The day after education officials heard from Klamath residents, Smith River School parents, including those from the Hispanic community, offered their own set of ideas for Del Norte Unified School District's Local Control Accountability Plan.
Hosted by the district, True North Organizing Network and Building Healthy Communities, parents at Smith River's LCAP [Local Control Accountability Plan] meeting Thursday called for tutoring for all students, bilingual textbooks, more full-time counselors and bilingual instruction.
Manuel Saavedra, who helped translate what was said at the meeting from English to Spanish, said many local families wanted access to more bilingual resources as well as more classes that represent and uplift their culture.
"We were talking about how in other counties there's a Chicano studies class or courses," Saavedra said. "Having something similar to that would be nice."
The district will incorporate these ideas as well as input from meetings held in Klamath and Crescent City into its final Local Control Accountability Plan for 2019-2023. This plan also includes input from district committees representing parents, English language learners and foster students as well as teachers, administrators and classified staff.
To read the full article written by Jessica Cejnar, click HERE
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