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Tagged With "Aligning Systems for Health"

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Teaching artists as agents for resilience building

Caitlin O'Brien ·
Art can be used to heal. This was the overarching message of the event “Artists Plus Trauma-Informed Practice for Youth”. The event brought together teaching artists and professionals from the behavioral health field to discuss how trauma-informed practice can be used to build resilience and encourage healing through use of the arts. Teaching artists from all over the city – ranging from poets to photographers to painters – came to learn about the science of ACEs and trauma from founder of...
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Teens teach trauma care to Camden schools [Courier Post]

Carolyn Smith-Brown ·
"Gemyra Wynn doesn't need to go into the details of her childhood in Camden. After sketching out how adverse childhood events can traumatize people and cause lifelong health consequences, the 17-year-old can just offer her ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score — it's seven out of 10 — and leave it at that. The same goes for her fellow instructors, 16-year-old Aunyay Fussell and 15-year-old LeBaron Harvey. They each survived psychologically trying experiences. But these students are...
Blog Post

The Camden story: A physician and a priest plant seeds of repair

Anndee Hochman ·
Simultaneously making changes at the organizational level and building alliances across sectors for larger system change, Father Jeff Putthoff, SJ, and Dr. Jeffrey Brenner realized they had to dig deeper — beyond symptoms to root causes —...
Blog Post

The City of Philadelphia wants to help its frontline workers better deal with trauma []

Leslie Lieberman ·
A PGW worker is killed by an explosion in 2016 and his coworkers are still dealing with the emotional toll more than two years later. A longtime school nurse calls it quits when the school police officer who broke up fights between students has a heart attack and dies. A parole officer tries to deal with the personal emotional toll when one of his parolees commits a rape and a murder. These are a few of the tales of secondary traumatic stress — the stress that results from indirect exposure...
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The Latest from Philadelphia Region (archives)

Gregory Caplan ·
June 2014 PHILADELPHIA ACES CONNECTION MEET-UP: TALKING ACES WITH JAMES ENCINAS Come to this informal gathering at the Friends Center on Thursday, 6/26/14 from 4 - 6pm, to meet others in the Philadelphia region who are interested in ACEs, trauma,...
Blog Post

The Link Between Mental Trauma and Diabetes

Aniela Zygmont Glinski ·
Based on a newly released study , women who suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are twice as likely as their peers with no diagnosable trauma history to have a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) as well as be at higher risk for developing Type...
Blog Post

The National Crittenton Foundation Releases Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey Toolkit for Providers

Alyson Ferguson ·
Philadelphia ACE Task Force member Dr. Roy Wade was recognized as significant contributor to The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACES) Survey Toolkit For Providers .   NEWS RELEASE                 ...
Blog Post

The Philadelphia ACE Task Force Launches its New Website!

Caitlin O'Brien ·
Fellow Philadelphians! Have you ever wanted to learn more about the movement in Philadelphia to become a trauma-informed city? The Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF) has a new web resource for you! On Monday, August 15th, the PATF launched its new website, , to keep you informed about our current and past projects, events, and resources for families, community members, providers, and policy makers. Website Highlights Learn about the Philadelphia Expanded ACE Survey,...
Blog Post

The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Game Changers, a group of young trauma survivors, heal themselves to help others

Casey Chanton ·
Thick-shouldered and reserved, almost guarded, but always polite, Nasir was the youngest and quietest member of the Community Health Worker Peer Project, a group of young black and Hispanic men who have suffered great trauma and who are now learning, in a course at Drexel University, to recognize and treat trauma in others.
Blog Post

The Philadelphia story: Education and activism converge in "ACEs epicenter"

Anndee Hochman ·
The women and men gathered for a training on trauma and resilience were recovery counselors and social workers, charter-school teachers and prison administrators. But to Stephen Paesani, the child and adolescent training specialist who was leading the...
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The Public Health Consequences of Hate

Alyson Ferguson ·
Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH- Dean and Professor, Boston University School of Public Health wrote his weekly blog in reaction to the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the health effects of hate. Read the full blog here . "Witnessing the extreme expression of...
Blog Post

"The Raising of America Project": New Documentary That Highlights ACEs

Shoshana Akins ·
Born out of PBS' "Unnatural Causes" documentary , "The Raising of America Project" looks to explore health disparities that exist in a child's development and how this impacts America's future health and prosperity.   Episode Four, called...
Blog Post

Therapist Resource Guide - Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress

Stephen DiDonato ·
Working with children and families experiencing medical traumatic stress: A resource guide for mental health professionals What do mental health professionals need to know about pediatric medical traumatic stress? How can mental health professionals improve their collaboration with medical providers around pediatric medical traumatic stress? What resources and tools are available for professionals working with children and families who have experienced pediatric medical traumatic stress?
Blog Post

This former Philadelphia cop had an incredibly simple plan to keep kids out of prison. Don’t arrest them. (

Kevin Bethel didn’t become a police officer to lock up children. But it was under his watch as deputy police commissioner that Philadelphia’s school to-prison pipeline was in full effect. Now retired, Bethel is on a mission to keep children out of prison, with a police-led school diversion program that is showing impressive results. “My issue became, what is the trauma of me taking a 10-year-old child, for example, the minimum age for us, putting him in handcuffs, and taking him out of the...
Blog Post

“Tim Howard: Growing up with Tourette syndrome and my love of football”

Aniela Zygmont Glinski ·
It has been a long-standing assumption that physical activity positively impacts children and their development.  Physically, youth are at a lower risk for developing Type II Diabetes as well as becoming obese.  Emotionally, the endorphins...
Blog Post

Toward a trauma-informed city: Challenges and opportunities in Philadelphia

Jane Stevens ·
After many months of interviewing, editing, more interviewing and more editing, “Toward a Trauma Informed City: Challenges and Opportunities in Philadelphia” will be launched next week. A group of leaders who have adopted trauma-informed practices were interviewed about their experiences recognizing trauma as an issue, what they decided to do about it, and the change they have seen from the work of their organization. These 27 leaders come from public health, behavioral health medicine,...
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Trauma & Resiliency Summit in the Columbia River Gorge

Claire Ranit ·
Hello all! The Columbia River Gorge is hosting a Trauma & Resiliency Summit on October 20th & 21st, 2016 in The Dalles, OR. Registration is made free to attendees through MARC Grant funding. If you are in the area please join us! And please note that registration is only available prior to the event as we have a limited amount of space. Claire
Blog Post

Trauma Awareness Tour in Philadelphia - November 14, 2017

Daun Kauffman ·
Trauma Awareness Tour in Philadelphia - November 14, 2017: CLICK HERE for the details The purpose of this five-city tour is to raise awareness of how childhood trauma impacts the development of 1 in 4 children in the U.S. and how these often-overlooked experiences can adversely impact children’s development, physical and emotional health. November is National Adoption Month, an important time to recognize that adoptive children and those in foster care are at significant risk for...
Blog Post

Trauma in the Wake of Tragedies

Alyson Ferguson ·
The National Council for Behavioral Health created two resources in response to trauma post the Orlando massacre. TIP SHEET: Trauma in the LGBTQ Community: What Practitioners Should Know in the Wake of the Orlando Shootings FACT SHEET : LGBTQ Mental Health: How the Orlando Shootings Can Broadly Impact This Community
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Social Justice: Q&A with Dr. Bukuloa Ogunkua

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's Note: I work with people who challenge systems and policies, who reform or start non-profits, and who see hope and promise where others see despair or destruction. While some folks shake their heads or shrug indifferently in the face of injustice and suffering, others organize, mobilize, and channel their time and energy towards making a change. Maybe a physician hosts an annual conference bringing trauma-informed approaches to medical practice. Perhaps a woman shares ACEs 101...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Workforce Development

Caitlin O'Brien ·
The Workforce Development Work Group of the Philadelphia ACE Task Force met on Wednesday, December 16, 2015. The group discussed next steps with regard to upcoming projects for the group. The group discussed possible steps to support for the School District of Philadelphia’s Action Plan 3.0, Action 7 - Recognize, respond to, and support the social-­ ‐ emotional and behavioral health needs of our students. 7a. Equip staff to recognize and appropriately address students’...
Blog Post

Trauma Resilience Model Training Coming to Philadelphia!

Leslie Lieberman ·
Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) Training is a program designed to teach skills to clinicians working with children and adults with traumatic stress reactions. TRM is a mind-body approach and focuses on the biological basis of trauma and the automatic, defensive ways that the human body responds when faced with perceived threats to self and others, including the responses of “tend and befriend”, fight, flight and freeze. TRM explores the concept of resiliency and how to restore balance to the...
Blog Post

United Way to fund four-part Trauma Series: Apply Now!

Aniela Zygmont Glinski ·
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey is funding a four-part trauma series of college courses (graduate or undergraduate) leading to a certificate in Trauma Studies in Infancy and Early Childhood from Saint...
Blog Post

What can Pennsylvania schools do to address the prevalence of trauma among students? []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
Childhood trauma is a widespread issue. According to Child Trends, nearly half of children in the United States and in Pennsylvania have experienced at least one adverse childhood experience, or ACE, which often leads to traumatic stress. Research is clear that traumatic stress in children can negatively impact cognitive, academic and behavioral outcomes. Yet schools are not equipped to address these problems. A recent ACLU report notes that 90 percent of U.S. public schools do not meet the...
Blog Post

'What happened' vs. 'what's wrong': Recognizing how trauma impacts us all | Perspective []

Alicia Doktor ·
There is a toxin in Philadelphia that our children and families are being exposed to near constantly: trauma. Trauma lingers and isn’t just limited to a single incident, like a gunshot. Trauma manifests in hunger, housing instability, or living without utilities. It can include exposure to abuse, neglect, gun violence, police brutality, imprisonment, and domestic violence. And trauma can pass through generations as the result of historical violence, slavery, redlining, and mass...
Blog Post

What If There Was a City Official Whose Only Job Was to Make Philly Better for Kids?

Caitlin O'Brien ·
The case for a children’s czar in Philadelphia. This summer, the Scattergood Foundation — a behavioral health nonprofit — partnered with data analytics firm Azavea to produce a report on the well-being of children in Philadelphia. The project used a raft of public data to map risk factors that affect the city’s kids — exposure to shootings, family poverty, and educational attainment, for example — as well as the quality of local “assets” that help mitigate those risk factors, like schools,...
Blog Post

What makes us safe: Facing trauma, gun violence, and hatred

Aviva Perlo, MSW ·
An onslaught of violence begs the question: What makes us safe? Should we run and hide, should we become heavily armed, should we only speak with people who look like us? It would be easy to frame recent hate crimes in Monsey , Pittsburgh , and San Diego solely as anti-Semitic. It is that and more. Hateful attacks against Jews indicate a “rot in democracy” and call for systemic reform, according to History Professor Dr. Deborah Lipstadt. I began thinking about safety over 25 years ago when a...
Blog Post

What other ACE surveys have additional questions?  We know of seven.

Jane Stevens ·
We’ll start to populate the new Resource Center next month. One of the sections lists ACE surveys that have additional questions. The CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study revealed that ACEs contribute to most of our major chronic health, mental health, economic health and social health issues. It measured five types of abuse and neglect: physical, verbal and sexual abuse; physical and emotional neglect. And five types of family dysfunction: a family member with mental...
Blog Post

What’s Killing America’s Black Infants? [The Nation]

Carolyn Smith-Brown ·
"Racism is fueling a national health crisis." The author, Zoe Carpenter, examines the infant mortality, with a close look at the city of Milwaukee, whose health commissioner has identified reducing high infant mortality a primary health priority. Racial disparities in infant mortality continue and "a growing body of evidence points to racial discrimination, rather than race itself, as the dominant factor in explaining why so many black babies are dying." " Chronic stress raises amounts of...
Blog Post

What's Next For 'Safe Injection' Sites In Philadelphia? []

Alicia Doktor ·
Philadelphia is a step closer to opening what could be the nation's first supervised site for safe drug injection. But turning the idea into reality won't be easy. City officials gave the proposition the green light Tuesday. They were armed with feasibility studies , harrowing overdose statistics and the backing of key leaders, including the mayor and a newly elected district attorney. "There are many people who are hesitant to go into treatment, despite their addiction, and we don't want...
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Why We Need to Root for the Philadelphia Eagles

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Next week the Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl, and while some of us already have plans to cheer them on from our living rooms, there is another opportunity for us to show them our support. Eagles players and coach Jeffrey Lurie are waging a battle to ensure criminal justice reform and bringing an end to racial inequality. These issues are at the heart of much of our community trauma, and we need to uplift the work of the Eagles to help our communities heal. The New York Times...
Blog Post

With new proposal, trauma-informed care could become standard in Pa. schools []

Clare Reidy ·
If a pair of powerful Pennsylvania state senators get their way, a burgeoning approach to managing student behavior could become a mandate. State Sens. Pat Browne, R-Lehigh, and Vincent Hughes, D-Philadelphia, announced a proposal last week to create a “trauma-informed system of education.” The central plank of their proposal is a requirement that all teachers, school board members, and school employees “with direct contact with students” receive trauma-informed training. The details don’t...
Blog Post

Women's March on Philadelphia this Saturday

Caitlin O'Brien ·
On Saturday, January 21, 2017, Philadelphia will unite with Washington, D.C. and over 150 cities around the world for the historic Women’s March. We stand together in the birthplace of our nation, united with our partners, friends and children for the protection of our civil liberties, civil rights, and equality. Regardless of race, gender, age, ethnicity, religious affiliation, political party, immigration status, sexual identity or orientation, we come together in Philadelphia to represent...
Blog Post

Dr. Lee Pachter gives introduction to ACEs and Protective Factors ["Another Thing" with Larry Mendte]

Carolyn Smith-Brown ·
Representing the Philadelphia ACE Task Force and Drexel University , Dr. Lee Pachter, pediatrician, shared an introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the difference between healthy stress and toxic stress in childhood, its impact on lifelong health and well-being & the universality of ACEs in so many of our children's lives. He also discussed the protective factor and buffering value for a child that unconditional love and support from an adult - parent, teacher or neighbor...
Blog Post

End the cycles of trauma and poverty for Philly families | Perspective []

Jeanne Felter ·
A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry is shedding light on intergenerational trauma, adding to the growing body of evidence that the impact of trauma can be passed down from one generation to the next. While the research stems from Scandinavia more than 75 years ago, it has critically important implications for Philadelphia, a city challenged by high rates of deep poverty and violence, contributing to trauma exposure among its residents. During World War II, tens of thousands of children...
Blog Post

Explaining behavior: Professionals seek to address students' trauma []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
The biological mother of "Jailyn" had turned her over to her cousins when she was several months old and they became her custodial parents. That is, until the custodial father fatally shot the mother while the girl was in the house. Now living in foster care, she has angry outbursts in the classroom that include screaming at her teacher and kicking objects. When she hears a loud noise, she thinks it’s a gun. Her 6th-grade teacher says she is slow to complete schoolwork, appears disorganized,...
Blog Post

“Family-Centered Health”- New Jersey Pediatrics Brings Together Child Development & Care Resources to Address Trauma

Carolyn Smith-Brown ·
Spurred to create a response to the impact of trauma on children and families from post-Superstorm Sandy, The New Jersey Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics gathered training and other resource material in order to support pediatricians and...
Blog Post

Father Jeff: Camden still has a lot of healing to do []

Jane Stevens ·
  This past Friday, Brian Williams from NBC Nightly News did a segment on the positive changes the police have been making in Camden since the last time he was there in 2013, when Camden made national news for being the murder capital of the...
Blog Post

Fighting the trauma that afflicts too many Philly children []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
Warm weather often brings a rise in crime and violence to Philadelphia, just as students and families head outdoors to enjoy a brief respite from the rigor of the school year and winter’s cold. The dichotomy of this phenomenon is upsetting, yet unsurprising. The reality is that so many children in our city do not reach their potential. It is undoubtedly a struggle to grow up in a city with the highest poverty rate of the nation’s 10 largest cities, persistent violent crime, and poor...
Blog Post

Focusing awareness, understanding on helping traumatized kids heal []

Samantha Sangenito ·
The goal is a lofty one — to transform the city of Philadelphia. Organizers of Greater Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference are going about it one professional at a time. The event, which wraps up Friday at Thomas Jefferson University, is intended to help those in different professional fields become more aware of how to work with children who've experienced trauma. The 450 or professionals who attended Thursday's session represented the juvenile justice world, health care and education,...
Blog Post

From Awareness to Action, with Voices of Lived Experience: Wisconsin’s Collective Impact Initiative

Anndee Hochman ·
Perhaps it wasn’t the optimum time to update the network’s vision and values statements: a virtual meeting held in the midst of a global pandemic. But a record number of people—51, compared to the typical 30—tuned in for the May 1 Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health (OCMH) Collective Impact Council, and they gave the new values statement, which highlights inclusivity and collaboration, an enthusiastic thumbs-up. At the virtual table were members from key state departments—Children...
Blog Post

Gov. Wolf: Office of Advocacy and Reform Announces Plan to Build a Trauma-Informed Pennsylvania []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
The Office of Advocacy and Reform (OAR), established by Governor Tom Wolf’s 2019 executive order to protect Pennsylvania’s vulnerable populations, today announced the launch of a volunteer think tank comprised of 25 experts representing a diversity of fields and backgrounds who will develop a plan to make Pennsylvania a trauma-informed state. “The people of Pennsylvania are compassionate, thoughtful and resilient. We take care of each other, and that drive to protect our families and our...
Blog Post

Healing 10 and Camden Healthy Start will host full day training on April 11

Kate Daugherty ·
Healing 10 and Camden Healthy Start are pleased to announce T rauma Informed Care: From Awareness to Practice . This year's event will focus on the implementation of trauma informed practices in Camden City, NJ, and the surrounding area. The event is targeting frontline staff and supervisors who want to gain tools to implement trauma informed practices. Keynote speaker is Dr. Linda Henderson Smith, Director of Children and Trauma Informed Services at the National Council for Behavioral...
Blog Post

Healing 10: Catalyzing a Movement in Camden, NJ

Anndee Hochman ·
James Williams, New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, addresses the Take Back Our Health Conference in November 2018. Photo courtesy of Kate Daugherty. In 2017, two youth-focused Camden, NJ, organizations were angling for the same pot of grant money—funding for a youth-led initiative to learn about community health concerns and develop projects to address them. But instead of scrabbling for the grant as rivals, Hopeworks and UrbanPromise became one another’s cheerleaders. In phone...
Blog Post

Healing Hurt People - Philadelphia ER's & Behavioral Health Connect to Help []

Carolyn Smith-Brown ·
The " Healing Hurt People program, or HHP, an ER-based violence intervention program. HHP works on the public health-based notion that violence, like other diseases that spread, can be prevented. It targets services to those at highest risk, patients...who are being treated for violent injuries in the city's emergency rooms" Supported financially by Dr. Arthur Evans , commissioner of the city's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services, this model brings trauma...
Blog Post

Helping Kids Succeed: The Power of Grit

Alyson Ferguson ·
Dr. Harold Kolepwicsz, President, Child Mind Institute presented on "GRIT" at the 2015 National Council on Behavioral Health conference today.  Dr. Kolepwicz discussed "GRIT" the new hot topic in developmental psychology. He described what...
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How committed are we to improving our nation's mental health? []

Leslie Lieberman ·
Ruth Shim, MD, MPH, is vice chair of education and faculty development in the Department of Psychiatry at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. She
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How Do ACEs Impact Health Outcomes?

Gregory Caplan ·
The original ACE Study from Kaiser Permanente began when two Medical Doctors were researching dietary habits and obesity concerns in southern California. As we now know, there was a direct correlation between a person's ACE score and the likelihood of...
Blog Post

How do we end the cycle of childhood trauma passed from parents to kids? | Brain Trust []

By Abraham Gutman, The Philadelphia Inquirer, November 9, 2019 Growing up in Philadelphia can be a traumatizing experience. Poverty, hunger, gun violence, evictions, and mass incarceration are just some of the difficult experiences that bear down on children here. Over the last couple of decades, public health researchers and policymakers have increasingly recognized that the body "remembers” childhood trauma, and these experiences at a young age can predict illness, risky behavior, and...
Blog Post

How One Philadelphia After-school Program Works to Be Trauma-informed []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
On an afternoon in October, kids in the Sunrise of Philadelphia after-school program made tissue-paper marigolds, assembled little altars and created masks. It was the Day of the Dead celebration held by Sunrise partner, Fleisher Art Memorial . They wrote poems about people who were no longer with them, either lost to death or simply separated across distance — a possibility in this largely immigrant and refugee community. The activity gave them a chance to explore loss and sadness, which —...
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