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Rolling back SNAP Benefits Rolls back Access to PCEs []


Laura Gallant, 3/16/2023,

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, there were emergency increases of concrete supports to children and families to provide food security. This increase in financial resources kept 4.2 million families above the poverty line* and helped families put food on their tables. These resources contributed to the nutritional well-being and reduced financial stress of children and families. With less financial stress in the home, more parents were able to afford basics needs and not wonder where their next meal was coming from.

March is National Nutrition Month, when we all learn more about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating habits. But for many families, making informed food choices has become significantly harder with roll backs to pandemic food security programs. SNAP will be ending its emergency allotments that began at the start of the pandemic. Families could see an upwards of $250 reduction a month. This will significantly impact families and their ability to comfortably buy food for their children and themselves, especially as prices rise, creating deep barriers for families to access PCEs and practice the Four Building Blocks of HOPE.

[Click here to read the full blog post.]

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