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Called to Care 2021 Post-Summit Evaluation

We are asking attendees of the Called to Care 2021 New Orleans Virtual Summit to take a moment to fill out this brief survey. Please help us reflect and improve future events by sharing your feedback. We appreciate your time!

How satisfied were you with the overall Summit?

Did we accomplish the following objective for Pt. I:Imagining What’s Possible? Identify examples of community-driven approaches to care.

Did we accomplish the following objective for Pt. I: Imagining What’s Possible? Begin to discuss what it takes to shift mental models from personal and organization/community contributions.

Did we accomplish the following objective for Pt II: Emerging Practices in New Orleans? Introduce emerging healing-centered practices in New Orleans that offer expanded ways to consider the delivery of care to self and others.

Did we accomplish the following objective for Pt. III: Identifying & Monitoring Compassion Fatigue? Increase awareness of the prevailing traumatic context within which compassion fatigue for New Orleans educators is happening.

Did we accomplish the following objective for Pt. III: Identifying & Monitoring Compassion Fatigue? Increase awareness on how to cultivate well-being within ourselves in order to continue to extend care to others.

How did you feel about the inclusion of the Music Moment?

How did you feel about the inclusion of the Mindfulness Moment?

Did you feel you had an opportunity and place to ask questions, share comments, and participate?

How did you hear about this event?

Did you attend our first Called to Care Summit, 2019 Summit on Compassion & Resilience held at Xavier University?

What was your favorite experience, moment, or session of the event and why?

What aspect of the event did you find most valuable?

What recommendations do you have for how we might improve for next year?

What topics or activities would you want to see more of at future events?

Please share any additional comments, thoughts, suggestions for future events. If you'd like us to follow up with you about anything you shared in the survey, please enter your contact information here.

Posted by Jesse Hartley (CYPB Team) ·
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