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Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACES) Hawai‘i
He ‘a‘ali‘i kū makani mai au; ‘a‘ohe makani nāna e kūla‘i.
I am a wind-withstanding ‘a‘ali‘i; no wind can topple me over.

Tagged With "Emotional Development in Preschool"

Blog Post

"Drive thru Preschool" (General)

Daniel Goya ·
During this time of social distancing and the legitimate scare of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to develop a sense of "normalcy" for our little ones (keiki). We can do this by keeping them on a schedule, making sure that we are listening to their concerns and meet their unmet needs. Due to COVID-19 preschools in Hawai'i have shut its doors to instruction, however this preschool has continued to operate by meeting the needs of the homeless and at-risk homeless families they serve.
Blog Post

Protecting yourself from Emotional Contagion

Daniel Goya ·
Aloha and Happy Friday! I was on a zoom call yesterday and reminded of the need to protect ourselves from the dangers of emotional contagion- how we can "catch one anotherʻs emotions. Intense negative emotions that are expressed more emphatically are more contagious." - Elaine Hatfield. To learn more about emotional contagion please click on this link from Psychology Today. I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a great, safe and connected weekend. Danny

Re: Protecting yourself from Emotional Contagion

Stacey Kauka ·
Very informative, scary, but hopeful.

Re: Protecting yourself from Emotional Contagion

Justina Acevedo-Cross ·
I like having a term "emotional contagion" for what I've experienced recently. Fear during this SIP period does seem to be contagious. When I was in the grocery store, it was evident when people jump back when someone sneezed, when a mother grabbed her child and yelled at her because she touched something on the shelves, and the empty shelves from panic buying. Luckily we can counteract fear by noticing what hasn't changed in our lives and what we are thankful for.
Blog Post

Kia ora- Aloha and welcome ACES Connection New Zealand

Daniel Goya ·
Please welcome our newest community sub-group to ACES Connection. I am planning to reach out to them and develop a New Zealand/Hawai'i connection. The greeting message from the New Zealand ACES Community Manager: Kia ora, I was born and raised in NZ and I live in Papakura which is located in South Auckland. I am a mother of four beautiful children and grandmother of three granddaughters with more to come. I am Maori (indigenous people of NZ) and whakapapa to Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa Ngati...
Blog Post

HYSN presents: Trauma Informed Care Strategies for Approaching and Responding to Youth During COVID-19

Yvonne Yoro ·
HYSN presents: Trauma Informed Care Strategies for Approaching and Responding to Youth During COVID-19 Choose One - July 20, 22, 23 or 29 | 10 a.m. HST During the transition from home back to school/work, teachers, service providers and caregivers can develop a trauma-informed approach with youth. Various assumptions can be made on the individual experiences our youth have been having, but with an overall framework of creating an open, curious and safe environment, youth can be met with...
Blog Post

California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.

Laurie Udesky ·
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
Blog Post

Why the dean of early childhood experts wants to get beyond the brain []

By Ryan White, Center for Health Journalism, July 23, 2020 Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, a luminary in the field of early childhood, has spent years showing that events in the earliest years of life have profound implications for how budding brains develop, and in turn, shape a child’s later potential at school and work. Now, Shonkoff says it’s time to connect the brain to the rest of the body. “The message now is to say that there is a revolution going on in molecular biology and genomics and in...
Blog Post

Yale School of Medicine, "Parenting During COVID-19"

Daniel Goya ·
Aloha, This is a great article on parenting during COVID-19. It provides some great tips that can be found on many sites. However, I did want to focus in on one piece of advice- "Increase predictability in your child's environment by developing and maintaining reasonable routines." Two key principles in building wellness and resilience through trauma informed care are to develop "safety and connection" for the individual. There is more research that supports the 'Predicting Brain" model that...
Blog Post

Reconciling the Past May Be the Only Way to a Sustainable Future (

Social movements focusing on environmental and climate justice need to evolve to center histories of Indigenous injustices and the ongoing consequences for Indigenous peoples. Whereas mainstream discussions of environmental racism typically focus on contemporaneous acts of land use and resource exploitation, Indigenous environmental issues are deeply rooted in cyclical acts of displacement and alienation. This article provides a brief summary of this past and its linkages to communities of...

Kelsey Conant


Michelle Kwok


Dawn Stephens


Ahren Stern

Ahren Stern

Shelli Kim


Amanda Vierra


A. Corona


Kayla Ehia


Sadie Naki

Blog Post

Emerging from the pandemic- Raising awareness in our early learning environments

Daniel Goya ·
This is a great article to raise awareness both language and social emotional development for our early learners and their 'ohana. The mask mandate (I am an advocate for wearing a mask) could potential stunt the socio-emotional growth of a child. This is why it is so important for parents in the safety of the home, help their keiki with the learning and reading of social and emotional cues. Early childhood educators should consider providing resources to caregivers to help families with...
Blog Post

Mindfulness Minute Series (3 of 6) The preschool years- “Be one with Nature”

Daniel Goya ·
Kilo is the Native Hawaiian art of observation. Through Kilo , we become part of our environment by watching, observing, examining and even forecasting. Children learn best through play. During the developmental stage of a preschool keiki (child), it is important that a child has opportunities to interact with his/her environment. This is when a keiki is beginning the process of scaffolding information to make sense of the world and learn new things. Kilo can be natural for a keiki at this...
Blog Post

Calming apps for children . . . be sure they are age-appropriate

Daniel Goya ·
A study published in the JAMA Network on Pediatric research, dated December 12, 2022, found that mobile devices for calming children ages 0-5 decreased executive functioning and increased emotional reactivity (particularly with boys ages 3-5 and keiki with higher tempermental surgency). There are many apps and resources, many that are free that can teach and coach self-regulation, just be sure that they are age and developmentally appropriate. There are many calming activities that we can do...

Stacey Kauka

Blog Post

Emotionally Supporting Young Children During and After Natural Calamities: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers:

Daniel Goya ·
Natural calamities and crises, like the current wildfires on Maui and Hawaiʻi Island, can deeply affect our keiki's physical, social, and emotional well-being. During these trying times, it's essential for parents and caregivers to provide effective emotional support. This blog post is dedicated to helping our keiki navigate the challenges posed by such events. With their limited life experiences and heightened emotions, children require special care to help them feel safe, secure, and...

stress management plan.pdf

Daniel Goya ·
Blog Post

Call to Action & Toolkit: Urge Congress to Support Trauma-Informed Legislation

Laura Braden Quigley ·
It’s time to take action and make our voices heard to build healthy, resilient communities! The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) is organizing trauma-informed advocates, activists, and stakeholders to urge their U.S. Senators and Representatives to support two bipartisan, bicameral bills that would significantly help prevent, address, and mitigate the negative impacts of trauma through community-based/led initiatives.
Blog Post

Teaching and Supporting Emotional Regulation in Early Childhood Settings

Daniel Goya ·
An article written by Florence Byrd and medically reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD., supports that in the early years, your preschooler is a vibrant, emotional explorer discovering their personality. Emotional Development in Preschool points out that children ages three and four are deeply immersed in a world of rapidly changing emotions and burgeoning independence. They express joy and sadness intensely, often with laughter or tears. With limited impulse control, they act on their feelings,...
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