I had the good fortune of meeting a Temple University Social Work student at a recent event. Her name is Lydia Lynes and she is looking to briefly interview professionals in the field. Below is her description of what she needs. If you have a few minutes, please consider contacting Lydia and setting up an interview. It could be a great opportunity for her, and a great opportunity for you to educate a future professional about trauma-informed practice. Lydia's email address is tue63030@temple.edu
My name is Lydia Lynes and I am a undergraduate student at Temple University studying social work. The reason you are receiving this email is thanks to my friend, Tim Clement from the Scattergood Foundation. He has been generous enough to forward my message in hope of seeking professionals who work in the field of social work. As a part of my studies at Temple University, I am required to interview professionals in a variety of fields about their work. As you may be aware, social work is a very diverse field and can encompass a wide variety of different careers. Because of this, I am seeking to interview a couple of social workers in different types of practices. I am looking for professionals who hold at least one degree in social work or a license in the practice (BSW, MSW, DSW, LSW, LCSW, etc). I would be honored to share a few moments of your time sometime in the upcoming weeks to discuss your work in the field. Please let me know if you would be interested!!
Thank you very much,
Lydia Lynes
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