent chapel lesson from my Resilience series
Dear friends at ACEsConnection, I thought it might be of interest to you to see an example of how I am integrating the themes of resilience building, and in particular the measures from the Children and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-12+4), into our chapel times on campus at Intermountain Residential Services in Helena, Montana. What appears below is part of the lesson built around the tried and true measure of resilience: can the child identify skills and abilities that are making them more...
Re: Building Resilience for Better Lives - from HelenaIR.com
Chris, Great post. Thank you for the work you are doing. I would encourage you to include hope. There is so much in the Bible on the centrality of hope in people's lives. Hope is even more measurable and teachable than resilience. But thank you for connecting resilience to spirituality. It so crucial to so many that overcome trauma, violence, and adversity. My wife works at Mt. Miguel Covenant Village in San Diego and we attend a small Covenant Church. Mt. Miguel residents are huge...