Tagged With "Convening of Leaders on November"
Blog Post
Caring for Mental Health in Communities of Color During COVID-19 (www.rwjf.org)
Lack of access to testing, fear of being profiled while wearing face masks, and other issues are increasing toxic stress and straining mental health in communities of color. Learn what one leader is doing about it. One of the most troubling aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic is how it is exacerbating long-standing and deeply rooted inequities in communities of color. Health disparities stemming from structural racism have contributed to COVID-19’s devastating toll on blacks and Latinos in...
Blog Post
Standing on the shoulders of giants: Trauma-Informed Pennsylvania builds on a foundation of early leadership and many community initiatives
Governor Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania When Governor Tom Wolf’s office announced the release of “Trauma-Informed PA: A Plan to Make Pennsylvania a Trauma-Informed, Healing-Centered State” on July 27, it was a significant milestone in the state becoming trauma-informed but only one of many over the long and storied history of addressing childhood adversity in the state. In 2005, Dr. Sandra Bloom and her Philadelphia colleagues began their pioneering work on the Sanctuary model (see Sanctuary...
Blog Post
Forum on Pennsylvania's Children
As members of the PA Trauma-Informed Network, thought leaders in trauma work, we cordially invite you to attend Voce’s inaugural Forum on Pennsylvania’s Children (FPaC): A Convening of Leaders on November 10, 2022, from 9am-4:30pm, at the newly remolded Wyndham Resort in Lancaster, PA. The purpose of this event is to bring together leaders across the state of Pennsylvania who are passionate about working collaboratively to heal trauma across all service domains that interface with children...