Tagged With "Film and Discussion on January"
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FREE full-day perinatal substance use conference with Dr. Ira Chasnoff in Napa on September 11.
The Queen of the Valley and the Perinatal Substance Abuse Committee bring you the special opportunity to participate in a full-day conference with Dr. Ira J. Chasnoff. Join in a full-day conference about how substance use during pregnancy can affect both the mother and child. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Upon completing this program, the participants will be able to: Count participation for CEUs or CMEs, if applicable Discuss the epidemiology of substance use in pregnancy Describe the psychosocial...
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Hanna Boys Center to host renowned UCSF physician, who believes childhood traumas can lead to disease [PressDemocrat.com]
A nationally renowned Bay Area physician, known for his impassioned belief that childhood poverty leads to disease, is bringing that message to the Hanna Boys Center in Sonoma next month as part of an ongoing networking series. Bertram Lubin, associate dean of Children’s Health at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland, will speak from 7:30-9 a.m. June 8 alongside Barbie Robinson, Sonoma County’s director of health services and Dayna Long, another physician from UCSF Benioff Children’s...
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Healthy Mendocino Updates
Hello, I wanted to reach out to inform you of things happening at Healthy Mendocino. We have been busy having meetings to discuss our vision for Healthy Mendocino and how we may want to restructur e the way we work in the community and with the A ction Teams. We are looking into a Collective Impact model with one main priority area at the center of our focus. We would bring in the idea of equity and “ Health in all Policies ” as we work with the Action Teams in all regions of the county.
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Helping Young Children Recover after the Northern California Wild Fires
Helping Young Children Recover after the Northern California Wild Fires In the aftermath of the wild fires in Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Solano countie s that started on Sunday, October 8, 2017, many children and their parents may be experiencing varying levels of distress related to events associated with the fires. The way in which this time of acute stress is handled can be very predictive of the long-term impact of the fires on each of us, especially children. The most important thing...
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Join Feb. 18th webinar on addressing ACEs in public policy
Please join this ACEs Connection co-sponsored webinar "Making Meaningful Change: Addressing ACEs through Public Policy" on Feb. 18 (11:30 am-1:00 pm ET) presented by the Health Federation of Philadelphia and MARC (Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities). In this webinar, three nationally recognized experts will discuss policy and advocacy strategies on a local, state, and national level using evidence from studies they have conducted with legislators and the general public. Speakers...
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McGuire to hold Eureka town hall on childhood poverty [Times-Standard.com]
North Coast state Sen. Mike McGuire and First 5 Humboldt County, the Humboldt County Children and Families Commission, are set to host a Eureka town hall meeting Thursday to discuss childhood poverty and adverse experiences. “It’s going to take all of us working together to solve this crisis happening in our community,” McGuire (D-Healdsburg) said in a statement this week. “This is an important first step and we’re honored to work together in the weeks and months to come for the well-being...
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NEW Essentials for Childhood Kidsdata.org ACEs Topic
On behalf of California Essentials for Childhood, I am very excited to announce the release of a new Child Adversity and Resilience data topic on Kidsdata.org! This has been a collaborative effort between the CA Essentials for Childhood Initiative's Shared Data and Outcomes Work Group and the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. I represent ACEs Connection Network on Essentials and am the co-chair of the Shared Data & Outcomes Work Group so I couldn't be more thrilled about...
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NJ medical school program requires all first-year students to learn about ACEs science
In 2015, Dr. Beth Pletcher, a pediatrician and associate professor specializing in genetics, was at the annual conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington D.C. when she heard two speakers that forever changed her work with medical students. Dr. Beth Pletcher “I went to two talks on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that were so mind-boggling to me that I decided on my drive back to New Jersey that I had to do something about it,”says Pletcher, director of the Division...
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OCAP needs you! Apply now to become a member of their 2019 Citizen Review Panels
Make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children in California. Use your voice to change the child welfare system in California! Convened by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP), they are seeking citizen (YOUR) input at their quarterly meetings. Now is your chance to make recommendations to the State! Apply now t o become a member of the California Child-welfare Citizen Review Panels (CRPs). Meetings are held 4 times a year. Participation can be by phone, computer, or in-person.
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Resilience: Film and Discussion on January 31, 2019
Thursday, January 31st, 6:30-8:30pm at The El Dorado County Office of Education, Building B, Room 2, Placerville Join us to watch Resilience, the documentary film that explains the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the new movement to treat and prevent Toxic Stress. After the film we will discuss and share ways to build resiliency in ourselves and the children in our lives. This event is brought to you by Foster and Kinship Care Education of The El Dorado Center at Folsom...
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Strategies 2.0 Learning Community Event December 7th!
Click here to sign up : Northern CA Learning Strategies December 7th Event SAVE THE DATE Thursday, December 7, 2017 12:30pm - 5:00pm Northern Learning Community Convening COLLABORATING TO PROMOTE COMMUNITY RESILIENCE This is an opportunity to learn about and discuss the extensive work being done to promote community resilience in Shasta County. Presenter: Shasta County Family Strengthening Collaborative Wendy Dickens, E.D. First 5 Shasta Susan Wilson, E.D. Youth Violence Prevention Council...
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Trauma Screenings Advisory Group (AB 340) Hosts First Meeting
On Friday, April 20, 2018, the AB 340 Workgroup, otherwise known as the Trauma Screenings Advisory Group, met for the first time to discuss the legislative charge to update, amend, or develop, if appropriate, tools and protocols for screening children for trauma as defined, within the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit in Medi-Cal. Both Children Now and Center for Youth Wellness were appointed members of the Trauma Screenings Advisory Workgroup, and we...
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Tue Dec 5th: Shasta County is educating the public on mental health
Health and Human Services of Shasta County is holding a forum to discuss how addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences can improve Shasta County’s health. Posted: Dec. 4, 2017 10:07 AM Updated: Dec. 4, 2017 10:07 AM Posted By: Heidi Rene Health and Human Services of Shasta County is holding a forum to discuss how addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences can improve Shasta County’s health. The forum will be Tuesday December 5th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Redding First United Methodist Church,...
Blog Post
Update on Bumper Crop of State ACEs bills in 2017—46 bills in 20 states
The latest update of state legislation considered by state legislatures in 2017 reveals the growing interest by state policymakers across the country in addressing trauma across sectors. The attached “At-A-Glance” table shows 46 bills in twenty states reference Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) or trauma-informed policy and practice. Take a look at the attached “At-A-Glance” table and leave a comment if your state considered ACEs/trauma legislation that is not included here. A handful of...
Blog Post
YBRS survey and report from Monroe County, New York
Elizabeth Meeker, an ACEs Connection member from Monroe County, New York shared that her county schools added ACEs questions to their Youth Behavioral Risk Survey (YBRS) in 2015, which is administered to students in schools. They were kind enough to share the instrument as well as a summary report of findings (both attached here). Elizabeth has indicated that she is available to answer questions that you all may have about the implementation of the survey. Thank you Elizabeth, for sharing!
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2017 Kids Count Data Book [aecf.org]
Wednesday June 14th the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2017 Kids Count Data Book - State Trends in Child Well-Being. This comprehensive report is " a premier source of data on children and families." You can download the report from this post, as well as on the Kids Count website , where you can also access an interactive data map in their Data Center . This is an invaluable amount of data available to the public, relevant to anyone working with children and families - with the...
Blog Post
ACEs Connection “Map the Movement” now includes an up-to-date section on laws and resolutions
Photo credit: Texasarchitects.org An updated map of laws and resolutions addressing ACEs science and trauma-informed policies is now available in the “Laws and Resolutions” section of Map the Movement (you can also find "Map the Movement" on the navigation bar on the ACEs Connection home page). The earliest law on the map was passed in the state of Washington in 2011, creating an ACEs science public-private partnership. The data base of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is...
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ACEs Webinar: Jim Sporleder on Trauma-informed Schools
To join this webinar, register here . Trauma-informed schools: a conversation with Jim Sporleder, former principal of Lincoln High School, featured in the documentary Paper Tigers Date: Monday, November 19, 2018 Time: 3:00-4:00 pm PDT /6:00-7:00 pm EDT Jim will answer some prepared questions followed by an open question and answer period with participants. Topics that Jim will discuss include: How do you increase staff and community buy in for a trauma-informed school? How do you determine...
Re: Resilience: Film and Discussion on January 31, 2019
HI Juline- Thanks for shared. I also shared this on the El Dorado and Sacramento pages on ACEs Connection as well. I hope someone shares updates from the event!
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Lunchtime webinar series presented by Healthy Mendocino
What have we learned from COVID-19? How do we use the lessons to define the community we want? In this webinar series, we’ll explore who we can be in times of crisis and who we want to become. Each webinar will be focused on a different topic with a panel of experts addressing challenges and solutions in their sectors . This is an opportunity for members of the community to share their innovative ideas with some of our local leaders. Part 1: Social Services & Vulnerable Populations...
Blog Post
Introducing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions
Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions The following weekend watch parties and follow-up discussions are co-hosted by ACEs Connection, The Relentless School Nurse , and The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) . We appreciated the filmmakers for making these films free to watch for our members and for the public programming of PBS. The films we’ll feature are as follows: Portraits of Professional Caregivers Whole People Part 1...
Blog Post
Introducing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions
Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions The following weekend watch parties and follow-up discussions are co-hosted by ACEs Connection, The Relentless School Nurse , and The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) . We appreciated the filmmakers for making these films free to watch for our members and for the public programming of PBS. The films we’ll feature are as follows: Portraits of Professional Caregivers Whole People Part 1...
Blog Post
'A Better Normal:' Can universal ACEs screening be equitable? -- Concerns and solutions
Can universal ACEs screening be equitable? A conversation about concerns and solutions. When: Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2-3:30 pm PDT/5-6:30 pm EDT This webinar explores what it takes to ensure that equity is built into the process of screening and providing support for families who have experienced trauma and want help. REGISTER HERE Background At the beginning of this year, California, through the ACEs Aware initiative began rolling out universal screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs),...
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"A Better Normal" Community Discussion: Suicide Awareness and Community Cafes
Join us on Friday November 6, 2020 from noon to 1:00 PST as we come together and join Satya Chandragiri MD, Bonnie O’Hern RN, Denise PNP, & Michael Polacek RN for a discussion around the tender issue of suicide. Together we will discuss ways people and providers can support each other and encourage communities to take action to support one another around suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and the layers of culture and structural barriers to care. A special emphasis will be on...
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The Hidden Biases of Good People: Implicit Bias Awareness Training
The Dibble Institute is pleased to present an introductory webinar by Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks Sr. of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity , which will provide foundational information on implicit bias. It will focus at the individual level and discuss how implicit bias affects everyone. Strategies to reduce or manage implicit bias will be discussed. Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice...
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Check Out New July Dates Added to the 2023 CRC Summer Curriculum and the Official Launch of the Dedicated CRC Community Page
July is a time to celebrate all summer has to offer by building bridges and innovating with community to get to the heart of trauma-informed awareness and resilience building. This month, we’ve added new July dates to the summer 2023 *CRC* curriculum—but that’s only half of the good news. Last year, the CRC began as a pilot program. Now that it's evolved, what better time to bring accelerator participants together in a PACEs Connection CRC community than the summer? We are proud to announce...
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CRC Accelerator Hiatus Announcement: Limited Time Left to Complete the CRC Accelerator Program, Certificate of Participation Toolkit & The Road Ahead
March marks the final month of the granting period for the CRC Accelerator. Here are the next steps for certification or a certificate of participation.