Tagged With "Cissy White"
Blog Post
APA Trauma Competencies - is this the latest?
Hi - a colleague just shared this - Priscilla may have access to a more recent version? Best, Megan
Blog Post
Center for Healthcare Strategies: Great Practice-based Resource
I am increasingly finding myself sharing pdfs, infographics from this wonderful organization's site, I am sure most of you have seen it but just in case: https://www.traumainformedcare.chcs.org/screening-for-adverse-childhood-experiences-and-trauma/
Blog Post
SW Core Curriculum - borrow elements?
We found this helpful in designing learning expeiences in GME - it's PBL & evaluated, forgive if this is duplicate information. Aspects that could translate well to UME include: 'Five primary aims of the Core Concepts portion of the CCCT include: (a) enhance practitioners’ empathic understanding of the nature of traumatic experiences (b) facilitate the development of clinical reasoning and clinical judgment in practitioners who work (or plan to work) with [trauma-exposed pts] ...(e)...
Blog Post
The State of the Science on Trauma Inquiry
Beautifully written and well done colleagues! Lewis-O'Connor A, Warren A, Lee JV, Levy-Carrick N, Grossman S, Chadwick M, Stoklosa H, Rittenberg E. Womens Health (Lond) . 2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31456510
Blog Post
Trauma Informed Care: Understanding and Responding to the Effects of Adverse Experiences Throughout the Lifespan (Webinar)
Please join the Project Co-Directors (TICHER Members) for an overview of 42 innovative and original (free to the pubic) virtual cases. These cases highlight a patient centered approach to the care of patients who have survived traumatic life experiences. Experiences that include, for example, sexual assault, interpersonal and community violence, military sexual trauma, and child abuse. The virtual cases comprise a comprehensive online training curriculum created for physicians and other...
Blog Post
UPDATED CALL-IN DETAILS: Trauma Informed Care: Understanding and Responding to the Effects of Adverse Experiences Throughout the Lifespan (Webinar)
Please join the Project Co-Directors (TICHER Members) for an overview of 42 innovative and original (free to the pubic) virtual cases. These cases highlight a patient centered approach to the care of patients who have survived traumatic life experiences. Experiences that include, for example, sexual assault, interpersonal and community violence, military sexual trauma, and child abuse. The virtual cases comprise a comprehensive online training curriculum created for physicians and other...
Re: TIHCER June Zoom 2020
This is a very interesting presentation, and I look forward to reading Dr. Strait's article in The Permanente Journal. The subject has great relevance for the military because there is highly suggestive evidence that ACE Scores and their generally not-understood sequelae may be more common in a volunteer military that in a draft military. Attached as Item 3 is an article describing how routine ACE screening was carried out on a very large scale in one Kaiser Department, and its effects and...
Well done Drew and Mike. There is almost a total lack of attention to the pathophysiological impact of child hood trauma on adult physical as well as mental disease. The medical establishment has a tremendous inertia as you learned...from the clinic to the medical group to the professional society to medical schools and graduate training to clinical research there is a near ubiquitous resistance to considering the impact of childhood abuse and neglect on adults. A large CDC study showed that...
Blog Post
Emergency departments look inward to deepen practices that support traumatized patients
An interdisciplinary team of clinicians from Brigham and Women’s Hospital had a bold idea in 2017. They would completely change the way things worked in their hospital’s emergency department so that the care provided to their patients was infused with a trauma-informed approach. That means recognizing how widespread trauma is and using a myriad of techniques to mitigate its harmful effects among patients, providers and staff. The realization of just how widespread trauma is came to light in...
Blog Post
ACEs Aware Seeking Applicants to Support Clinical Work [acesaware.org]
ACEs Aware Seeking Applicants to Support Clinical Work Apply by September 15, 2020 ACEs Aware , led by the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) and the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), is hiring for three new positions to further the mission of supporting Medi-Cal providers across California with training, clinical protocols, and payment for screening children and adults for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Aurrera Health Group is the project management...
Blog Post
[The Grand Finale] All new Talks on Trauma featuring 33+ amazing experts, celebrities & healers [wisdomoftrauma.com]
We are just a few days away from broadcasting our all-new 7-day event October 4‒10 , which includes the Talks on Trauma Series Part 2 , a showing of the Wisdom of Trauma Movie, daily meditations, integration sessions, and artistic performances. Dr. Gabor Maté will be in conversation with 33+ trauma experts, physicians, authors, visionaries and artists. The talks will be exploring how trauma relates to parenting, chronic pain, the medical paradigm, the climate crisis, politics, spirituality,...
Blog Post
Highly-honored school nurse and nurse educator Robin Cogan calls PACEs Connection her ‘north star’; urges each member’s support!
Note: PACEs Connection is in dire financial straits. We are asking for support, from you, our 57,505 members, to help cover the loss of foundation funding that was promised and did not come through. Pay and hours have been cut for our staff—most of us will be laid off for the month of December. Another grant will pick up in January. Since sounding the alarm this summer, we’ve raised about $24,000 . To get a sense of who your fellow members are, who is donating and why, please enjoy and share...
Blog Post
PACEs Research Corner — May 2023, Part 2
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — abuseresearch.info — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Makris G, Eleftheriades A, Pervanidou P. Early Life Stress, Hormones, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Horm Res...
Blog Post
Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health Are NOT Synonyms
Successful health equity strategies must be inclusive, and focus on all marginalized and minoritized persons and their communities. Any lesser view will continue to yield a faulty health equity equation.