Tagged With "contagion"
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Protecting yourself from Emotional Contagion
Aloha and Happy Friday! I was on a zoom call yesterday and reminded of the need to protect ourselves from the dangers of emotional contagion- how we can "catch one anotherʻs emotions. Intense negative emotions that are expressed more emphatically are more contagious." - Elaine Hatfield. To learn more about emotional contagion please click on this link from Psychology Today. I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a great, safe and connected weekend. Danny
Re: Protecting yourself from Emotional Contagion
I like having a term "emotional contagion" for what I've experienced recently. Fear during this SIP period does seem to be contagious. When I was in the grocery store, it was evident when people jump back when someone sneezed, when a mother grabbed her child and yelled at her because she touched something on the shelves, and the empty shelves from panic buying. Luckily we can counteract fear by noticing what hasn't changed in our lives and what we are thankful for.