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UCLA Study Reveals Educational and Social Challenges Affecting Black Youth in Los Angeles County[Los Angeles Sentinel]

By Alysha Conner, Contributing Writer, Los Angeles Sentinel
Published October 31, 2019
African-American students in Los Angeles County are currently facing a dual-threat of inadequate educational opportunities and support. It has been proven that social and environmental factors have also placed their educational and social development at significant risk. A recent study published by UCLA graduates exhibits Black students in LA County disproportionately attending schools that the state declared as “low-performing” or lack the critical resources needed to alleviate the many social and psychological needs of their students.

“The academic achievement of Black and low-income students in California has been a focus for many decades in schools. Yet our failure to recognize that schools alone cannot address poverty and unhealthy community conditions has made it more difficult for social policies to have a positive impact on the needs of our most vulnerable children,” Joseph Bishop, Director of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Center for the Transformation of Schools stated.
To read the article and download the full report click here

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