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North Coast PACEs Connection (CA)

Colusa County FREE training: CSEC 102 engagement skills training


Nola Brantley Speaks has partnered with the California Department of Social Services to offer a 2-day Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) 102 engagement skills training. If you are working directly with youth, it will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to better engage youth at-risk of becoming involved in CSEC, and help you learn strategies for helping CSEC survivors see themselves as more than a survivor. If you are not working directly with youth, this training will help you identify the qualities to look for in agencies as you make referrals for youth.

The 2-day training is presented by survivors of commercial sexual exploitation who are national experts on the topic. You will hear real life examples of challenges and triumphs in working with the CSEC population.

CSEC 102* will focus on:

  • Engagement skills
  • Overview of trauma
  • Overview of the Stages of Change model
  • AWOLing and peer recruitment

Join your colleagues in learning how to better engage commercially sexually exploited youth in an inspiring 2- day training

To register, click here:

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*CSEC 101 is recommended If you have not taken CSEC 101 you can go online to the CalSWEC website to take this training online at: Free Online Class on Identifying Commercially Sexually Exploited Children and Youth (CSEC) Is Hosted by CalSWEC  click on blue text to open web page. 

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