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A 6-Minute Loving-Kindness Meditation to Expand Your Awareness (

Tita Angangco, cofounder of The Centre for Mindfulness Studies, shares a loving-kindness meditation that serves as an ignition to spark change. 1. In preparing for this practice, let’s all try to sit comfortably with both feet planted on the floor, spines erect, but relaxed. We can close our eyes if that feels OK, or keep the eyes open and soften the gaze. 2. Let’s now take our attention to the sensations of breathing , following the in-breath as it travels through the nostrils, expands the...

3 Gratitude Rituals for Joy and Wonderment (

New research is showing that a gratitude practice doesn’t only make you happier and more fulfilled, but can also save your life. A study from the University of California San Diego’s School of Medicine discovered that people who were more grateful had better heart health — specifically less inflammation and healthier heart rhythms. The study’s author, Paul J. Mills, explains, Gratitude is good for you! But don’t take our word for it. Try it out for yourself and see if it makes a difference.

"Brush Away Your Tears" - to all the survivors of childhood abuse-past and present

Hi folks, April is National Child Abuse, Sexual Assault Awareness and Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Month. This is a song of mine I wrote many years ago to all the survivors of childhood abuse-past and present. You deserve healing and support. Take care, Michael. "Brush Away Your Tears" - YouTube - The song was also used in the film documentary - Boys & Men Healing Healing From Child Sexual Abuse -...

Discover Your Heart's Four Levels of Consciousness to Heal and Liberate Your Life (

If you’re feeling inspired to ignite your self-healing and liberate your life, it’s essential to understand that the gateway between your spiritual longings and your physical, everyday life lies within your heart – indeed, connecting with your heart is essential for healing and transformation. That’s why we’re delighted to invite you to a free online event which will open your hearth from within: Discover Your Heart’s 4 Levels of Consciousness to Heal and Liberate Your Life: Explore Biofield...

Healing Meditation: 21 Ways to Soothe Your Mind and Body (

Healing is a force of nature. It’s only natural for us to seek it out. Just as white blood cells flood to a wound to heal it and a tree releases sap to protect and cover damage and breakage, all of life is oriented to self-nourishment and repair. We are multi-layered beings living in a complex universe. Without actively taking care of our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls, we become sick. Perhaps one of the simplest and easiest ways we can call on the healing force within and around us is...

A 10-Minute Gratitude Practice to Notice, Shift, and Rewire Your Brain (

When we find ourselves in a rut , it becomes easier to focus on what’s wrong and minimize what’s right. This gratitude practice is designed to change that; its aim is to amplify the experience of optimism . Hundreds of studies show that this simple shift leads to enhanced mood, better relationships, and even enhanced physical health. A 10-Minute Gratitude Practice to Notice, Shift, and Rewire To read Nate Klemp's article, and access the 10-minute gratitude practice, please click here.

'Healing hikes': How one Oakland organization is making Black lives matter in nature []

By Jessica Flores, San Francisco Chronicle, April 4, 2021 Hopeful. Alive. Connected. Joy. Those were all words used to describe how a group of Bay Area residents felt during a closing circle after kayaking in Richmond’s Marina Bay on a recent Saturday. Some attendees had kayaked before. For others, like Marisa Brown, it was their first time. The group was part of a local meetup hosted by Outdoor Afro , a national organization founded in Oakland that connects Black people to nature and...

April 2021 Upcoming Classes []

Monday Night Meditation 7pm - 8pm each week Learn Mindfulness Meditation with Joanie Lane Meditation can be helpful in living a more joyous and fulfilling life by reducing your stress and keeping you grounded in peaceful presence. Meditation is simple and easy to learn with guidance and instruction. Joanie Lane is an international meditation teacher and graduate of Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach's Mindfulness Meditation Teacher's Certification Program. She's been helping people learn to...

Thirty Ways to Self-Care!

Hello Bridge community! Did you know that April is National Stress Awareness Month? Along with ushering in warmer weather, this new season marks a time for us to take inventory of our stressors and readjust as needed. We know how compassionate and dedicated our Bridge community continues to be, your consistent advocacy is an inspiration to us all! I want to honor your hard work by providing a few tips to help lighten your load this next month. Please feel free to participate in a fun 30 day...

The Powerful Practice of Meditation

When one thinks of meditation some will think of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor, with fingers in a funny position, repeating a simple word or sound such as “ooommm”. However, meditation is much deeper and richer a practice than just the one practice encompassing many forms. This fourth article in the mindfulness, prayer, and meditation series examines meditation, the many forms it can take and its benefits to mental and physical health. Defining Meditation The word “meditate”...

Learn How to Truly Forgive – and Truly Heal (

Learning how to truly forgive is something we all need to learn, just as we learn lessons in school. And we are in a school of sorts. We come to this earth reality to evolve and remember who we are as divine beings. Forgiveness is a critical step in this growth. But the ego wants vengeance. It tells us we have been wronged — that we are justified in not wanting to forgive. The ego tells us that by forgiving, we let the other person off the hook, which means they won’t suffer, but we will.

The Power of Empathy and How to Get Better at It (

What is Empathy? Defined as ‘the ability to understand and share the feelings of another’, the human capacity for empathy is hardwired into our brain. Mirror neurons cause us to mimic an action inside our brain when we see others perform it. In ‘The Neuroscience of Empathy’, Sylvie Tremblay explains that from the age of 4 years old, strong connections between parts of our brain strengthen, to enable us to recognise social and emotional clues and identify what others are feeling [1] . Empathy...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter March 2021

Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - or here's the PDF -...

The Friend of Love

This article was originally posted on the Forward-Facing Institute Blog written by Rebekah Brown The Friend of Love - Resiliency My best friend is moving away. She’d been dropping hints for months, but I decided to retreat behind a wall of denial and hope for the best. The best was not to be. Ellen is moving, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. We had our share of joyous events over the time we had together. Once, a seafood company sent $300’s worth of prime, unreturnable Maryland...

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