Tagged With "GRC 2.0"
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ACEs Connection Network Overview
ACES CONNECTION NETWORK OVERVIEW ACEs = Adverse Childhood Experiences 2 SITES ACEsTooHigh.com A solutions-oriented news site for the general public that covers stories on ACEs, trauma, and resilience. ACEsConnection.com An action-based...
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ACEs Connection's Inclusion Tool makes sure nobody's left out
We developed ACEs Connection's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Tool — called the Inclusion Tool, for short — to ensure that ACEs initiatives across the world focus on being inclusive when forming a steering committee, recruiting leaders, providing education about ACEs science, recruiting members, or providing resources and services within their communities. The more inclusive your ACEs initiative is, the more diverse it will be, giving your initiative a real shot at achieving equity and...
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Case Statement on Trauma Informed Approaches
Attached is a Case Statement on Trauma Informed Approaches--it is a review of the Greater Harrisburg Area's and beyond's ACE scores, the outcomes of these ACEs and some ideas of how to resolve the negative consequences of this crisis of epidemic proportions. Please use it to advance the cause of moving from the bad news of ACEs towards the good news of becoming trauma informed and resilient. I would also welcome your comments, questions and recommendations! Thank you.
Blog Post
Case Statement on Trauma Informed Approaches
Attached is a Case Statement on Trauma Informed Approaches--it is a review of the Greater Harrisburg Area's and beyond's ACE scores, the outcomes of these ACEs and some ideas of how to resolve the negative consequences of this crisis of epidemic proportions. Please use it to advance the cause of moving from the bad news of ACEs towards the good news of becoming trauma informed and resilient. I would also welcome your comments, questions and recommendations! Thank you.
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Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health & Trauma Conference
Thomas Jefferson University's newly formed Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health has generated its first-ever newsletter . If you're interested in trauma-informed training and education , or if you simply want to stay abreast of the work of some great clinicians, researchers, advocates and aspiring professionals, please have a look. The Community and Trauma Counseling program currently has Art Therapy options and is launching two new specializations and certificates this summer: (1)...
Blog Post
Empowered through Understanding: Trauma, Triggers, and the Brain
One plump, juicy, dusty purple Concord grape. That’s all it took for a sudden, overwhelming mix of rage, loss, sadness, and panicky fear to flood over me, leaving me sitting in my kitchen, shaking, heart pounding, with tears streaming down my face. Then, blind-sided, I wondered, What the hell just happened? The short answer: That one tiny grape was a trauma trigger, though I’d had no idea before popping it into my mouth that it would be. It turns out that the smell (and taste) of that one...
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Ending Racism to Improve Children's Mental Health
https://lohf.org/ending-racism-to-improve-childrens-mental-health/ I joined 10 colleagues from Lancaster organizations last week to learn how to apply racial justice in our work. For me, this was helpful to explore how racism can discourage children and families’ mental health, and how racial justice can improve it. YWCA Lancaster and the Lancaster Theological Seminary hosted the racial justice training. The 3-day workshop was a follow-up to one I attended last summer. We asked ourselves...
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Mother's Day Addendum: What my Mom’s addiction taught me about shame, resilience, and grace
The outpouring of responses to my blog about my Mom’s addiction has made me realize how many families are in this same struggle. As I’ve told some of the people who contacted me to thank me for sharing it: it’s been a long road to this place and I’m still learning and faltering and crying and getting back up every day. But, if my sharing the struggle this vulnerably can help other families struggling with the pain of addiction, it’s worth it. So this post is dedicated to all of the families...
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PA State Resource Family Association - Training Trauma Informed Care
Jeff Merkert and Faye Hall are presenting a free conference on attachment, child development, and early trauma on June 29 in York. If you've never heard Jeff and Faye present or read their book Healing Traumatized Children, you may want to consider attending this event. They facilitate monthly parent support groups for children with early trauma/complicated attachment. A flyer is attached. Registration is here . https://www.psrfa.org/psrfa-training-york-pa/
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Resilience Film Showing and Discussion Carlisle Theater, PA March 18, 2020 5:30 pm
The Carlisle Resilience Collaborative is proud to invite you to attend a series of showings of the documentary, Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope . The documentary examines the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the birth of a new movement to treat and prevent toxic stress. Now understood to be one of the leading causes of everything from heart disease and cancer to substance abuse and depression, extremely stressful experiences in childhood can alter...
Blog Post
Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Organizing Your ACEs Initiative [Video]
The second session of the Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & IRL (In Real Life) was a success. Many members tuned in and were able to learn more about mission/vision statements, creating norms and strategic planning. I have embedded the video in this post. The third session, Launching Your ACEs Initiative , will take place March 15th. If you have any questions about the series, please contact Ingrid Cockhren , TN & Midwest Community Facilitator.
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Stress Relief During COVID-19: from Dr Nadine Burke Harris
Hi - here's a helpful document with some down-to-earth tips and Six Stress-Busting Strategies along with things to limit, things to embrace and a self-care plan template for adults, published by the California Surgeon General - Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. See attachment below.
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The Resilient Professional
Here's the second installment of our monthly series of "curated resources" for our Trauma Informed Lancaster County partners to help keep the momentum going in our individual, organizational and community-wide efforts toward becoming more trauma-informed. Resilience is “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of threat.” (American Psychological Association) But resilience is NOT about just “toughing it out” or “getting over...
Blog Post
TIC Take Five: Fingerholds Technique for managing overwhelming emotions and stress
Though we are still in the "early days" of what the experts predict will likely be a long period of profound changes to our everyday lives, I've already (prematurely? ridiculously optimistically?) been trying to imagine what it will be like when we are finally able to return to whatever may become our "new normal." When schools and colleges re-open, businesses that have managed to remain solvent through this crisis resume business, government agencies return to their core functions, human...
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TIC Take Five: Five Senses Grounding Technique
This pandemic has aroused a swirl of really difficult feelings for virtually everyone. We may be feeling afraid, angry, anxious, confused, depressed, helpless, overwhelmed, sad, terrified, vulnerable, or any of a host of other emotions. Simply acknowledging what we’re feeling, allowing ourselves to feel these things, without judgment, is an important part of self-care. As I told the students in an online class I taught a few evenings ago: Please know this: whatever you are feeling in the...
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TIC Take Five: Navigating through Grief: Supports for Ourselves and Others
In an article last week in Harvard Business Review, titled “That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief”, grief expert David Kessler names the multiple types of losses we’re experiencing in the midst of the current global COVID 19 pandemic: loss of normalcy, loss of a sense of safety, loss of work (for some), financial losses, loss of connection. As a result, many of us are going through stages of grief, individually and collectively. “There’s denial, which we say a lot of early on: This virus...
Blog Post
TIC Take Five: The Power of Positive Emotions
“One ship drives east and another drives west With the self-same winds that blow. ‘Tis the set of the sails And not the gales Which tells us the way to go. Like the winds of the sea are the winds of fate, As we voyage along through life, ‘Tis the set of a soul That decides its goal And not the calm or the strife.” ~ poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox, (1850 - 1919) “The Winds of Fate” Researcher, author and professor, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson , has studied the power of positive emotions * such as...
Blog Post
Trauma 101: New Aug/Sep training dates, and June seats still available
We wanted to let you know that new training dates for the Trauma 101 course have just been added for the months of August and September. Also there are still some seats available for sessions being offered in the last 2 weeks of June. We will continue to add new dates on a rolling basis throughout the year. This 4-hour training is offered free of charge to all attendees , thanks to support from the Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health Behavioral Health Community Impact Fund. Here's a link...
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Trauma-Informed Lancaster County Summit - Sep 26 & 27, 2019
You are invited! On Thursday, September 26 and Friday, September 27, Let’s Talk, Lancaster will be hosting a 2-day Trauma-Informed Lancaster County Summit with training provided by Lakeside Global Institute . This Summit is sponsored by the 2017 PA Hurricane Supplemental Emergency Response Grant (SERG) in collaboration with the Office the Attorney General and Lakeside Global Institute, Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, WellSpan Health and Lancaster Osteopathic Health Foundation. The...
Blog Post
Two studies shed light on state legislators’ views on ACEs science and trauma policy
New and returning lawmakers take the oath of office on day one of Washington state's 2017 legislative session. — Jeanie Lindsay/Northwest News Network As advocates prepare to see how ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) science, trauma, and resilience play out in the 2020 state legislative sessions — many beginning in January — they are undoubtedly asking: “What does a legislator want?" It may be a stretch to play on Freud’s question: “What does a women want?", but the query captures how...
Blog Post
Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Your Team
Here's the first in a planned monthly series of "curated resources" for our Trauma Informed Lancaster County partners to help keep the momentum going in our individual, organizational and community-wide efforts toward becoming more trauma-informed. Trauma-informed care has a two-pronged focus on: the safety and well-being of the people your organization serves (clients, consumers, program participants, patients, students, etc), AND the safety and well-being of your organization’s staff. With...
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How to become a Trauma-Informed Community - Lessons from Walla Walla-PART 2
Here's a second post from my visit to Walla Walla to learn all I could from them about how they've developed a trauma-informed community. ( ICYMI: here's my first post mapping out Walla Walla's step-by-step approach to building a trauma-informed community ) Integrating the knowledge about ACEs, brain science, and resilience into practice has been a cornerstone of Walla Walla's trauma-informed community initiative. At every monthly meeting of their Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) team,...
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Wolf Administration Releases ‘Trauma-Informed PA’ Plan with Recommendations and Steps for the Commonwealth and Providers to Become Trauma-Informed [PA Governor Tom Wolf Press Release]
July 27, 2020 As a companion to Governor Tom Wolf’s multi-agency effort and anti-stigma initiative, Reach Out PA: Your Mental Health Matters, the Office of Advocacy and Reform (OAR) is releasing the “Trauma-Informed PA” plan to guide the commonwealth and service providers statewide on what it means to be trauma-informed and healing-centered in PA. This plan is the result of four months of work from OAR and the Trauma-Informed PA Think Tank, formed in February. The think tank was made up of...
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Building Resilience for Helping Professionals
Every day you are making a difference for people in our community. You connect them to resources, provide food, companionship, housing, financial assistance, spiritual care and so much more. Most importantly, you recognize every person in our community as a valuable asset. The work can be equally rewarding and stressful. We've put together the fact sheet attached below with information on warning signs of burnout and compassion fatigue, as well as tips and resources for staying in balance,...
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Online, self-paced trauma training series now available
Though we've had to put our classroom-based trauma trainings on hold, we're delighted to announce a new online, self-paced trauma training series that is free and available to anyone in the community who interacts with individuals and families who may have experienced trauma, including law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, first responders, healthcare and behavioral health providers, human services professionals, educators, employers, government agencies, faith community...
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ACES and Resilience Overview Handout
Here's an overview of ACES, resilience and tips for what all of us can do that was created by the Trauma Informed Lancaster County workgroup.
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Contagious Self-Care Mini Podcast Series - 30 days of self-care
As we navigate through these uncertain times, self care has never been more important to our well-being. To that end, we've created a mini-podcast series titled "Contagious Self Care" consisting of short audio messages (mini-podcast style), each of which features a simple self-care practice. Each audio message is between 2 - 6 minutes long. To access the full series (30 days worth), click here: https://hearthis.at/melanie-snyder/set/contagious-self-care/ Peace. Be well. And remember to...
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Sign Onto Support CTIPP Recommendations to Biden-Harris Administration
From the good folks at CTIPP: We are inviting you to sign on in support of a set of executive actions that CTIPP is encouraging the Biden-Harris Administration to take to address trauma and build resilience throughout the country. If you would like to sign on to the attached support letter as an individual or organization, please respond directly to this email by Tuesday, December 8th, and include how you would like your name, organization, or both to appear. The goal of the sign-on letter...
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Validating Trauma training: Sep 7 & Sep 9
As part of our on-going Community Education series, we're offering this training in partnership with KCIT: Validating Trauma A Two-part virtual training via Zoom Part 1: Tue Sep 7, 1pm-2:30pm Part 2: Thu Sep 9, 1pm-2:30pm Register online at https://us02web.zoom.us/ meeting/register/tZEtde- grD0qG93yZ-QXd5HJBC_wDZDZjgp3 This training will empower you with the education and tools to validate and normalize another's experience by redirecting their question from “What wrong with me?” to “What...
Blog Post
FREE Virtual/Online Conference: Resiliently Grounded & Growing: April 20 & 26 via Zoom
Here are the follow-up materials from our FREE spring Resilience Conference: Resiliently Grounded & Growing: Practices to Cultivate Well-Being. This conference was held entirely virtually, via Zoom, on April 20 and April 26, 2022. It was completely free of charge, thanks to our generous sponsors & funders: The Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health Behavioral Health Community Impact Fund and the High Foundation. Click the link below to view the full event program and line-up of...
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Penn Medicine LGH free online trauma training
Our new free, completely online/virtual training course, titled "Understanding Trauma, Resilience and Trauma Informed Care", provides a foundational understanding of trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), resilience, vicarious trauma, self-care, and trauma-informed care for anyone in the community who interacts with individuals and families who may have experienced trauma, including law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, first responders, healthcare and behavioral health...