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Philadelphia ACE Task Force ACEs Messaging Group Meeting

The ACEs Messaging Group, a subgroup of the Community Education Workgroup, met on August 9th to further discuss their project to develop messages about ACEs and resilience. They reviewed the work from their previous meeting, during which they broke into small groups based on target audience focus and developed Message Boxes, an activity developed by Spitfire Strategies. The youth message group discussed the need to validate the adaptive behaviors that youth present when they have experienced ACEs and to empower them by asking them to re-adapt. The parents of young children group expressed the need to tap into every parent’s desire to keep their kids safe and healthy while challenging views of what that may mean. The older adults group discussed the value of legacy and how to tap into that in their message.

 The group then developed a timeline for completing focus groups with each of the target audiences. These focus groups will be used to test messages and work with target audiences to create some new messages. By the end of the project, the group will have a set of core messages, have tested them with six to nine focus groups, and have developed materials for message dissemination.

 Each small group will meet before the September meeting to continue their work on message generation.

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Hi, could you please let me know when the next focus group meeting is.  I would like to attend. I am a licensed clinician currently working in a methadone maintenance program.  I am trained as a Trauma/TREM specialist and currently providing both individual and group therapy services to individuals with trauma histories and used drugs/alcohol to cope with the emotional consequences of the trauma.  I am interested in meeting other professionals in the field to find out what they are doing to help their clients. thanks, Dana Davis, LCSW CAADC

On Tuesday, August 23, 2016 8:46 AM, ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Post By Caitlin O'Brien: Philadelphia ACE Task Force ACEs Messaging Group M...== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, dana l davis: We're sending you this notification because you are following the blog and/or author below. New Blog Post
| Title: Philadelphia ACE Task Force ACEs Messaging Group Meeting By: Caitlin O'Brien Collection(s): Community Education Workgroup Group: Philadelphia ACEs Connection | |

The ACEs Messaging Group, a subgroup of the Community Education Workgroup, met on August 9th to further discuss their project to develop messages about ACEs and resilience. They reviewed the work from their previous meeting, during which they broke into small groups based on target audience focus and developed Message Boxes, an activity developed by Spitfire Strategies. The youth message group discussed the need to validate the adaptive behaviors that youth present when they have experienced ACEs and to empower them by asking them to re-adapt. The parents of young children group expressed the need to tap into every parent’s desire to keep their kids safe and healthy while challenging views of what that may mean. The older adults group discussed the value of legacy and how to tap into that in their message. The group then developed a timeline for completing focus groups with each of the target audiences. These focus groups will be used to test messages and work with target audiences to create some new messages. By the end of the project, the group will have a set of core messages, have tested them with six to nine focus groups, and have developed materials for message dissemination. Each small group will meet before the September meeting to continue their work on message generation.   View This Blog Post ACEsConnection To adjust your email notifications for this site, please update your notification settings. To suspend ALL email notifications from this site, click here. Powered By
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