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Tagged With "tension release"

Blog Post

Set Conditions to Feel More Calm, Clear, and Open This Year - with LARLAR []

Laura Pinhey ·
I remember it like yesterday. It was January 1993, I was walking up Fifth Avenue in Manhattan when a small gold sign advertising a yoga studio caught my eye. I turned on a whim, went in, and some two hours later, found myself sobbing on my yoga mat. I knew I was tight from years of working out, but it wasn’t until that moment that I realized that under the tightness I’d lived with from pushing myself around — muscling through everything I encountered without taking a rest — was also a deep,...
Blog Post

Relieve Pandemic Tension in Your Mind, Body with Yoga and Meditation

Former Member ·
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shock to the system for many -- for individuals, for countries, for economies on a huge scale. As a survivor, you know we will get through this . The only way out is through. But the stress the pandemic has visited on your body has not been kind. Meditation and activities that promote mindfulness (like yoga) can help stem some of this stress and relieve the tension the pandemic has left behind in your bones. If you’re ready to move toward healing and more...
Blog Post

Traumatic Stress, and Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

Shirley Davis ·
Traumatic stress causes many problems for survivors and others. We don’t feel well enough to accomplish our life goals or to function in day-to-day routines. There is a new solution to traumatic stress, and it is called Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®). This article and those that follow in August will outline traumatic stress and how TRE can change lives. What is traumatic stress? Traumatic stress is a process by which individual’s resources are lost or threatened beyond individuals’...
Blog Post

Tension and Trauma-Releasing Exercises—the Benefits and Challenges

Shirley Davis ·
In August, my articles have been centered around Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) and how they can aid in self-regulation and the treatment of trauma. We discovered that TRE is life-changing if done correctly and with a tension-releasing exercise practitioner. In this article, we shall recount former posts about TRE and explore together the benefits and challenges of this unusual form of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress...
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