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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesPhoenix Rising in Resilience (AZ)

Phoenix Rising in Resilience (AZ)

We are an online collaborative dedicated to raising awareness about ACEs, trauma-informed practice, and resilience-building in the greater Phoenix area. Given the unique history of this city and region, Phoenix Rising will explore personal and historical sources of trauma.


How can we expect change if we’re not willing to move forward? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary (2024), change is described as the modification of a particular event or life experience. According to Biblegateway (2024), “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18.” How can we expect change if we’re not willing to move forward and break the endless cycle of dependence and stagnation? How can one develop long-lasting relationships without effective communication? How can we, as citizens, move forward without a goal or with honest and supportive individuals? We must not focus our attention on those still aimed at hurting one another or fighting for the ultimate prize when really the prize is a sparkly package made to look genuine on the outside but contains tons of hurt, hate, and constant rejection on the inside? We must move toward the real prize, which is dependence on the man above, who provides us with the knowledge and understanding to make “real” concepts and opportunities come alive. The “keep up or get left” behind mentality cannot continue to exist. If we want to see change, it begins with a strong sense of understanding self, creating an action plan, and understanding who is TRULY in your circle. My personal definition of change is: Challenge, Help, Articulate, Network, Grow, and Execute. After all, we cannot step into a life of expectancy without action, communication, or willpower.

BibleGateway. (2024). Proverbs 29:18. Retrieved on July 17,

2024 from

Meriam-Webster Dictionary. (2024). Change. Retrieved on July

17, 2024 from

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People can move forward without "dependence on the man above." When we are only Christian-centered we invoke the hate of difference and the hurt of exclusion and rejection. Bright lights all over the world are illuminating and thriving in expressions of their God, deities, spirits or other beliefs and ways of being. By focusing your post on the importance of a Christian God, you are perpetuating the very thing your post is meant to condemn. Evolution isn't dependent on the god you serve or don't serve. This community is meant for healing and Resilience not divisive thinking. Thank you.

You probably wake up every day and ask to be shown that this world and humanity is indeed becoming better than it was. So do I. That's why I liked this post and appreciate that you wrote it. Thank. you.

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