Tagged With "Sanctuary Institute"
Ask the Community
What does a "trauma-informed" Philadelphia look like?
The Philadelphia ACEs community, as well as other communities nation-wide, has been striving to make Philadelphia one of the first "trauma-informed cities". But what does this mean? Sanctuary-trained City officials? Trauma-informed policy?...
Calendar Event
Save the Date: Trauma Theory '101'
Blog Post
ACE Task Force member, Michael O'Bryan, featured on Pop City
Sanctuary is a place of refuge or safety. In urban neighborhoods all throughout America, sanctuary is a luxury almost beyond attainment. But Michael O'Bryan is working to bring that sense of sanctuary to the North Philadelphia community of Strawberry Mansion. The Sanctuary Model originated in Philadelphia in the early 1980s. It promotes safety and recovery from adversity through the active creation of a trauma-informed community. Crucial to this program is the understanding that trauma is a...
Blog Post
Be part of a breathtaking tipping point !
. Education Equity for trauma-impacted children: from failing funding to fair funding. Be part of the solution! Background A heartfelt tip of the hat to the Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) of...
Calendar Event
Toward a Trauma-Informed CityProject Launch
Re: What does a "trauma-informed" Philadelphia look like?
Wow, Shoshana! The very thought of what you propose is thrilling! So do we start top-down or bottom-up? I have mixed feelings and experiences: In my old career of Performance Development and Training I know that top-down is typically ideal to gain traction and pull-through of any new initiative BUT it is fraught with political/bureaucratic snags...in my work with teaching meditation to kids and to Student Assistance Counselors (SACs) I can say that they are where the proverbial "rubber meets...