Tagged With "NorthernMI Regional Resilience Coalition"
I wanted to put this here so that the NE Michigan Group could have some Ideas of how to move forward beyond the school system but that might be able to be tied in through Alcona too? We could try to collaborate with the CAC (Grand Rapids) ---- and Alcona maybe Jacki Fitzgerald ---- and then maybe Western Michigan (NCTSN K-Zoo sight) --- to move the trauma informed care collaboration into NE Michigan. So here is the newsletter from the Child and Family Services in TC. Behavioral Health Team...
Re: Dr Greg Proulx
I have attached the Power Point Presentation from the Michigan Association Infant Mental Health Tribute to Dr. Proulx for all his work with infants and Alpena in our region for many years. Here is a link to the main Blog Post to Greg also. https://www.pacesconnection.com/...ss-dr-greg-proux-too
Blog Post
Agenda for Thursday's Trauma-Informed Meeting
AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE NE MICHIGAN TRAUMA INFORMED COMMUNITY: 6.25.15 4 pm Call to order and introductions 4:10 Updates and organizational matters. ACES Connection Group Report from educational Team Report from community outreach...
Blog Post
"I miss Dr. Greg Proulx, too"
I met Dr. Greg Proulx in September 2014. I was getting ready to go to a meeting on ACEs in Washington, DC and was trying very hard to spread the word about ACEs across the region. That week before WE met, I spoke to about 100 people...
Blog Post
It's April Again, Camping Season in Northern Michigan Begins
Growing up in Iowa, once a summer my dad would pack a tent, sleeping bags, and load up our camper which sat securely on the bed of my dad's pick- up truck. My mom would pack hot dogs to roast, and of course s'mores. We would then head off to a local campground on the shores of Saylorville Lake for an overnight adventure. We laughed as we burned marshmallows, and sometimes my mom even brought her guitar to play for us. This is all, thankfully, I knew of camping until I became an adult living...
Blog Post
‘Mindful People’ Feel Less Pain; MRI Imaging Pinpoints Supporting Brain Activity (scienceblog.com)
Ever wonder why some people seem to feel less pain than others? A study conducted at Wake Forest School of Medicine may have found one of the answers – mindfulness. “Mindfulness is related to being aware of the present moment without too much emotional reaction or judgment,” said the study’s lead author, Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy at the medical school, part of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. “We now know that some people are more mindful than...
Blog Post
New Community!!! Ardmore OK Behavioral Health Collaborative
I'm excited to announce the newest ACEs Connection geographic community for my region, the Midwest & TN: Ardmore OK Behavioral Health Collaborative . This community is a partnership of local organizations taking a trauma-informed stance on behavioral health in Carter County, OK. Their goal is to build a healthy, connected and resilient community. The community manager is Ashley Godwin . Ashley Godwin joined Ardmore Behavioral Health Collaborative in March 2017 as the Director where she...
Blog Post
NE Michigan Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey The most Common Form of Adversity: Emotional Abuse
A few months ago our Northeast Michigan Trauma-Informed Community Action Group sent out the ACE questions through a survey monkey link to our regional community through a free local advertiser. We didn't receive many responses until the...
Blog Post
Paper Tigers a Documentary Film by James Redford
How do we transform a school? How do we transform kids that otherwise look lost? We are working on getting this documentary film screened in our region as part of our Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative. Just one caring adult in the life of...
Blog Post
Resilience Coffee Notes May 2016
May 2016 Resilience Coffee Notes Present Mike and Sharon Herron, Carrie Douglas, David Lloyd, Paula Smith, Amelia Siders, Emily Quinn, Lance Morgan, Sharon VanDrie, Carey Curran, Deb Frisbie, Sarah Hubbell, Erika Solomonson Conversation about a support group for parents who are parenting a child with ACES (adoptive, foster care or otherwise)- Amelia Siders of the Child Advocacy Center and Paula Smith of Child and Family services offered to work on a series. Amelia mentioned that Child...
Blog Post
Submit a Presentation Proposal for the Midwest ACE Summit!
The Midwest ACE Summit will take place in Minnesota on November 10th and 11th. We hope that you will join us for this opportunity to connect and learn with others across the state and region! We are currently inviting presentation proposals from folks across the Midwest who would like to facilitate workshop (breakout) sessions. The deadline for submissions is August 1st . For more information, please see the attached RFP form. Please share this form across your networks! For more information...
Blog Post
Teen parent program needs new home
By MICHELLE MERLIN mmerlin@record-eagle.com TRAVERSE CITY — A program that helps teen mothers in the Grand Traverse region might be delivered to a new home. The Doula Teen Parent Program has been administered by the Women’s Resource Center since 2006. But organizers hope someone else will take over the program, which serves more than 70 young pregnant women and parents in the region. Women’s Resource Center for the Grand Traverse Area Executive Director Juliette Schultz...
Blog Post
Tips for Getting Around on ACEs Connection
For all of you members who are new on ACEs in Michigan, if you are interested in posting the work you are doing or a video you can. It can be tricky at first but becomes very simple quickly. If you want more information you can: 1. Send me a private...
Blog Post
Welcome Members of Northern Michigan ACEs Action
Hello everyone, we have our Northern Michigan ACEs Action group set up and so I am inviting everyone to join. Here we can share our ideas, get more information about ACEs, trauma, toxic stress and resilience, share our meeting...
Ask the Community
What Michigan Counties Would be Interested in tackling a Public Health Epidemic?
Which counties would be interested in putting the ACE survey on their Health Department Websites as was done recently in a West Virginia county mentioned in today's Daily Digest? The Alpena/Presque Isle Child Abuse and Neglect...
Calendar Event
NE Michigan Trauma-Informed Community Action Meeting
Blog Post
California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
Dana Panknin
Stacey Parent
Blog Post
Supporting Mental Well-Being through Child Care Settings - 9/30, 1:30-3:00 ET
A webinar offered by the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) Thursday, September 30, 1:30 - 3:00 pm EDT Register today . Addressing the mental health needs of child care providers and children in care is vital in the face of the pandemic, a population-level traumatic event. CTIPP is offering a "plug and play" framework to ease the process of developing a continuum of training, reflective coaching, and consultation to build the capacity for supporting relational health...
Blog Post
Can Detroit Return its Brownfields to the Indigenous Sacred Sites They Once Were? (yesmagazine.org)
Ask a current Detroiter what stands at the junction of the Detroit and Rouge Rivers in the Delray neighborhood, and they may tell you about Zug Island: blast furnaces, mounds of coal, and gated-off trestle bridges guarded by signs warning “No Trespassing” and “Cameras Prohibited.” There is no sign at the site, however, of what Delray residents in the 19th century would have seen on the opposite riverbank: the Great Mound of the River Rouge, an enormous mound where generation after generation...