What are the elements that help to create stronger communities? Elaine Miller-Karas will discuss how the natural leaders, the trusted wise members of communities, can help in cultivating meaningful, compassionate dialogue to help to create systems that are more equitable, just, and inclusive. She will describe the importance of bringing additional skills to communities that are accessible, affordable, portable, and adaptable. Rather than one definition of “resilience,” she will share the kaleidoscope of elements for what it means in her view to be a resilient community. Resilient individuals and communities are infused with an overarching stance of compassion and empathy. There is an acknowledgment of human suffering, recent and historical, and a belief in cultivating well-being by remembering assets and strengths, including culture and traditions. Resilient communities believe in hope and optimism and can be adaptable and flexible when faced with challenges and divergent views. She will illuminate the idea that strong communities cultivate a spirit of humility, listening to the views of others, and creating compassionate, empathic dialogues with an intention to try to understand the views of others.
Although this workshop is being offered on behalf of More Resilient Minnesota, all are welcome to join!
This event is on June 22nd at Noon, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meetin...FpjR5gdCfYnsfeegOcBH
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