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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesPhoenix Rising in Resilience (AZ)

Phoenix Rising in Resilience (AZ)

We are an online collaborative dedicated to raising awareness about ACEs, trauma-informed practice, and resilience-building in the greater Phoenix area. Given the unique history of this city and region, Phoenix Rising will explore personal and historical sources of trauma.


Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), is essentially used to treat healthy red blood cell formation, increase metabolism and energy, improve cognition, and assist in the proper breakdown of nutrients in foods (Mayo Clinic 2024). There are several foods that contain this essential vitamin to promote wellness. These include foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, fruit, fiber rich cereals, and dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese, and yogurt. B-12 is a supplement that...

Model Minority Myth

The Model Minority Myth is a model that stems from various false beliefs about the Asian American culture. This term debunks the fact that Asian Americans are the thriving force within America culture, both in society and the workforce. These stereotypes coincide with the belief that Asian Americans are “the smartest” culture in industries of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The terms reveal that this culture is the leading force, and trumps other cultures. It is a...

Returning Children to School Following the Holiday Season

Some may recall the struggle of getting adjusted to the busy schedule of being a parent and returning your child back to school following the holiday season. I have completed a review that will allow both children and families to have a much more successful transition back into the workplace and classroom setting. Here are a few tips that will make the transition more smoother. 1. Ensure to keep a consistent bedtime schedule. While this may be difficult, it is important to stick as close as...

A New Year

As the new year approaches, many individuals are beginning to make resolutions. Rather it be for improved health, weight loss goals, or simply to become better at a specific task or career goal. As you make way for your new year’s resolution, we want to make certain that you are making goals achievable, specifically foe you. Here are a few resolutions that can help you get started on your journey toward success. 1. Make a resolution to remain physically healthy and active. This is not to say...

The Year of Prosperity

As we embark on the Holiday Season and the beginning of a new year, I invite you to focus on everything you have received and gave back to self and others. This reflection will allow you to be grateful, and prepare for a new and improved year ahead. Take some time to create a vision, some goals, or a task you wish to accomplish in the next year. Ensure that you set aside some time and might to accomplish each task in its own timing. Always remember to be blessed where you are, and where you...

Behavioral Health and the Holiday Season

The holiday season is filled with peace and happiness, and sharing time with friends and family. For many, this is a time where family and friends get together and reflect on the birth of Christ, while preparing for the new year. These events can cause those with behavioral health concerns to exacerbate. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) (2023), over 64% of individuals mental health concerns worsen. I have provided some tips on how to improve mental wellness during...

Mental Health Professionals' Experiences of Vicarious Traumatization in Post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans

Mental Health Professionals are continuously working with individuals who have several traumatic events that may have occurred in their lives. A perfect example would be the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina that occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana. There were several Mental Health Professionals who worked numerous amounts of hours to assist these individuals in healing post-Katrina. These Mental Health Professionals also began to encounter negative mental health problems from counseling...

The Power of Positivity

Being positive is a complete state of mind. It is looking at self, and determining what brings a positive spirit within. Rather it be an enjoyable activity, or spending time with inspirational individuals, you ultimately determine your happiness. There are a few simple steps to remaining positive, especially during the holiday season. Keep a positive mindset by harping on small successes over failures. Find what inspires you each day. Keep pushing, no matter how hard the task may seem.

Self-Care Resources for Behavioral Health Practitioners

There have been several studies that reveal raised levels of stress in integrated behavioral health practitioners who treat clients and their traumatic life events. This often takes a toll on the professional. It is very important that the practitioners take care of themselves to ensure that they are able to provide evidence-based interventions to clients. It is often seen that these professionals tend to focus all of their energy in trying to find goals to ensure the client is able to...

Oral Health During Pregnancy

There are numerous changes that occur with dental health while pregnant. These include hypermedia gravidarum, which constitutes to extreme nausea, and decrease in dental health. Dental decay is common, as the acid from vomiting causes teeth erosion. Additionally, this disorder can cause significant impairments within the esophageal lining. There have been known treatments to decrease these symptoms from occurring. They include taking the proper steps to brush, utilizing fluoride tooth paste,...

Behavioral Health Diagnoses Resource List

1. Anxiety Disorders- Fall under the following disorders: Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, PTSD, Acute Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorder due to a General Medical Condition, Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. A. Panic Attack- A discrete period in which there is the sudden...

Postpartum Hair Loss (Telogen Effluvium) and Depression

Postpartum hair loss is commonly found in women approximately three to four months following delivery. This disorder can last up to six months following delivery, and can have adverse effects on hair growth patterns. It is normal to exhibit these negative effects of limiting hair growth. Healthy hair growth can be corrected within a few months following birth. Postpartum hair loss is extreme thinning of the hair following childbirth, and is caused by significant hormonal changes. Hair grows...

What Sleeping Patterns Reveal

Sleep is necessary to thrive on a day-to-day basis. I have researched the basis of what sleeping patterns truly mean and how they correlate to individual personality traits. There are six distinctive sleeping patterns that individuals conform to. The initial position is the fetal position, in which individuals lay on their side in a curved position. This position is widely known to most sleepers, and reveals an extensive emotional state of anxiousness (Summers & Bagot as cited in The...

World Mental Health Day

October 10, 2023 is recognized as World Mental Health Day. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are over 650,000 adults and 245,000 children suffering with mental illness (SAMHSA, 2019). On this day, we are reminded to be informed of how to be both mentally and physically healthy. We observe this day to remind those who are in need to take the proper steps to improved mental wellness. This may include reducing the stigma about mental health...

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