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From Revered Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh an In-Depth Online Retreat for Healing, Insight, and Transformation (

Body and Mind Are One An Invitation to Come Home to the Miracle That Is Your Life Have you ever attended a teaching session or dharma talk, not knowing what to expect—and then found yourself so deeply supported, instructed, and illuminated that it changed you forever? Those of us lucky enough to learn with Thich Nhat Hanh so often say: What a rare and exceptional teacher. This soft-spoken Zen master radiates a sense of freedom and lovingkindness that is a dharma transmission in itself. Yet...

The Mirroring Between Individual and Collective Trauma Healing

Remembering past trauma begins the “re-membering” process of taking our fragmented pieces and putting them back together. This applies to individuals with trauma, as well as the collective traumas we experience in societies and our world. Remembering trauma is a growth process because the memories open the door to putting all the pieces together which leads to our healing. We know that our physiological reactions to trauma are held in our bodies and DNA. As individuals, before we can begin...

In Times of Crisis, Draw Upon the Strength of Peace (

At many temples in Asia, one encounters statues and paintings of Avalokitesvara , the bodhisattva of compassion. Avalokitesvara is sometimes portrayed as female, sometimes male, so we could say they are transgender—and also transcending gender. In some depictions, Avalokitesvara has a thousand arms, symbolizing all the skillful means they have of responding to suffering, and on each of these arms is an eye in the palm of the hand, the eye of wisdom. We need the eye of wisdom in our palms. If...

Veterans Find Peace on America’s Trails (

Spending time in nature, or “ecotherapy,” is increasingly recognized as a helpful therapy for people suffering from PTSD. It’s a path to recovery that Cindy Ross promotes in her new book, Walking Toward Peace: Veterans Healing on America’s Trails . She profiles former soldiers who suffer from depression, guilt, nightmares, and hypervigilance as a result of their damaging experience in war. Regaining equilibrium in civilian life is yet another battle for these wounded warriors, sweated out on...

Brené Brown shares her heartfelt thoughts on how long grief should last (

One of the most challenging things about dealing with grief is the feeling that it will never end. After losing a loved one or at the end of a relationship, we feel that something is missing in our lives and fear that hole could remain forever. This feeling of sorrow can linger for months while we cycle through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. “How long does true grief last in the heart?” a fan asked Brown. “As long as it takes,” Brown replied. “We...

Brené Brown shares her heartfelt thoughts on how long grief should last (

via Wikimedia Commons . Author, researcher and storyteller Brené Brown. To read more of Tod Perry's article, please click here. One of the most challenging things about dealing with grief is the feeling that it will never end. After losing a loved one or at the end of a relationship, we feel that something is missing in our lives and fear that hole could remain forever. This feeling of sorrow can linger for months while we cycle through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining,...

Progress is Success!

We live in a world that is so fast paced. People are always looking for quick answers and multitasking to achieve more in a shorter time! The past couple of years has been extremely difficult. Many of us were forced to halt, not just pause but stop! That can be a very hard process for our minds, emotions, brain and our body. Having withdrawals from a fast paced life is not something we are taught to be prepared for. So here we are, everyone managing the best way we know how. We are resilient...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2022

Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2022 Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter - sharing Hope and Healing Resources for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is posted online -...

Survivor Stories with Michael Skinner – Music & Sharing

Hey folks, A little blast from the past, but still relevant today - Honored to be part of the Survivor Stories event hosted by Michael Broussard of Ask a Survivor. Performing two songs of mine and sharing the back story to their creation - "Songs For The Keys To Your Life" and "When Your Heart Follows A Lie" The songs encapsulate some of the many feelings, thoughts and lessons learned about the impact of trauma, abuse and mental health injuries which I get to talk about in the Q & A.

Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself, Lissa Rankin MD

We’ve been led to believe that when we get sick, it’s our genetics. Or it’s just bad luck — and doctors alone hold the keys to optimal health. Therefore when Dr. Lissa Rankin’s own health started to suffer, she turned to Western medical treatments, but what she found was that they not only failed to help; they made her worse. So she decided to take matters into her own hands. Through her research, Dr. Rankin discovered that the health care she had been taught to practice was missing...

Intergenerational Trauma and the Promise of Healing (

Intergenerational trauma Trauma occurs when a person suffers intense emotional pain or a threat to their life or sense of safety to such an extent that it overwhelms their ability to cope . We often think of trauma as occurring from catastrophic or violent events. But researchers have found that daily accumulations of stress , like repeated experiences of racism , can result in traumatic symptoms that are detrimental to one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. In the past 10 years, a...

10 Small Ways to Take Care Of Yourself During a Stressful News Cycle (

So many of us are experiencing ongoing feelings of helplessness , heartbreak and unease as the war in Ukraine continues, and we’re all trying our best to stay informed. While watching the news and reading updates can be helpful, it can also be stressful — which is why it’s important that we set boundaries with technology and find small ways to take care of ourselves every day. We asked our Thrive community to share with us the small ways they take care of themselves when there’s so much...

Why Negativity Is Infectious (

Negativity is a virus. It’s more destructive than we might think. Not only does it tank people’s performance and lead to toxic interactions within the community, but, to make matters worse, like any virus, it’s contagious, infecting those who are exposed to it. We’ve learned that even small doses of negativity get passed on to other team members. Poor mental well-being is also like an infectious disease. Researchers studied more than two hundred fifty thousand employees in over seventeen...

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