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Tagged With "Care Workshop"

Calendar Event

Building a Trauma-Informed Environment Workshop

Calendar Event

Healing Fest ~ FasterEFT Tapping Workshop

Calendar Event

Origins Training Facebook Live

Calendar Event

Paper Tigers Film Screening

Calendar Event

Resilience Documentary Screening and Workshop

Calendar Event

RESPITE Conference

Calendar Event

Tapping Healing Fest

Calendar Event

Tapping Workshop/Demonstration

Blog Post

Echo Conference Feature: Neuroscience & The Havening Techniques

Louise Godbold ·
At the Echo conference in Los Angeles on March 18 & 19, 2019 we will be showcasing many new and traditional ways to use the body to reverse the impact of trauma. One of these ways is Havening. During her workshop, Dr. Kate Truitt will explain how stressful events impact brain functioning and how the Havening Techniques harness the power of neuroplasticity to create sustainable healing. Her workshop will cover: Fundamentals of the Havening Techniques Key areas for fast and effective...
Blog Post

Policymaker Education Day Registration STILL OPEN!

Gail Yen ·
Registration is still OPEN for another week to the second annual Policymaker Education Day hosted by the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) in Sacramento on May 22nd! Don't miss this opportunity to be able to share your thoughts and expertise with your Assemblymember or Senator on how to address childhood adversity in your communities. Guest speakers include Assemblymember Dr. Arambula of Fresno County, Ted Lempert of Children Now and Sarah Pauter of Phenomenal...
Blog Post

RESPITE Conference - Registration is OPEN!

Renae Dupuis ·
RESPITE Conference: Building a Trauma-Informed Community Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Granada Heights Friends Church – La Mirada 11818 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638 About the Conference: Learn more about the impacts of trauma through an informative and interactive day of training with education , resources , and tools that will equip you and your environment to serve the most vulnerable among us. The day will include main sessions, tailored breakouts, and...
Blog Post

San Juan Capistrano Christian PTSD Drug Rehab Trauma Informed Care Launched []

By willian brown, Newswire, February 6, 2020 San Juan Capistrano Christian PTSD drug rehab center PTSD & Trauma Drug Rehab launched trauma informed care services and a special First Responder Drug Rehab Program in Orange County. These services are delivered by licensed counselors and therapists as residential or outpatient treatments. San Juan Capistrano Christian PTSD drug rehab center Christian Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers (CDAT) dba PTSD & Trauma Drug Rehab has launched...
Blog Post

Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences Website / First 5 CA Care, Cope Connect Resource

Alicia Doktor ·
Thanks to Alejandra Labrado from First 5 Sacramento for providing the links to these resources! Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences: When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and...
Blog Post

So you know about ACEs...Turn your AHA! into Action!

Andi Fetzner ·
Spring is the time for rebirth and new beginnings! As we look around, we can observe nature around us awakening after a long winter sleep. A true sign of resilience. At Origins , we have been lucky enough to create a space for growth and learning for both groups and individuals who work towards creating environments of healing and resilience over the winter months. After completing the first round of The Resilience Champion Certificate of 2018, we have 23 graduates putting their action plans...
Blog Post

Strengthening Community Trust Sypmposium - Family & Youth Support Partner Initiative

The Diversity Development Center invites you to attend the first in a series of Strengthening Community Trust Symposiums to take place at Marina Village Conference Center Building A, 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109 on July 18th and 19th, 2018. FAMILY & YOUTH SUPPORT PARTNER MODEL A Family and Youth Support Partner is an individual, with lived experiences in the respective system(s), who is trained and hired to help other families as a paraprofessional. We believe trust is the...
Blog Post

Strengthening Community Trust Sypmposium - Family & Youth Support Partner Initiative

The Diversity Development Center invites you to attend the first in a series of Strengthening Community Trust Symposiums to take place at Marina Village Conference Center Building A, 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109 on July 18th and 19th, 2018. FAMILY & YOUTH SUPPORT PARTNER MODEL A Family and Youth Support Partner is an individual, with lived experiences in the respective system(s), who is trained and hired to help other families as a paraprofessional. We believe trust is the...
Ask the Community

Seeking trauma-informed medical care

Chris Simon ·
On the chance that someone here can offer a referral or advice, I'm looking for a trauma-informed medical doctor who can be my wife's Primary Care Physician. She is 39 years old and has gone without medical care for over 27 years as a result of her childhood trauma which involved severe neglect and long-term social isolation. I need to find a physician who is willing to communicate with me before her first appointment so I can fully explain her condition and what kind of approach will best...
Blog Post

Movement-Making in Buncombe County (NC): Opportunity-Based Narrative and Creation Spaces

Lisa Eby ·
Mobilizing action can be intimidating. Creating a movement even more so. John Hagel provides the following definition of a movement: “an organized effort mobilizing a large number of independent participants in a grassroots effort to pursue a broad agenda for change.” He indicates that there are two key ingredients in movement making: 1) compelling narratives and 2) fostering creation spaces. In Buncombe County, we are experimenting with both of these notions. Opportunity-based Narrative A...

Re: Seeking trauma-informed medical care

Hi Chris, Please know our Orange County ACEs Task Force will support you also and dialog during our Tuesday meeting of any contacts/resources our team members may be connected with for your family. Wonderful that you reached out to other groups on our network for a broader reach with our members. We look forward to supporting further... In gratitude, Dana

Re: Seeking trauma-informed medical care

Chris Simon ·
OK. Thanks!

Re: Seeking trauma-informed medical care

Chris Simon ·
Hi, Dana. Did anything come from this meeting?

Re: Seeking trauma-informed medical care

Hi Chris, Please know I wanted to check in and hear your discernment on resources being shared with you on behalf of your wife from your posts on ACEs Connection groups. Please know one of my colleagues in the dentistry industry shared they're unaware of any trauma informed dentists locally. Please know there is an Ask the Community on trauma informed dentistry which may shed light on possible Dentists for your wife. Please visit:

Re: Resilience Documentary Screening and Workshop

Mary Giuliani ·
I am SO EXCITED to see this film screening of Resilience here in Orange County in May. I will definitely be there. I want to encourage all members in Orange and surrounding counties to support this much needed film by showing up. I would LOVE to meet you in person in Mission Viego on May 23rd. See you on May 23rd for this exciting film and workshop! Mary : )
Calendar Event

Cultural Differences in Crisis Intervention

Blog Post

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: What You Need to Know and How You Can Help

Lorry Leigh Belhumeur ·
Toxic stress can have lifelong impacts. Here’s what you need to know about adverse childhood experiences and how you can help to mitigate the effects.
Blog Post

RESPITE | Building a Trauma-Informed Community Conference - 2021

Renae Dupuis ·
We invite you to join us for our Annual RESPITE | Building a Trauma-Informed Community Conference Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (PST) ONLINE Via Zoom About the Conference: Learn more about the impacts of trauma through an informative and interactive day of training with education , resources , and tools that will equip you and your environment to serve the most vulnerable among us. The day will include main sessions, tailored breakouts, and community connections that will...
Calendar Event

Play Therapy and ACEs Training

Calendar Event

Resilience Film Screening and Training⁠

Blog Post

Every Day is About Mental Health Awareness at WYS

Lorry Leigh Belhumeur ·
Although mental health and wellness is our primary focus EVERY DAY at Western Youth Services (WYS). May is Mental Health Awareness month
Blog Post

Upcoming Peer-to-Peer and Network of Care Events

Lorry Leigh Belhumeur ·
Western Youth Services is hosting various Peer-to-Peer and Network of Care Events for May and June 2021.
Calendar Event

"Ending Violence Against Children" Workshop

Blog Post

Combining ACEs and PEARLS Assessments to Provide Healing Solutions

Lorry Leigh Belhumeur ·
The ACE Study provides insight into the traumatic experiences that occurred in childhood. PEARLS was developed to learn more about related life experiences
Blog Post

Free to COOPs and your members: RYSE Center Presents: Radical Inquiry session on supporting BIPOC Youth Liberation!

Mathew Portell ·
COST: $150 - General Registration F REE - Cooperative of Communities Network Members using code P CCOOP22 Register here and use code PCCOOP22 J oin the RYSE Center and PACEs Connection on July 12. 2022 from 10 am-1 pm PT / 12 pm-3 pm CT / 1 pm-4 pm ET to examine how conventional social science research often produces and replicates unjust and harmful narratives about Black, Indigenous, Youth of Color (BIPOC) capacities, priorities, dreams, and needs. At the same time, research upholds and...
Ask the Community

What are some good ways to get the word out of a local CE opportunity to mental health professionals?

Sydney Scanlon ·
Hi all, I work for a LA nonprofit called Center for Council. We have been conducting councils and training groups with schools, 31 CA prisons, and the LAPD. We have recently been granted the option to provide CE's to participants of Council Training Level One (CT1). CT1 offers a thorough introduction to the pedagogy and practice of council and offers 15 CE credits for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs through CAMFT. Council Practice has been shown to: Enhance Skillful Communication Support...
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