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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesMichigan ACEs Action (MI)

Michigan ACEs Action (MI)

Healthy and resilient kids, families, and communities are the foundation for a flourishing, vibrant region. We are dedicated to creating a trauma-informed Michigan and working together across sectors to share our efforts in building resilience and reducing toxic stress for Michigan children and families.

Creating and Advocating for Trauma-Sensitive Schools



Creating and Advocating for Trauma-Sensitive Schools

Volume 2 of Helping Traumatized Children Learn: Creating and Advocating for Trauma-Sensitive Schools, safe, supportive learning environments that benefit all children offers a Guide to a process for creating trauma-sensitive schools and a policy agenda to provide the support schools need to achieve this goal. Grounded in theory and practice in schools and with families, the Guide is intended to be a living document that will grow and change as more schools become trauma sensitive and add their ideas. The policy agenda calls for changes in laws, policies, and funding streams to support schools in this work. Together, the online learning community and the book are designed to complement each other, helping to build a growing and increasingly visible trauma-sensitive learning community.




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Volume 1: A Report and Policy Agenda

Published in 2005, TLPI’s landmark report summarizes the research from psychology and neurobiology that documents the impact trauma from exposure to violence can have on children’s learning, behavior and relationships in school. The report also introduces the Flexible Framework, a tool organized according to six core operational functions of schools that can help any school create a trauma sensitive learning environment for all children.


These items can be found at the following link:


I am putting the PDF's here as our trauma-informed schools will be using these and the PDF's can be downloaded and read on iPad's or other devices. 


Thanks Tina


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  • Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 10.39.28 AM
Files (2)
PDF for Volume 2: Helping Traumatized Children Learn.
Volume 1:Helping Traumatized Children Learn

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