Note from Deb:
Please join Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood Summit as we launch our second phase with a new five-year round of CDC funding. The Summit will be an interactive day designed to get your input into strategies to reach our new goals to promote health equity, community social connection and family economic self-sufficiency. We will be seeking your feedback on a tool to promote municipal resources that have been proven to enhance family well being in communities, and a video that speaks to the power of community. And, we will begin a larger conversation about how to ground this work with a focus on racial equity.
As has become our tradition, we will be honoring four Essential Agents of Change. These organizations promote protective factors that prevent child maltreatment in their communities, even as they pursue missions that focus on other priorities.
We are thrilled to have Melissa T. Merrick, PhD, Senior Epidemiologist with the Surveillance Branch in the Division of Violence Prevention at CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, as our Keynote speaker.
Dr. Merrick will join us for a conversation about her new research, with the largest sample of ACEs data to date, which shows that certain populations experience higher levels of ACEs on average.
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