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Come Chat with Dr. Claudia M. Gold: An ACE-Informed Pediatrician


Date:  July 11th

Time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST

Location: Parenting with ACEs Group, Online

Flyer: Attached below. Please share.

dr. gold

Dr. Claudia M. Gold has practiced general and behavioral pediatrics for 25 years and specializes in early childhood mental health. She is on the faculty of the University of Massachusetts, Boston Infant-Parent Mental Health program, William James College, and the Austen Riggs Center where she is a Human Development consultant.

Dr. Gold is author of the following titles: The Developmental Science of Early Childhood, The Silenced Child, and Keeping Your Child in Mind.

dr gold 2

We are thrilled to have Dr. Gold as the featured guest for the July, Parenting with ACEs chat.

“Giving advice, as well as parent training and behavior management, sometimes collectively referred to as psycho-education, are left-brain, thinking activities. To change the way we behave, we need to change the way we feel," she wrote in The Silenced Child.

We’ll chat about her work, the above quote, and these questions (and yours):    

  • What is an ACE-informed pediatrician?
  • What are practical ways to promote healing and resilience after ACEs?
  • How can ACE assessments be done in a pediatric practice?

On her website, in her own words, Dr. Gold wrote: 

I became aware of and distraught by the enormous gulf between the wealth of ideas generated in contemporary developmental science and the realities of mental health care for young children. The research I was learning about offered a completely different model for understanding and treating the problems of these children and families from the model offered by the pharmaceutical industry and many in the field of child psychiatry.

It was not uncommon for parents to bring an 18-month-old child to see me with the question “Does he have bipolar disorder?” I was seeing hundreds of kids, often sent by the school, for “ADHD evaluation.” In fact their stories were so much more complex, yet there was a high expectation on the part of parents, teachers and other physicians that these children would simply be treated with medication.

Please bring your questions and share experiences and expertise. Anyone interested in attending is welcome.

How to Participate in Chat Event:         

If a Member of the Parenting with ACEs Group:

  1. Go to Parenting with ACEs Group on July 11th. Find Featured Chat at top.

If NOT a Member of ACEs Connection or the Parenting with ACEs Group:

  1. Go to ACEsConnection and see “Join ACEs Connection” on the right sidebar.
  2. Go to Groups, All Groups, find Parenting with ACEs Group, Join This Group. Please sign up at least one day prior to chat event.

If Busy During Scheduled Chat: 

  1. Post questions/comments in advance & review chat transcript later.


Contact Cissy White @, (617)962-0036

Note: One goal of the Parenting with ACEs Group is to bring parents and professionals together to discuss Parenting with ACEs and ACEs science. Maybe you are a parent, a professional or a person with ACEs or all three things. Maybe you are a student, a professor or work in a medical practice. All perspectives are valued.


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  • dr. gold
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