Tagged With "Task Force"
Blog Post
Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities: A Highlight of 2015
Members of the ACEs Connection online community are well aware that experiencing significant adversity during childhood can lead to a myriad of negative health, mental health, social, and behavioral outcomes throughout the life course. The growing body of research around adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can, at times, leave us feeling overwhelmed. As advocates for child health and wellbeing, we may ask ourselves, “how can we treat individuals who have multiple ACEs?”,...
Blog Post
On the Path to Health Equity: When Foundations and Corporations Support Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks
Ann Marie Healy used to travel around Pennsylvania talking to community members about “smart” land use planning. Through her work with 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania, a non-profit devoted to revitalizing cities and towns, “we would meet with people to share what we had learned about how to approach planning in a more strategic manner.” In one small town, residents questioned the relevance of the pitch. “Isn’t what we’ve learned locally just as important as what experts have found works...
Blog Post
Academic Pediatrics publishes case study on Philadelphia ACE Task Force
On Tuesday, September 5th, 2017, Academic Pediatrics released a special issue highlighting a comprehensive research and policy agenda for addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and promoting well-being. The issue features an article, Developing a Community-Wide Initiative to Address Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress: A Case Study of The Philadelphia ACE Task Force." Authored by the Task Force's three co-chairs, Lee Pachter (lead), Sandra Bloom, and Joel Fein, along with staff...
Blog Post
Philadelphia ACE Task Force 2019 Highlights
It has been a busy and productive year for the Philadelphia ACE Task Force culminating in a big win for our Policy work group. Last week, on December 10, 2019, the Philadelphia City Council approved Resolution No. 19098900 , "Calling upon the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to recognize Secondary Traumatic Stress as a workplace hazard, recommend steps to address mental health injury as a psychological hazard in the workplace as they do with physical injury, and create a...
Blog Post
Philadelphia ACE Task Force Full Body Meeting
The Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF) met on Tuesday, February 16th. The group began with brief introductions and members expressed excitement for the meeting. The PATF staff and leadership then provided updates about recent accomplishments including new funding from the First Hospital Foundation to develop and disseminate messages about ACEs, trauma, and resilience; the success of the premiere Philadelphia ACE Film Festival, which featured the premiere of Paper Tigers and a screening of...
Blog Post
Philadelphia ACE Task Force Practical Interventions Work Group Meeting
The Practical Interventions Work Group met on Thursday, February 25th, 2016 at the Center for the Urban Child at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. Following the December meeting in which the decision was made to organize a Philadelphia treatment resource guide by individual ACEs, Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF) staff attempted to develop tools to collect referral data from PATF members. The group reviewed the referral materials including the excel document that had been created to...
Blog Post
Philadelphia ACE Task Force Workforce Development Work Group Meeting
The Workforce Development Work Group met on Wednesday, March 16 th , 2016 at the United Way Building in Philadelphia. The group began with a reflection about the last full Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF) meeting and were excited about future opportunities for impactful work throughout the city and region. Following this discussion, the group discussed some current projects of the Work Group, including the development of focus groups with teachers in the School District of Philadelphia and...
Blog Post
Philadelphia ACE Task Force Workforce Development Work Group Meeting
The Workforce Development Workgroup of the Philadelphia ACE Task Force met on Wednesday, May 18 th at the United Way. There were several members in the room who were either new or who have not been able to attend meeting recently so the group caught up on current work. The group began with an update from the subcommittee that is working to develop focus groups with teachers and administrators in from the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) to better understand how they are using...
Blog Post
Putting the Power of Self-Knowledge to Work [New York Times]
David Bornstein, journalist and author on positive social change, describes the work of the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) medical and social change movement, in this article, which references ACEsConnection and the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) network, of which Philadelphia is part. Read below for thought-provoking commentary: " Putting the Power of Self-Knowledge to Work. " "Thirty years ago, the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Doris Lessing gave a series of...
Blog Post
Ripple Effect: Two Philly Activists Share ACE Knowledge Close to Home
Anthony Ballard grew up with multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) before those disruptive childhood experiences had a name. Ballard was raised, along with 11 siblings, in a North Philadelphia housing project by “a beautiful God-fearing mother and a loving father who suffered from alcoholism.” Ballard witnessed relatives who developed addictions or landed in prison; in his early 20s, he, too, abused alcohol. He got sober. He became a firefighter. And when he learned about ACEs a few...
Blog Post
"Should ACEs Include Community Level Indicators" - Philadelphia Research Reaches California
Deangelo Mack , ACEs Connection member from California posed the question "Should ACEs Include Community Level Indicators" and replies with a resounding "Yes." The article that he points to regarding this issue is written by Christine Forke Young, MSN, CRNP, Fellow at the Violence Prevention Initiative at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Co-Chair of the Philadelphia ACE Task Force Research Committee, as well as one of the developers of the Philadelphia ACE...
Re: Philadelphia ACE Task Force Practical Interventions Work Group Meeting
I would like to join this group, what should I do? judynelson2@gmail.com , judy.nelson@phila.gov
Re: Philadelphia ACE Task Force Workforce Development Work Group Meeting
I would like to have Strength Based Trauma Informed Leadership Programs included in the resources guide. We are leading the way on integrating trauma informed practices in existing community programs. One example of an intervention we have spearheaded are interactive coping skill cards for children in after school programs. Along with our trainings, teen leadership programs, etc. Thanks for heading such an important group.. All my best, Judy On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 9:38 AM, ACEsConnection...
Re: Philadelphia ACE Task Force Workforce Development Work Group Meeting
We're looking forward to seeing the guide, Caitlin! And check out the ACEs in Education group for other resources.
Re: Philadelphia ACE Task Force 2019 Highlights
This has such a powerful action. I wish this were true today, across the US. Thank you. Karen Copied from the resolution - RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That this Council calls upon the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to recognize Secondary Traumatic Stress as a workplace hazard, recommend steps to address mental health injury as a psychological hazard in the workplace as they do with physical injury , and create a standard for Secondary Traumatic...
Re: Philadelphia ACE Task Force 2019 Highlights
Hi, thank you for all the fabulous work you do! Is the task force open to considering new members, I'm quite interested in joining. Thank you! With love, gratitude and heart, Leslie Peters RN
Re: Philadelphia ACE Task Force 2019 Highlights
Hi Leslie, yes the PATF is open to all. I will ask Carolyn Smith-Brown to get in touch with you to learn more about how you'd like to be involved. Leslie
Blog Post
"It's All Connected": NJEA ACEs Task Force Reaches Beyond Educators
The March meeting of the New Jersey Education Association’s ACEs Task Force opened without an agenda. It was a virtual gathering with more than 50 people—educators, social workers, professionals in pediatrics, juvenile justice and child abuse prevention. The pandemic had landed emphatically close to home, with a governor’s order to close all schools on March 18, and participants were grappling with what that meant for their students, their families and themselves. So ACEs Task Force co-chair...