Tagged With "Community Connections"
Blog Post
Acres of Hope: A Horse Ranch for at Risk Youth
Acres of Hope is a youth ranch located just west of Salem, the Oregon State Capital. The picturesque setting looks like a horse ranch, but feels like a place of safety and belonging. Founders, Justin and Emmy Arana have created a sanctuary with the mission to share HOPE (Healing, Opportunity, Purpose, Education) with adolescents that are feeling HURT (Harmed, Unseen, Rejected, Traumatized). Together, staff will foster freedom for youth to create the connections they desire with nature, their...
Blog Post
Community Impact Report 2017 - 2019 TRACEs
Please see the attached community impact report written by TRACEs in Central Oregon! From the report: Our story is right there in the name. TRACEs. Yes, it’s an acronym: trauma, resilience and adverse childhood experiences. But the real story happens when these letters are put together to form a word that means shadows, echoes, and imprints—like the long-lasting effects of trauma. This movement is about teaching people to see the traces; to see the shadows that trauma such as generational...
Blog Post
How does a regional healthcare organization integrate trauma-informed care?
Slowly, but at warp speed. That’s what it feels like to take on educating 16,000 staff member in 21 hospitals that serve 29 counties, says Becky Haas, trauma informed administrator for Ballad Health. Turning around a culture, especially a health culture that’s more familiar with doing things the “traditional” way rather than embracing change, will take time and lots of repetition.
Blog Post
How Neglect of Community Undermines Everything We Value
This is an OP-ED by Dr. Mike Rowe, MD for the 2019 Oregon State Reform Conference Community is the source of all human value; there is no financial, physical or social capital without the human capital grown in communities. Yet since the 1980s we have systematically withdrawn direct support of human development within that most precious space. As a result, our ability to grow human capital as measured by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation fell from 6 th place in the world to 27...
Blog Post
Liberty House Protecting Children and Helping them to Thrive
Liberty House has played a powerful role in the community since 1999 as a child abuse assessment center and agent of change serving Marion and Polk counties. They provide high-quality assessment services to children who may have been hurt by sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect special assessment services in a safe, comfortable, child-friendly environment and child-focused, With compassion and expertise, medical providers conduct complete medical examinations for the children coming to...
Blog Post
Preventing ACEs - Press Release from Health Officials and 2019 CDC Report
Health Officials Seek to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences Press Release from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) ARLINGTON, VA (Nov. 6, 2019) —At least five of the top 10 leading causes of death are associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), according to a new report released yesterday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ACEs, such as abuse, neglect, and witnessing violence or substance misuse in the home, can lead to...
Blog Post
Trauma Informed Care Workshops
Linden Consulting will be conducting a number of trauma-informed care educational activities sponsored by the United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley to support the effort to become a trauma-informed community. Seats are limited. Go here to register
Blog Post
Trauma Informed Oregon Response to COVID-19 [Trauma Informed Oregon]
Editor's Note: This excellent letter was widely circulated today across Oregon to detail the response of Trauma Informed Oregon to COVID-19 and ask the grassroots to provide feedback on needs and experience during this challenging time. Dear colleagues, partners, and neighbors across Oregon, Trauma Informed Oregon (TIO) is OPEN —don’t worry, not physically open. We are absolutely following physical distancing to flatten the curve, to protect others, and to respect the great sacrifices that...
Re: Trauma Informed Care Workshops
It is so exciting that United Way chapters across the US are joining forces to address ACEs and trauma! I cannot wait to hear more! Karen
Blog Post
ACEs screening is about building relationships, says early adopter
Whether or not to screen for ACEs in primary care is an important debate—and I hear and respect the passion from both sides of the argument. I fall in the “pro-ACE assessments” camp, but with some important caveats. I think that assessments for ACEs are dramatically different from screening for autism or developmental delays. In my opinion, assessments for ACEs in primary care should be primarily about building relationships.
Blog Post
The Trauma Healing Project
This is late notice, but the folks on this webinar are amazing! https://healingattention.org/2020webathon_schedule The Trauma Healing Project: Vision and Work We envision a vibrant and connected community where anyone impacted by violence, abuse or other trauma receives the support and attention they need to fully recover and to reach their highest potential. We work with community members, professionals and organizations to raise awareness and to identify, develop, support and promote many...
Blog Post
Connecting Teachers and Families: Virtually Supporting Mental Health
Connecting Teachers and Families: Mental Health and Social and Emotional Supports in the Remote/Hybrid Classroom Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:15 pm ET / 11:15 am PT Register Here The COVID-19 pandemic has created countless challenges for our schools and communities. It is more important than ever for teachers to understand the needs of students and communicate effectively with families because of these challenges and the shift in many communities to remote and hybrid instructional settings.
Blog Post
Marion County Awarded PAXIS Social Emotional Learning Grant for Educators
Pacific Source CCO has awarded Marion County HHS Prevention Team, in coordination with Polk County, area school districts, and Willamette Education Service District (WESD), a Community Benefits Initiative (CBI) grant. These partners are coordinating to reach 400 educators and students through training and curriculum on the PAXIS Institute- Good behavior game (PAX GBG). PAX GBG creates changes in behavior, extends self-regulation, and improves social-emotional learning in students. Given the...
Blog Post
The Confess Project: Mental Heath in the Barbershop Movement
This is an interesting approach to expanding community capacity and empowering the layperson. I can't find a link to the reported study, but the concept is innovative and worth exploring. Below is the project overview: "Since its inception in May 2016, T he Confess Project has reached over 30,000 individuals nationally. We have been mentioned 100+ times including Local, National, and International Media and Publication Outlets. We are the Nation's First Black Mental Health Movement committed...
Blog Post
Community Wellness & Recovery Workshop Series
6 more weeks of winter for us in Oregon, according to Stumptown Fil. While the winter weather & COVID-19 restrictions continue, are you (or do you know anyone) looking for some safe, virtual workshops that increase community resiliency & strengthen our mental health & wellness? If so, check out these amazing free hour-long workshops offered as The Community Wellness & Recovery Workshop Series, a partnership of the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS) and...
Blog Post
Out of Darkness Overnight Walk to Raise Awareness for Suicide
Plenty of people have already joined in on this year’s Overnight Virtual Experience, a physically safe version of our flagship event, The Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk, which raises awareness and funds to help stop suicide, and to support those affected by it. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to register for The Overnight and get started. We all have mental health, and we’re encouraging everyone to take one simple action this month to support our theme of...
Blog Post
Community Wellness & Recovery Workshop Series
Check out this awesome offering of free, community centered workshops! The Community Wellness & Recovery Workshop Series is a partnership of the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS) and Chemeketa Community College. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services CAGML-248046-OMLS-20. All workshops are offered free of charge and will be delivered online via Zoom. Topics include: Cyber Safety for You and Your Family, Encontrar La...
Blog Post
QPR Class Saturday, 7/24
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper Training Class Join over 2 million people worldwide in becoming a QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper! These trainings will be held virtually through Zoom. This Saturday, July 24th, there is a QPR class being held from 10:00-11:30 a.m. This class is being offered through the Mid-Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition & Mid-Valley Community Connections. The class is free. By simply taking < two hours to learn what it means to be a suicide...
Blog Post
Chemeketa Continues Cultivating our Community
Remember those awesome, free online workshops offered through Zoom by the Mid-Valley's own Chemeketa Community College? Well they're..... *drumroll* back in August! The Community Wellness & Recovery Workshop Series, partnering again with Chemeketa Community College brings our community another robust offering of workshops focused on supporting community resilience during these trying times with COVID-19. Presented by Chemeketa faculty and staff, all workshops are an hour long and will be...
Blog Post
Joy Of Breathing: Free Online Class
Experience the joy of breathing with this free online breathwork class. Every Wednesday for thirty minutes, connect to the class virtually on Zoom! :) A brief description from the instructor, Sylvie: Transformational Breathwork Connect with your highest intentions and deepest desires, from vibrant health, energy, peace, joy, love, to whatever you want to manifest in your life. Learn to access deep meditative states of consciousness and influence your well-being from an expanded...
Blog Post
Southern Oregon Success wants all children, families to thrive by 2025
For Peter Buckley, program manager for the PACEs initiative, Southern Oregon Success (SORS), the “aha moment” around positive and adverse childhood experiences was more of an “aha month.”
Blog Post
Afro Flow Yoga
Happy Black History Month! :) This month I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Leslie and Jeff Jones, creators of Afro Flow Yoga! They use dance and music to help people heal, from racial trauma and more! They also work closely with Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score. Their mission is as follows: Experience live music, meditation, yoga and dance of the African Diaspora. Connect with our Earth, Sky, and Heart in an inclusive and diverse circle of non-judgement. I...
Blog Post
The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration
PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.
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Keizer's June City Council Meeting
Salem Keizer's June City Council meeting featured an incredible presentation on ways to create suicide prevention in our communities from Dr. Satya Chandragiri. There are so many resources to help prevent suicide and create thriving communities; one of my key takeaways from this is that in order to accomplish this, we must all work together! Increasing education by providing mental health first aid (like Question, Persuade, & Refer classes) training to people in our communities is an...
Re: Keizer's June City Council Meeting
Thank you, Michael, for bringing this to my attention!
Blog Post
Fall Mental Health Hacks
Find ways to stay active, despite the rainy days. Local gyms often have sign up deals this time of year, and some insurances will pay for part of (or all) of your gym fee. Going on a hike with friends is a great way to get active and enjoy some of our amazing nature here in Oregon. Take the time to embrace the slow down. As the seasons change, reassess what is important to you. If something is stressing you out, this is a wonderful season to take stock of what your priorities are. By doing...