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Longing for Change and Finding Hope Again...

So happy to collaborate with Andi Fetzner, Psy. D, with this Free Webinar that introduces my new course, 'The Changemaker: It Starts With You'. Origins Training & Consulting provides education on becoming trauma and resilience-informed as well as the training needed to bring a trauma-informed approach to your community, company, school or organization. My online course is a bridge to the personal growth and healing needed to sustain the energy it takes to inspire and implement positive, lasting change.
We were all looking forward to 2021 and well, I know a lot of people, myself included, are kind of hitting a wall, overwhelmed with nearly a year of a pandemic that just doesn't stop, the political unrest, every imaginable human foible flung in our face, kids still stuck at home on computers, loss of friends and family and missing our most essential needs of loving, caring connection and belonging to our communities. So just in case you are feeling exhausted or just simply over it, want to run screaming into the night, book a flight to Bali but can't - well let us please help you get from hopeless to hopeful so you can take a deep breath, know that you are not alone, and that somehow, some way there is always, always hope for change.
Join us this Thursday February 11th and get ready for the Chinese New Year - another chance to hit the restart button!
If you can't make 1pm PST no worries just register for the event at this link - and you'll get the recording and a special offer to keep your hope alive and your eyes on the prize that yes change can and does happen and it starts with you. And that's a good thing.
Thank you for hosting such an engaged community of changemakers! I'm looking forward to many more connections.
With love, hope and healing,
Kamakshi Hart, M.A.
Spiritual Psychology

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