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Explaining behavior: Professional seek to address students' trauma []


Professionals from multiple disciplines working with children and families came together earlier this month in Philadelphia for a three-day conference on trauma-informed practice – the Greater Philadelphia Trauma Training.

About 360 people from the Philadelphia area and across the Eastern seaboard attended, she said, and about of 100 of them work with K-12 students.

The first two days of the conference emphasized the basics of trauma-informed work with children from the vantage points of  K-12 education, early childhood education, behavioral health, medicine, and juvenile justice.

In the K-12 workshop, instructors from Lakeside Global Institute discussed the effects of trauma on brain chemistry and development and how it affects everyday classroom situations.

Lectures dealt in detail with a well-known study about Adverse Childhood Experiences and how early childhood adversity affects health and well-being throughout a person’s lifetime.

 Follow here to read more about this multi-disciplinary, trauma-informed approach to professional development. If you are on the east coast, and you work with children and families, keep your eye on the conference page, or The Community and Trauma Counseling Program, the hosts of the conference.

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