Hello, ACEs community!
I want to invite you to a complimentary workshop I am putting on via Zoom this Saturday April 18 from 3-5 pm PDT called "Junk Journaling for Resilience During COVID-19". This is an activity that came to me during a time of incredible turmoil and hardship for my family, and it quickly became my go-to practice to shift out of fight-or-flight, gain perspective on my situation, find peace in the chaos, and sort through my many colliding thoughts and feelings about the impossible time we were in. It was how I metabolized, sifted, and found my right way through. It honestly saved me/us, in part because it is so fun and easy and feels good!
I junk-journaled with my school aged daughter at the time, and later with my extended family (including grandparents), and still later in our broader community with people of all ages. Just before Sheltering in Place, I had begun teaching Junk Journaling to youth who were at risk of involvement in gang and gun violence through a program called Voices Against Violence. The youth loved it and were eager for more. This practice seems to offer something important to people from all walks of life.
The Junk Journaling for Resilience workshop includes a bit of light information about the science of trauma and resilience, but it is more about having a creative, healing experience than about information. Together we touch into our experience with curiosity, kindness and compassion, and slowly follow the inner "ah yes!" to create the visual medicine we crave to see.
People of all ages seem to love this practice. It is a great joy to share, and it consistently leaves participants feeling more hopeful, integrated, spacious, and connected to themselves and others. This is why I am bringing the offering online and making it as available as I can while we Shelter In Place. It's fun to do with one's family, but it can also be done alone.
The workshop is complimentary, but I will be accepting donations (completely optional) that will help me purchase art supplies for the high risk youth in the Voices Against Violence program, as I am now working with other pastors and community leaders to see how we can continue this creative, healing, connecting practice with the Voices Against Violence youth during Shelter In Place.
For more information, and to register, below is the event link.
Oh, and an added bonus! Anyone who registers will get a copy of my brand new e-book called "Junk Journaling is..." as well as a recording of the workshop to enjoy after it is over.
May you all find your places of deep connection, hope and fresh possibility, in this challenging time. Thank you for all the ways you are taking care of yourself, your families, and our communities.
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