2015 Child Health, Education, and Care Summit
First 5 California First5CAevents@ccfc.ca.gov
February 11th, 2015
Summit Presentation Title:
Trauma Informed Caregiving: Addressing the Needs of Young Children in Foster Care
Join Cherie Schroeder and Juline Aguilar, foster parent educators, to increase your capacity to improve the lives of young children impacted by both prenatal and early neglect, alcohol and drug exposure and domestic violence, an array of abuses, in addition to the removal from families of origin and the impact of placement. It is essential to a child’s well-being that we have “Trauma Informed Caregivers”. This workshop will offer a foundational understanding to the care of infants and young children placed into foster care, and the value of becoming the “go to parent” and making a home a safe haven. Caregivers and caring professionals will leave knowing the ripple effect of trauma, its impact on a growing brain and the benefits and recovery that comes with a stable, nurturing and healthy adult relationship. Examples of collaborations to provide additional educational opportunities for caregivers and educators will be shared.
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