I'm listening to Van Der Kolk, MD (My Hero!!!!) tell us what he has to say about Stephen J. Suomi's talk:
"Thanks Steve, I am really delighted that these presentations are being video taped and the reason why I am delighted is because you should get them, and you should show them to your clinic directors and you should show them to your states politicians and the mayors of your town and the heads of the board of directors. These things have profound implications for the welfare of our children. We know that the single most effective mental health intervention is early mother child intervention that is what James Beckman, Heckman got his noble prize for anyway. Bill De Blasio, actually as some of you may have read has a very horrendous trauma history, very interesting trauma history. You might want to look up. It is also interesting he is the mayor who right now is advocating and has a huge amount of money into very early mother childhood intervention in New York City as the standard model. Somebody got to him. Did you talk to him? Somebody talked to him. You know when I go to Norway or Holland or places like that, I often times get calls from the local ministry of health. I bet you do a lot also and they ask me "What's the latest research on infant development?" Which I am not specialized in and the people in the ministries listen to the science. In Norway, there are 51/100.000 people in prison, in the US 951/100,000 that's because people listen to the science. People listen to THIS SCIENCE and so this stuff has profound implications for the budgets of our countries because if you don't pay attention to this, you waste your money on the incarceration of people and having a useless population. These things have huge little t (?) implications and they have huge implications for the work that we do and the issue is about playing, being seen, being moved together,
sitting on the ???? talking how bad you felt as a kid may not be the treatment of choice......
That is the implication of what we are talking about here, this is not like a cute stories about monkies. This is really important. Thank you!" BVK (I did my best to transcribe --- might have got a few words wrong---but did my best).
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