We are living and working in a time of change and disruption. Not only disruption of what we do and how we do it, but disruptions in relationships integral to our personal and professional lives. As a result of these circumstances, we may experience anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, grief, etc. Connecting with people who share similar experiences during this time can be critical for our physical and emotional health.
To help you navigate these changing times, the WSU Community Engagement Institute has added a list of resources to the Kansas Support Groups Website. This includes information on resources related to physical and mental health, self-care, safety, and more.
The website also houses an online database with information on various local, state and national support groups and resources. This database is available year-round and is searchable by county or topic.
Find resources related to COVID-19 and others at: http://supportgroupsinkansas.org/coronavirus or email supportgroups@wichita.edu for more information.
--From the WSU IMPact Center
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