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For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Laura Pinhey ·
A few months ago, I decided to make some changes in my life to address my problems with anxiety . I told my husband I was going to do one thing every day just for myself. I called it radical self-care, and I felt very good about it. I have two little kids and don’t get much time to myself, so the idea of doing one thing just for me, every single day, certainly felt radical. I jumped in with both feet, insisting on taking a walk or spending time doing yoga or even just sitting alone on the...
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Seeking Volunteers For Muscle Relaxation Study - SF Bay Area

Morgan Vien ·
Morgan's note: Beverly Swann is recruiting volunteers for a fascinating PhD dissertation research study. Adults " who have both post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic low-back pain" and are able to make the trip to Pleasant Hill, CA for a 1-day training qualify as volunteers. Please see below for Beverly's full announcement and recruiting flyer, attached. Her original post is here .

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Diane Petrella ·
Thank you for posting this, Laura. While I appreciate the sentiments expressed by the author and get what she's saying, I always bristle when I read about a backlash to what, in fact, is sound advice. Self-care is important. Period. No one says there's a one-size-fits-all approach. When sound advice becomes a trigger, that doesn't mean the advice is wrong. It means you can use that as an opportunity to take responsibility for why you feel triggered—without blaming the messenger—and use that...

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Laura Pinhey ·
You know, Diane, I would regret posting this article, if it weren't for the opportunity for discussion it provides that you have recognized and acted upon. Thank you for that. At first glance, the author's view seems short-sighted and she seems bent on "self-care bashing", perhaps because of her frustration at seeing her anxiety worsen instead of improve as she attempts to "do" self-care. She does, though, come around at the end to this notion: If you feel strongly about developing a...

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Gail Kennedy ·
Great discussion (And i should have said "great advice at end "). I too was in the "Hurrying to get things done mode" (to get off my computer and go do something self careish Good self reflection there as well! For me it reminded me that sometimes my "self care" becomes crammed into my busy life and BETTER self care would be to slow down and take a break (and NOT feel guilty about that choice!).

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Laura Pinhey ·
Yep. Don't know about you, but sometimes for me self-care is just another item on my to-do list .... gotta work on that ....

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Diane Petrella ·
Hi Laura, I love your well-thought-out analysis. Thanks for sharing your insights. I had read the entire article before posting my comment and wonder, as you noted, if the beginning was click bait motivated. At the same time, all articles are worth posting when they raise worthwhile discussion and reflection. I reacted to this article because one of my biggest pet peeves is when authors seem to try to boost themselves/their approach by denigrating others. I see this with a backlash to...

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Heidi Beaubriand ·
I think the author has a misunderstanding of what self care actually is. It isn't bubble baths and a trip to the spa. Its clear boundaries. Its knowing what you need emotionally, spiritually, physically and creatively and making sure that you get that every day. Its taking a nap when you need to, saying no when you want to, and making space to take care of yourself on your terms. Its about meeting your own needs first, so that you keep your cup full and serve others from the overflow, not...

Re: For Many People with Anxiety, Self-Care Just Doesn’t Work []

Laura Pinhey ·
So true, Heidi. I hope for her sake the author finds her way to the deep, genuine self-care that you describe.
Blog Post

The Neurobiology of Trauma: Somatic Strategies for Resilience

Jennifer A Walsh ·
The Neurobiology of Trauma: Somatic Approaches to Resilience By Jennifer Walsh As we have all come to experience over the past several months, trauma is simply a component of the human condition. While it affects both individuals and communities in a variety of ways, we have all experienced difficult, stressful, or even traumatic events over the course of our lifetime. Although social workers have traditionally worked with these vulnerable populations, there are numerous professionals...
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Free viewing of "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?"

Rene Howitt ·
I was asked to offer a free viewing of our new documentary video on the topic of ACEs. Due to my limited knowledge of technology it took a minute to get this set up. Now we can announce: View “How Many ACEs Are You Holding?” for FREE! Use code ACES-FREE on October 13th, 2020 to see the entire video free . Use this link to view. Coupon will only work on the Vimeo rental page for How Many Aces are You Holding? , not the subscription page. This post will appear on the homepage of our website...
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Connect All - Infographic

Our individual self-care framework which leads to realizing our global need.
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Our Back To School Edition with RESILIENCE and Play! []

Our Back To School Edition With RESILIENCE and Play! RESILIENCE on Video On Demand RESILIENCE is now available for streaming directly to individual viewers on Apple TV, Google Play and Vudu. Since its premiere in 2016 at the Sundance Film festival, RESILIENCE has been screened globally, in educational settings, more than 50,000 times. In partnership with many educational, health care, juvenile justice and non-profit organizations, RESILIENCE and Paper Tigers has increased the awareness of...
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The Impact of Trauma Upon Our Lives - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood

Michael Skinner ·
“ Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” - Debasish Mridha The Impact of Trauma Upon Our Lives - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood - 1] How Artists Can Turn Childhood Pain into Creativity - Some performers are able to transform childhood trauma into intense creativity, suggests a new study. Whether their success was in...
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The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2022

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2022 [scroll down for newsletter links] Greetings folks, we are in September and it's dark at 7:10pm, some leaves are dropping, flowers gone by the wayside and nights are...
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