Tagged With "Community book study"
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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Community Physicians: What We've Learned [thepermanentejournal.org]
By Brian R. Stork, Nicholas John Akselberg, Yongmei Qin, and David C. Miller, The Permanente Journal, January 24, 2020 ABSTRACT Introduction : The prevalence of childhood trauma, as measured by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study questionnaire, has been studied in a wide variety of community settings. However, little is known about physicians’ familiarity with and use of the ACE questionnaire or the prevalence of childhood trauma in the physician community. Objective: To survey a...
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Book Review by Eve Rittenberg, MD (Trauma-informed Healthcare Approaches)
What is trauma-informed care? Often using spe- cific examples juxtaposed with cogent summarizes of the research literature, Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches effectively communicates the broad prin- ciples and necessary components of the TIC approach at both an individual and systems level. I find Leigh Kimberg’s 4 Cs (Calm, Contain, Care and Cope) particular useful as a mnemonic for how how to apply trauma-informed principles to clinical care.
Blog Post
Powerful reason to teach all students about ACEs
I'm sure many of you have heard about Dr. Recinos' amazing book, I did not realize that learning about ACEs (curriculum!) promoted her healing: https://www.acesconnection.com/blog/how-i-healed-from-my-own-childhood-trauma
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RCT of simulation-based communication training improves patient-centeredness & health risk communication
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0738399110000340 This article is one of the few (only) RCTs looking at simulation-based communication training relevant to ACEs, which included a 2-year follow-up of observed skills in medical visits.
Blog Post
Trauma-informed Healthcare Approaches: A Guide for Primary Care
Our recently published book, Trauma-informed Healthcare Approaches was written to share basic principles of trauma-informed care and ACEs science with general medical practitioners and administrators. As the recent #METOO movement has demonstrated, interpersonal trauma is widespread. A growing literature has demonstrated the impact of traumatic experiences on mental, physical health and wellbeing. Trauma survivors commonly access healthcare but their histories and needs are commonly...
Re: Trauma-informed primary care for residents
Hello TIHCER Members, Please let us know when you publish an article, book chapter, etc, record a presentation, have an experience and reflections to share with us, or you want to pose a question to the community for input and feedback. This is our trauma-informed care learning community and we want to hear from you! Let us know about your successes so that we can celebrate and learn from you!
Re: TIHCER June Zoom 2020
Thank you Dr. Felitti for your kind words and helpful attachments. Your paper is so important, especially in light of the military families I work with. Your words are inspiring and transformative: "We realized that asking , initially via an inert mechanism with later followup in the exam room, coupled with listening and implicitly accepting the person who had just shared his or her dark secrets, is a powerful form of doing ."
Blog Post
Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches: A Guide for Primary Care
On sale through 9/30/2020.
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Healthcare providers learn skills to prevent burnout, build resilience
It’s an enormous understatement to say that healthcare workers today are suffering. Every day, you hear interviews with nurses, physicians, social workers, and others in healthcare saying they’re pushed to the breaking point and beyond. But, by using skills taught in the Community Resiliency Mode l (CRM), even people under severe stress can weather the onslaught, do their work, and get along with colleagues. CRM is an evidence-based training program that’s being used by millions of people in...
Blog Post
Register now for "Building the Movement with Coalitions", presented by the Campaign for Trauma-informed Policy and Practice, PACEs Connection, and the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives
Please register now at this link to reserve your spot. You’re invited to participate in Building the Movement with Coalitions, the first of eight remarkable workshops featured in the series, “ Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience ”. The first half-day workshop will occur virtually on January 7th from 1-5pm ET/10am-2pm PT. It focuses on the history and future of the movement and building community-owned, trauma-informed, prevention-focused, and healing-centered...
Blog Post
Register now! Dr. Bruce Perry to discuss historical trauma and help launch new "Connecting Communities One Book at a Time" book study with his best-seller, "What Happened to You?"
Please join us on June 28 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET for a virtual conversation with best-selling author Bruce Perry. Ingrid Cockhren , CEO of PACEs Connection; Mathew Portell , PACEs Connections’ director of communities, and Perry, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist, will engage in a conversation concerning historical trauma and Perry’s best-selling book " What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing, " which he co-authored with Oprah Winfrey. Please share this blog...
Blog Post
Building Individual and Community Well-Being: The Community Resiliency Model
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents, Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW, and Dr. Lindy Grabbe, who will share their experiences in cultivating well-being in individuals and communities using the Community Resiliency Model (CRM). They will share the basic tenets of the Community Resiliency Model, which is based on cutting-edge neuroscience and teaches six wellness skills to restore the mind, body, and spirit to well-being during or after a stressful...
Blog Post
The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration
PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.
Re: The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration
Please check your settings- am I being spammed? I have received four copies of this email. Tasneem Tasneem Ismailji MD, MPH Co-founder and Board Member Lead, ACEs Health Champions Network Past President and Board Chair Academy on Violence and Abuse Mobile: (650) 283-9257 (Pacific Time) > On May 3, 2023, at 11:59 AM, PACEsConnection < communitymanager@acesconnection.com > wrote: >
Re: The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration
Hello Tasneem - thank you for letting us know. You belong to four different communities and are receiving the article from each community. I am asking our network manager to email you with instructions on how to prevent this from happening again. Thank you for letting us know! Carey
Blog Post
The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Summer Curriculum is Now Open for Registration
PACEs Connection is excited to roll out our summer 2023 *CRC* curriculum dates. Members who complete the CRC will qualify for a fall 2023 fellowship program.
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“Going Way Upstream” - Panelists at Resilient Pender County Conference report on current trauma prevention and healing efforts; look to future
Amy Read of Coastal Horizons introduces the panel following a viewing of "Resilience: The Biology of Stress, The Science of Hope", at the Pender Resiliency Task Force Mini Conference Thursday, June 8 ,at Heide Trask High School in Rocky Point. A "dream team" of subject-matter expert panelists (L-R) were Ryan Estes of Coastal Horizons, Ben David, district attorney for Pender and New Hanover counties, Judge J. H. Corpening, district court judge for New Hanover and Pender counties, Taylor...
Blog Post
Resilience: An Essential Ingredient in Building Health and Well-being
The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents: L aurie Leitch, Ph.D. has been a practicing psychotherapist, clinical trainer, consultant, social entrepreneur, and researcher for over 25 years. She is Director of Threshold GlobalWorks ( www.thresholdglobalworks.com ), dedicated to cultivating and amplifying resilience in individuals and within communities, organizations, and systems. Committed to promoting workplaces and communities in which principled...
Blog Post
Review of “First 60 Days” booklet: Leveraging author’s work and movement could spark revolution to prevent and heal trauma, one precious baby, child, and caregiver at a time.
(This is a review of what I believe is an important new resource for the PACEs [for positive and adverse childhood experiences] science movement. Opinions expressed are my own, and are shared as a parent, advocate, author, and longtime student of trauma, healing, and prevention. Thoughts are also shared through my lens as someone who believes, deeply, in the incredible importance of and value in building healthier, more compassionate communities to support and nurture pregnant and new...
Blog Post
Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health Are NOT Synonyms
Successful health equity strategies must be inclusive, and focus on all marginalized and minoritized persons and their communities. Any lesser view will continue to yield a faulty health equity equation.
Re: Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health Are NOT Synonyms
Well, said! I hope this post and your concerns gain a wide audience among PACES membership. The basic problem is access to needed and beneficial medical and mental health services for all Americans - that would be an equitable health system. SDOH (social determinants of health), CDOH (commercial) and PDOH (political - even within the analysis by Dawes from the Satcher Institute) are all convenient euphemisms allowing everyone to politely, clinically, and academically avoid dealing with the...
Blog Post
Building Resilience is a Team Effort that Starts Early
“YES!” was the response of Gaile Osborne, executive director of Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina (FFANC), when asked for input on a new program to help foster and kinship care families learn how to support the brain development of young children. “I love these Brain Insights materials. How soon can we start?” said Osborne upon receiving the "The First 60 Days ” booklet on myths about newborns and their caregivers and the eight “ Neuro-Nurturing ” ringed books. The materials delivered...
Blog Post
As He Concludes His Second Tenure, 21st U.S. Surgeon General Issues Parting Prescription for America
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Urges Americans to Recenter Their Lives Around Relationships, Service, and Purpose Washington, D.C. – Today, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released his Parting Prescription for America - PDF , weaving together reflections on his personal and professional experiences having spent six of the last ten years as our nation’s Surgeon General. Throughout his service, the Surgeon General has sought to understand the root causes of pain and unhappiness...