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Flourishing From The Start: What Is It, And How Can It Be Measured? []

 This comprehensive research brief discusses the important factors needed to promote child well-being across childhood. Of course, recommendations are grounded in maternal-infant health and relationships, but the recommendations also discuss how to build protective factors across developmental domains and the development of the child. The researchers make many actionable recommendations for both practice and policy, as well as how to obtain ongoing data, and make data collection and intervention approaches more succinct.

Every parent wants their child to flourish, and every community wants its

children to thrive. It is not sufficient for children to avoid negative outcomes.

Rather, from their earliest years, we should foster positive outcomes for

children. Substantial evidence indicates that early investments to foster

positive child development can reap large and lasting gains.But in order to

implement and sustain policies and programs that help children flourish, we

need to accurately define, measure, and then monitor, “flourishing”...

 Follow here, or download below, to read this March 2017 research brief from Child Trends.


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