Tagged With "Level 2"
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5th Annual Arizona ACEs Summit, Tuesday, December 11th, 2018
5th Annual Arizona ACEs Summit: Becoming a Trauma Informed State - Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences to Create a Healthier Arizona "Adverse childhood experiences can negatively impact a child's life well into adulthood - through identification and assessment, we can develop intervention strategies - creating happier communities for current and future generations of Arizonans. These efforts will move us closer to becoming a trauma-informed state, and help solidify Arizona as the number...
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Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands? Come to our no-cost mental and school mental health Winter Institute!
Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands?If so...Check it out! 👇 NO COST. MENTAL HEALTH & SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH WORKFORCE. AMAZING FACULTY. JANUARY 14, 15, & 16th! LONG BEACH, CA. JOIN US. 🤝 👏 Learn more here: http://bit.ly/mhttc-winterinstitute-flyer Register here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egq2f9gaebafa6bd&llr=8wdk4ubab
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Historical Trauma Zoom Meeting- May 23, 2019
Dear Healers/Warriors, Thank you to everyone who participated in today's meeting! I deeply apologize to everyone who wanted to attend, but was unable due to the scheduled time. I felt like it was really important to get the momentum rolling. We have so much to do! With that said, it is NOT TOO LATE to join the movement. We welcome you! Meeting Agenda: 1. Substance Abuse Curriculum- The group will be reading the 7 Module curriculum designed by the AZ ACES Consortium Executive Board in...
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Nonviolence from India to Arizona- Arizona State Oratorical Champion
The level of aggression I witnessed while living in an Ashram in India was shocking and often funny! With my residual ACES anger often bubbling beneath my skin, my daily mantra became, "No matter what anyone does to you; you CANNOT, WILL NOT fight in an Ashram!" We don't realize that many spiritual communities are filled with ACES survivors from all over the world that have no other hope left for healing. These are courageous people who have sought help for their pain and anger and have...
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NOTE NEW TIME: Planning to Join Us on 5/8 for a "Better Normal" discussion about systems transformation? Join us 1:00-2:00 PT!
Note new time for Friday, May 8 Better Normal discussion on systems transformation. We will meet from 1:00-2:00 and hear from RYSE Associate Director, Kanwarpal Dhaliwal, about the rapid emergency community response initiative, West Contra Costa Covid Community Care.
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Structural Oppression is Trauma: Resources from the Resilient Sacramento Best Practices Presentation
Our June meeting focused on best practices in broadening the trauma lens to include structural oppression. Key resources attached.
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The Ashram and Healing ACES
I walked away from my Western life to sleep on the floor of an ashram. Dissatisfaction had become a normal state of being. I was deeply embarrassed by this. As I canvassed my home I perused every object, and breathed its beauty. My thoughts were about how grateful I was to have a living museum in my house, what a treasure it was to live in a spiritual temple that I created. I was ashamed by my soul’s ambivalence, when it responded so what . Consciously, I counted each and every blessing. I...
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2018 ACES Conference- Historical Trauma: The Symphony of Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine to Heal ACES and Historical Trauma
We are RESILIENT! Once we learn to regulate an overactive stress response, ACES survivors are well experienced to work under stress, make sound decisions and overcome ANY and ALL obstacles. WE LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY!! We must learn to mitigate the harm and leverage our strengths! During the 2018 ACES Conference in San Francisco, I had the incredible opportunity to present my work on Historical Trauma. In our journey to healing Historical Trauma and ACES, we must use a Relational Approach...
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Loss of Cultural Identity Part 2; Illegal to Practice Traditional Religion in Benin Republic, West Africa until 1992
Over the next few days, I am going to provide a little food for thought about the loss of cultural identity that has profoundly impacted Africans across the Diaspora. Remember that the descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that live off of the Continent, are perhaps the only collective in the world that does not know their origin. We are African, but Africa is a continent of fifty-four countries with thousands of different cultures and dialects. Today’s micro-discussion is on...
Mary Ann O'Connor
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The Roll Out of LEVEL 2- Historical Trauma Specialist Certification
LEVEL 2 HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION MARCH 2022!!! The wait is finally over! Iya Affo and Heal Historical Trauma will present: Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- LEVEL 2: A Neurological, Environmental & Cultural Perspective on March 1st & 2nd 2022. LEVEL 2 will cover the following: Neurological implications of Historical Trauma and how to align neurobiology with desired behavioral outcomes. Indigenous Attachment Theory Understanding the injurious relationship...
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Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Level-1
HEAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA & Iya Affo PRESENT: The Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- Level 1 is a comprehensive understanding of Historical Trauma from a multicultural lens. The training is designed for participants serving, leading, advocating and working with people of color. It is the perfect training for people in a variety of disciplines as well as multicultural families and for anyone with the desire to understand the impact of slavery, genocide and colonization. The course...
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The Launch of Heal Trauma Global: Culturally Attuned Trauma Training
Being Trauma-Informed means that we are Culturally Attuned. Heal Trauma Global is a sister company to Heal Historical Trauma and was cultivated to fill a wide gap in stress science & trauma training. The trauma-informed movement is beautiful! It's wonderful that as a society we are moving in a direction that honors an individual's past as part of the driving force behind current behaviors. Yet, time and time again, I have attended trainings that are labeled as Trauma-Informed only to...
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Black History Month 2K22- NEW Trainings!
In Honor of Black History Month 2k22 Please Enjoy the Following NEW Trainings: Facilitating a Full Expression of Resilience: BIPOC are resilient. In learning how trauma is formed and passed from one generation to the next in our communities, we will understand how to facilitate a full expression of resilience in vulnerable communities. This course takes a deep dive into the reality of flight or fight mode and how many people enduring oppression, discrimination and hate live with a constant...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2
NOT TOO LATE FOR COHORT 1!! Also registering for COHORT 2!! New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various...
Blog Post
48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2
New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from around the world. In this inclusive study we rely...
Blog Post
48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program
We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from around the world. In this inclusive study we rely on the ancient tradition of storytelling, visual art and interconnected relationships to intentionally explore difficult topics.
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Postpartum Hair Loss (Telogen Effluvium) and Depression
Postpartum hair loss is commonly found in women approximately three to four months following delivery. This disorder can last up to six months following delivery, and can have adverse effects on hair growth patterns. It is normal to exhibit these negative effects of limiting hair growth. Healthy hair growth can be corrected within a few months following birth. Postpartum hair loss is extreme thinning of the hair following childbirth, and is caused by significant hormonal changes. Hair grows...
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Behavioral Health Diagnoses Resource List
1. Anxiety Disorders- Fall under the following disorders: Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, PTSD, Acute Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorder due to a General Medical Condition, Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. A. Panic Attack- A discrete period in which there is the sudden...
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Mental Health Professionals' Experiences of Vicarious Traumatization in Post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans
Mental Health Professionals are continuously working with individuals who have several traumatic events that may have occurred in their lives. A perfect example would be the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina that occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana. There were several Mental Health Professionals who worked numerous amounts of hours to assist these individuals in healing post-Katrina. These Mental Health Professionals also began to encounter negative mental health problems from counseling...
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Behavioral Health and the Holiday Season
The holiday season is filled with peace and happiness, and sharing time with friends and family. For many, this is a time where family and friends get together and reflect on the birth of Christ, while preparing for the new year. These events can cause those with behavioral health concerns to exacerbate. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) (2023), over 64% of individuals mental health concerns worsen. I have provided some tips on how to improve mental wellness during...
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A New Year
As the new year approaches, many individuals are beginning to make resolutions. Rather it be for improved health, weight loss goals, or simply to become better at a specific task or career goal. As you make way for your new year’s resolution, we want to make certain that you are making goals achievable, specifically foe you. Here are a few resolutions that can help you get started on your journey toward success. 1. Make a resolution to remain physically healthy and active. This is not to say...
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Returning Children to School Following the Holiday Season
Some may recall the struggle of getting adjusted to the busy schedule of being a parent and returning your child back to school following the holiday season. I have completed a review that will allow both children and families to have a much more successful transition back into the workplace and classroom setting. Here are a few tips that will make the transition more smoother. 1. Ensure to keep a consistent bedtime schedule. While this may be difficult, it is important to stick as close as...
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Simple Ways to Increase Focus
Attention span is of great importance when working with an ever-changing school and environment. With the constant change of policies, procedures, standards, and job duties, one has to continuously stay the course, while managing to juggle work and family life. I have provided a few simple ways to improve attention span. 1. Create a to-do list that includes a time line. Ensure that these tasks are within your means to complete. In other words, don’t place more on your plate than you can...
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7 Ways to Support Those in Need
1. Be patient, while allowing those in need to communicate following a tragic occurrence. When tragedy strikes, one may not be readily open to communicate . 2. Acknowledge how the individual looks and feels. Ask open ended questions when needed. 3. Provide support. Allow sufficient resources and assistance to be provided to individuals when needed. 4. Provide comfort in the form of physical touch (i.e. hug, gentle rub of the shoulder or hand within boundaries), to ensure the individual feels...
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Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
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Lipedema and Obesity
Lipedema is caused by an excess of adipose tissue typically in regions of the feet, buttocks, thighs, hips, stomach, and arms (Herbst, 2014). The disorder typically occurs in 11% of the population, and is typically found in females rather than males (Herbst. 2014). Development of this condition can cause early onset of Diabetes. Lipedema occurs when the dermis and epidermis is made up of enlarged adipose cells that continue their growth beneath the skin. Lipedema develops in three stages:...
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The Importance Hydration
Hydration is essential, especially during summer months when the temperature continues to rise. How much water should we be drinking daily? It is estimated that men should drink at least 120 ounces of water daily, while women should consume at least 96 ounces of water daily (Chilu, 2023). Both fresh fruit and vegetables contain a percentage of water as well. Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content include: cucumber, celery, romaine lettuce, watermelon, strawberries, mushrooms,...
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The Progress of African Americans and Latinas/Latinos: What We Have Achieved…What Is Still Left to Conquer
To begin with some mind blowing stats about African Americans and their achievements through the years. In 1940, 60% of African American women entered the workforce to work in white collar positions. In 1958, almost 44% of Caucasian Americans considered relocating if an African American family resided within close proximity of their residence. In 2024, that percentage will decrease. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act made it possible for African Americans and Caucasians to increase friendships...