Today is World Kindness Day. A global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. Goodness knows, it seems like we don't see or hear much kindness right now. Our world seems to be full of fear, anxiety, and doubt (also read as "survival" or "self-protection").
I've spent most of the last 6 months talking to partners across the state about ways to practice more compassion with ourselves and in our organizations and one thing that I hear pretty consistently is, "I don't have time for that."
But you do. We all do.
Kindness to ourselves can look like drinking an extra glass of water today, closing our eyes and taking three deep breaths, or laughing at something that is completely ridiculous.
Kindness toward others may be just saying "thank you" or paying someone a compliment. It can be listening without judgment or respecting each other's differences.
Most of these things take no time at all - but they do take courage. Courage to acknowledge when we might be being unkind (to ourselves or others) and courage to do something differently.
For more ideas on being kind, you can visit but I say let's take the time and have the courage to make every day #WorldKindnessDay. We will all be better for it.
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