Thank you for adding me. I'm looking forward to your exchanges, especially as Ireland is a lonely place when it comes to ACEs and all-things Children. I will endeavour to not lower the tone too much with never-ending news and stories from my side. Suffice to say that a momentous report was released only a week ago, and for the first time it seems, the tone of the Rapporteur is 'angry' and speaks about a < societal change is required > and not just at the level of the groups and national organisations who clearly have failed all children of Ireland abysmally since the first of the innumerable 'wake-up-calls' of the last 30 years, taking as a starting point #PaddyDoyle's #TheGodSquad
We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.
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