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Managing Stress

Sunday with Gopal - Resolving Attachment Trauma (Life Counseling)

Today the zoom conference "Sunday with Gopal" will take place. More information and Zoom-link: Everyone is invited who is interested in solving actual problems and who wants to understand what lies at the heart of all our problems and suffering. You are most welcome to attend this meeting. You will see how it is possible to deal with deep and unresolved attachment trauma that lead to all the problems we have in everyday life. For more information about the...

Free Webinar: Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience: Theories and Practices that Work!

The University of Louisville, Center for Family and Community Wellbeing study found that Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Increasing Resilience significantly reduced Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms and increased trauma coping skills. What makes Mind Matters so effective? In this webinar author Carolyn Curtis reviews the research behind Mind Matters’ effectiveness. She discusses the program’s theory of change as well as the individual lessons that bring results. Objectives: Participants...

10 Anxious Behaviors That May Actually Be Trauma Responses (

KEY POINTS Viewing anxious behaviors through a trauma-informed lens teaches us that there is usually a reason for them. Developing an understanding of our anxious behaviors can show us that there is nothing "wrong" with us. Learning not to take things personally can help us understand loved ones with the same traits. While having one or two of these behaviors is probably normal, if you find you can relate to most or all of them, they might point to anxiety. All people have peculiar...

10 Small Ways to Take Care Of Yourself During a Stressful News Cycle (

So many of us are experiencing ongoing feelings of helplessness , heartbreak and unease as the war in Ukraine continues, and we’re all trying our best to stay informed. While watching the news and reading updates can be helpful, it can also be stressful — which is why it’s important that we set boundaries with technology and find small ways to take care of ourselves every day. We asked our Thrive community to share with us the small ways they take care of themselves when there’s so much...

My Biggest Insight of the Summer (Healing Complex PTSD and Chronic Illness)

Spring in my garden is a riot of color. I caught the above pic of my poppies just past their peak after deciding to replace them and wanting to document the process. Because uprooting a cheery, bright colored plant that makes me happy in order to take the chance that something else might do an even better job can feel, as a friend of mine once quipped, "fraught with peril." And that's what it can feel like when we are in the process of healing. When, instead of believing that this is the...

Honoring and Remembering My Precious Son

June is Jesse’s birthday month. Each year, since my six-year-old son’s murder in the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy in 2012, people from all over the world continue to come together in the form of concerts, 5K’s, and online events to honor, remember, and celebrate all the lives lost on this tragic day. In a recent interview with a reporter, as we were talking about my organization’s annual Month of Fun fundraiser, he exclaimed how amazed he was that Jesse’s spirit seemed to continue to...

Free Mindful Music Group Lessons for Youth and Adult Survivors

Music Beyond Measure engages trauma survivors in arts-based, healing-centered programs that teach coping skills through music education, collaboration in songwriting, and empowerment through performance. Based in New Jersey and serving the tri-state area, MBM is a registered 501c3 organization dedicated to individual and community healing through the arts. We are so excited to present our new Mindful Music program, which merges quality music instruction with mindfulness techniques meant to...

Good News: Your Brain Will Adapt to Post-COVID Life (

What the Pandemic Is Doing to Our Brains These changes are not just a product of our imaginations. “It’s all real,” says Chair of the Department of Neuroscience at Carleton University Dr. Kim Hellemans, who studies the effects of stress on the brain. “Lack of social interaction, more work happening, always on the screen. All of these things are contributing to a loss of your normal cognitive functioning. We’re all overwhelmed .” An abundance of research has shown that the stress of isolation...

How Spending Time With Pets Can Help Us Cope With Stress (

More and more people have adopted pets over the last year , as spending time with animals is a research-backed way to lower stress and anxiety. And yet, you don’t need to own a pet to reap the stress-reducing benefits. If pet adoption isn’t an option for you, you can still find comfort in visiting a friend’s pet, visiting the dog park on your lunch break, or taking a trip to a petting zoo over the weekend. They calm our nerves in high-pressure situations When we’re feeling particularly...

Has Your Doctor Ever Prescribed Mindfulness Meditation? (

Have you ever meditated with your doctor in the exam room? The answer is probably a resounding “no.” ⁠For many of my own heart patients, however, it’s now part of the routine. You may wonder why a cardiologist is teaching his patients to meditate . While many of us tend to think of our emotions, or meditation for that matter, as only affecting our mind, research shows that these “mental” states do come with very real, physical outcomes. Try to remember the last time you or a loved one felt...

A Season to Focus on Growth

By March, I sometimes feel as if I am marching through winter. It has been cold long enough that the novelty of snow boots and mittens has worn off. Sledding, skiing, and skating have been fun but navigating the ice from the house to the barn for my daily farm chores gets wearing. March marks one long year of quarantining and social distancing, and it’s still an altered way of life we are required to continue. I noticed, however, that the purple and yellow crocuses have already bloomed in my...

Burnout Isn't Just Exhaustion. Here's How To Deal With It (

Whether working from home or not, many people are feeling burned out during the coronavirus pandemic. A new survey found that nearly 90% of respondents in more than 40 countries felt that their work lives were getting worse during the pandemic. And more than 60% felt that they were experiencing burnout often or very often. In 2019, the World Health Organization brought some attention to the issue by defining burnout as a syndrome associated with chronic stress at work that goes unmanaged.

4 Ways The Pandemic Can Grow Your Character And Career (

The pandemic has created a lot of heartbreak, fear and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among the workforce. On top of our personal woes, many employees have grappled with fears of loved ones and themselves contracting Covid-19, not to mention the isolation and burnout of remote working and helping children with schoolwork. Although many of us have endured a lot of stress and mental health challenges, there’s good news on the horizon, known as post-traumatic growth (PTG)—the benefits...


This is a blog I posted a few years ago which I hope might be helpful to others, I have learned so much on my journey of healing childhood wounds and am so happy to see resources like this group available to help others. 15/11/2017 “If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world“ – Sydney Banks. While there are many words to describe resilience such as spirit, strength, toughness, buoyancy, no one truly understands just how many...

A Simple Practice to Strengthen Your Self-Love (

Feeling Overwhelmed? Remember 'R.A.I.N' The RAIN of Self-Compassion The acronym RAIN is an easy-to-remember tool for practicing mindfulness and compassion, using the following four steps: R ecognize what is going on; A llow the experience to be there, just as it is; I nvestigate with interest and care; N ourish with self-compassion. You can take your time and explore RAIN as a stand-alone meditation or move through the steps whenever challenging feelings arise. The Truth of Who You Are The...

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