I am reaching out to you as someone who has registered for an Essentials for Childhood ACEs and Resilience Community of Practice gathering in the past three years. We would like your help so we can provide the best support and build resilience in local communities and set the future direction for the Community of Practice.
There are three ways you can provide input:
- Take and share the survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ACEsandResilienceCoP21
- Sign up now to join one of the 2 remaining focus groups, August 24 or 26: https://acescommunityofpracticefocusgroups.eventbrite.com
- If you are interested in doing an individual interview, we are also looking for a few more people to interview about local efforts, needs, and practices in your community. Please contact Delena Meyer at delena@deviantcompassion.com to schedule your interview before September 3rd.
Please share this request with any people in your community who would have good perspective on what we need to do to best support local community practitioners in all roles.
Thank you for your time and help in creating our roadmap!
I apologize if you receive duplicate copies of this request.
Marilyn Gisser, MHSA
Gender Pronouns: She/Her
Essentials for Childhood and Vroom Specialist
Prevention and Community Health
Washington State Department of Health
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