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Managing Anger in Positive Ways

Health Federation of Philadelphia

Instructor: Laura Hinds MSW, LCSW
4/9/16 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Act 48 & PQAS credits available - Course Fee - $14

Historically, outbursts of anger, frustration, and rage have been considered threatening and problematic in classroom environments. This makes rational sense, but where, then do little ones put these feelings? This workshop will discuss the ways we can foster healthy expressions of frustration, anger, and rage in our students, with positive outcomes for them and their learning environments.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify what’s happening for children when they feel frustrated or angry.
  • Discuss the link between common behaviors and their connection to the emergence of moral development
  • Discuss and practice at least five classroom activities and support strategies that can help young children sense, manage, control, and prevent their angry outbursts

Training provided by the Health Federation of Philadelphia's Multiplying Connections Initiative through a grant from Philadelphia Health Management Corporation's  (PHMC) Southeast Regional Key (SERK) Program

Registration is open to all, and is done online through the You will need to create a login through PaKeys to register.

Questions? Call or Email Monica Sullivan 215-977-8990

For the full 2015-2016 Health Federation Keystone Stars course catalog click here - Early Childhood Education Course Catalog


1211 Chestnut Street, 8th Floor, Philadelphia

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