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World-wide COVID experiences survey

From: Zgierska, Aleksandra <>
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 9:55 AM
Cc: Lennon, Robert <>
Subject: World-wide COVID experiences survey

Dear Friends and Colleagues

We at Penn State have launched a world-wide survey, now translated into 20 languages to study the effective (vs ineffective) ways of communicating the the COVID pandemic related messages. This survey has been already completed by over 10,000 people around the globe since we launched it few days ago. Our humble goal is to reach 1 million responders by the end of April / early May...

I hope you can consider both filling out this survey ( and share the information about it with as many people as possible through your own social networks. 

I'm attaching a document which has prescripted different types of social media posts and links to the promotional videos in numerous languages; both the translations and the videos were primarily completed by our Penn State medical students who volunteered their time. Here is just one example of the script for facebook and the video in English:


Sadly, we all know someone – a person, business or organization – that has been impacted by #COVID. Help researchers better understand how the public interprets information about COVID. Take a moment to complete this easy and anonymous survey:

Through knowledge, information sharing and collaboration, we can make a difference.

#PennState #KnowledgeisPower #HelpFightCovid @penn_state @PennStHershey@PSUresearch


Thank you for considering it, and let me and Rob Lennon (PI on this project) if you have any questions.


Aleksandra Zgierska, MD, PhD, DFASAM

Professor, Vice-Chair of Research

Penn State College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine


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Social Media for COVID Messaging

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