If only there were a program that could help struggling students earn their high school diploma, an educational recovery intervention that helps students graduate and progress to productive careers or advanced education.
Guess what? There is. It’s called Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG), and across a 40-year history, it's proven to be the country's most effective drop-out prevention program. JAG has served more than 1.2 million students and currently operates in 35 states, annually helping more than 70,000 students work toward graduation followed by meaningful work or postsecondary education.
The JAG model can be applied in middle-school, out-of-school, or alternative schools, but the most common format is with high-school students who’ve been identified by school officials to be facing substantial barriers to graduation, usually some combination of poverty, family instability, and personal trauma. Each program is run by a specialist, typically a full-time teacher at the school.
The national JAG class of 2017 had eye-popping results, including a:
- High school graduation rate of 95%.
- Full-time placement rate of 91% of graduates working at a job, serving in the military, pursuing post-secondary education or a combination of these activities at a full-time level.
To read more of Michael Nietzel's article, please click here.
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