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Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACES) Hawai‘i
He ‘a‘ali‘i kū makani mai au; ‘a‘ohe makani nāna e kūla‘i.
I am a wind-withstanding ‘a‘ali‘i; no wind can topple me over.

Tagged With "Family Engagement"

Blog Post

Children and Families Coping with Covid-19

Justina Acevedo-Cross ·
Children and families may be facing more adversity due to the economic and home impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 situation is fluid and changing daily and I know it effects early childhood programs in a big way. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network put out a good guide on helping families cope with Coronavirus given so many changes to daily life; it is a great resource. Access it here: Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019. ...
Blog Post

"Drive thru Preschool" (General)

Daniel Goya ·
During this time of social distancing and the legitimate scare of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to develop a sense of "normalcy" for our little ones (keiki). We can do this by keeping them on a schedule, making sure that we are listening to their concerns and meet their unmet needs. Due to COVID-19 preschools in Hawai'i have shut its doors to instruction, however this preschool has continued to operate by meeting the needs of the homeless and at-risk homeless families they serve.
Blog Post

PBS for Hawaiʻi

Daniel Goya ·
Mahalo PBS Hawaii for providing such a great resource for our families and keiki during this time. Parents/caregivers, please check out PBS Hawaiʻi to support your keikiʻs needs during this time- but could we also put out a PSA that we should always try to pair screen time with active time!
Ask the Community

Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts

Daniel Goya ·
Aloha, This is an incredibly stressful time and we know of the challenges our nā ʻohana is facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. ACH- would like to provide experts in the community as a valued resource so that questions and concerns in topics such as parenting , child development, behavioral concerns, trauma or advice in coping COVID-19 can be safely addressed. No one will be judged, no question will be scrutinized, we are all here for one another. It is ACHʻs pleasure to have Shannon Flynn...

Re: Children and Families Coping with Covid-19

Daniel Goya ·
Mahalo Justina- What a great resource!

Re: Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts

Jamie Goya ·
Aloha Shannon, I work with family child care providers who provider care to children ages 0-5. Here is a question from one of our providers: "I have a new student who is 4 years. He has moved from CA with only dad. He's been showing anger. He kicked me, hit me, screams at me when I try to redirect him. I have spoken to his dad. Dad is going to get him some counseling. I know the counseling is going to take some tine to get and to help. What can I do NOW? The smaller keiki are clinging to me...

Re: Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts

Shannon Flynn ·
Aloha Jamie, Mahalo for asking a good question. You are right that counseling is going to take some time. Iʻm glad to hear the father is going to get counseling for this keiki. It sounds like the keiki has experienced a lot of changes recently. Moving in and of itself can be challenging for anyone, especially young keiki. Iʻd suggest trying to provide as much structure, routine and consistency as possible and suggesting that the father and child care providers do the same. Predictability and...

Re: Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts

Jamie Goya ·
Mahalo for your advice!
Blog Post

Resilient Community, Schools and Family Project Hawai'i

Daniel Goya ·
A cross-sector of statewide community partners have come together to implement a Resilient Community, Schools and Family Project at five (Blanche Pope, Honaunau, Molokai, Mountain View and Wai'anae) elementary schools. Click on this link to view the mini report. Look for up and coming ACH interviews with the participants of this much needed project!
Blog Post

Kahewai Summit

Daniel Goya ·
Aloha, We are having our 2nd Annual "Kahewai 0-5 Wellness and Resilience Summit on Thursday April This conference is for the 0-5 providers (Family Childcare, Family Child Interactive Learning, Home Visiting and Center-based care). Our theme this year is, "Hā" or "breath." The pandemic has been challenging for all of us, this virtual conference will focus on three types of breath: - "Catching our breath." We have been through the "COVID" sprints and we simply need to breath to restore...
Blog Post

Hawai'i's Integrated Infant and Early Childhood Behavioral Health Plan: a "101" or introductory look.

Daniel Goya ·
Hawaii's Integrated Infant and Early Childhood Behavioral Health Plan: A Comprehensive Approach to Early Childhood Well-being There are currently many initiatives in play on behalf of young children -- the work of Early Childhood Action Strategy, the Promising Minds Initiative, the Early Childhood State Plan spearheaded by the Executive Office on Early Learning, and numerous others. Through the cross-sector work Early Childhood Action Strategy, it became apparent there was a critical need...
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