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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "Children's and Young People's Framework"

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62 per cent of LGBT+ people have experienced suicidal thoughts as a result of bullying (

The Annual Bullying Survey 2018 published their findings, based from 9,000 young people questioned in the UK. The research is shining a much-needed light on the current climate of bullying for young people and are calling for victims and witnesses to report bullying. The impact of bullying on mental health shows a concerning trend, most notably amongst the LGBT+ community. A staggering 31 per cent had attempted suicide as a result of being bullied, with 51 per cent admitting to self harming.
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According to the latest personal wellbeing report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the average ratings of anxiety increased between the years ending September 2015 and 2016.

Dawn Cretney ·
Life satisfaction, worthwhile and happiness, however, remained unchanged during this time. Research also found that Wales was the only country to have higher anxiety ratings than the UK average. The report, entitled ‘Personal wellbeing in the UK: Oct 2015 to Sept 2016’, included a survey of adults in the UK, to better understand how they feel about their lives. Despite a growth in the levels of anxiety, the average ratings remained lower compared with the years ending September 2012 and...
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ACES in Blackburn with Darwen

Dawn Cretney ·
A Blackburn with Darwen study found that almost half (47%) of adults across the Borough have suffered at least one ACE, with 12% of adults in Blackburn with Darwen having suffered four or more ACEs. The study has shown that the more ACEs individuals experience in childhood, the greater their risk of a wide range of health-harming behaviours and diseases as an adult. The ACE animation below tells the story of a young boy growing up, and how his experience with ACEs could affect his life...
Blog Post

ACEs in Wales: Children who suffer abuse more likely to be involved in violence & misuse drugs & alcohol as adults

Dawn Cretney ·
Adults in Wales who were physically or sexually abused as children or brought up in households where there was domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse are more likely to adopt health-harming and anti-social behaviours in adult life...
Blog Post

All pupils will be taught about mental and physical wellbeing (

Dawn Cretney ·
It's a start. Clearly many children do not grow up in households where this information is known and understood and healthy patterns hold. I believe we still have a way to go including ACEs and that emotional health is key. All children in England will be taught how to look after their mental wellbeing and recognise when classmates may be struggling, as the Government unveils new guidance for the introduction of compulsory health education. Bold new plans set out today (Monday 25 February)...
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An examination of class-based visibility bias in national child maltreatment reporting.

Dawn Cretney ·
An examination of class-based visibility bias in national child maltreatment reporting. Authors: Hyunil Kim, Brett Drake and Melissa Jonson-Reid Format: Article Summary: Examines the relationship between poverty and children's exposure to professional reporters to see if increasing poverty leads to higher level of reports, sometimes known as Class-Based Visibility Bias (CBVB). Findings show that contrary to expectations, increasing poverty was not associated with increases in the proportion...
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British Doctors May Soon Prescribe Art, Music, Dance, Singing Lessons []

Laura Pinhey ·
An ambitious initiative unveiled this week by British Health Secretary Matt Hancock may soon enable the country’s doctors to prescribe therapeutic art- or hobby-based treatments for ailments ranging from dementia to psychosis, lung conditions and mental health issues. Writing for the Times , Kat Lay explains that this unconventional strategy, described by the U.K. government as “social prescribing,” could find patients enrolled in dance classes and singing lessons, or perhaps enjoying a...
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Bruising in Children: Exploring the Attitudes, Knowledge and Training of Child Protection Social Workers and the Interface with Paediatricians regarding Childhood Bruising

Dawn Cretney ·
Abstract While child protection social workers (CPSWs) make decisions about which children with an injury need a medical examination, we do not know how they make these decisions. We aimed to ascertain the knowledge, attitudes and training of CPSWs in regards to assessing childhood bruising. Paediatricians' views on the bruising knowledge and training of CPSWs were also explored, as well as the relationship and communication between the two professions. Semi‐structured, face‐to‐face...
Blog Post

Caring for Working Caregivers (

Caring for caregivers has become the new frontier in workplace management. Statistics reveal a massive and growing challenge worldwide for employees who must juggle their jobs with caring for elderly parents; a life partner with a health condition; or a disabled child, sibling, or close friend. In my own country, the United Kingdom, one in every nine employees (3 million people) is juggling a job and caring for a loved one. That figure will grow inexorably: The country’s 6.5 million carers...
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Children living in households with complex needs

Dawn Cretney ·
Children living in households with complex needs The Children’s Commissioner for England has published a report analysing the voices of children living in households with domestic abuse, parental substance misuse and parental mental health problems. The report presents findings from interviews with 15 children and young people aged 6 to 19 who were supported in three projects in London, Doncaster and Herefordshire. The interviews explored: how experiences at home affected their emotional...
Blog Post

Children's services cuts 'a false economy', Ofsted warns

Dawn Cretney ·
Cuts to children's services budgets for family support and youth work represent a "false economy", simply leading to greater pressure on safeguarding provision, Ofsted has warned. The inspectorate's annual report noted that while the overall effectiveness of children's services provision is continuing to improve, the impact of ongoing financial restrictions risks jeopardising progress. Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman said that local authority social care budgets have experienced the...
Blog Post

Children who are bullied frequently are four times more likely to suffer, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Dawn Cretney ·
The ONS ‘Children’s Well-being 2015’ report reveals a number of findings that provide insight into mental health problems in children. A new measure of children’s mental ill-health is included in response to feedback from stakeholders who identified mental health as missing from the initial set of measures for children. It uses the total difficulties score from the child self-completion aspect of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey...
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Children with special educational needs and disability

Dawn Cretney ·
Children with special educational needs and disability The BBC reports that Judge Rowley has ruled in the Upper Tribunal that the exclusion from school of a 13-year-old boy due to behaviour linked to his autism was unlawful. The judge ruled that "aggressive behaviour is not a choice for children with autism” and that their behaviour in school "is a manifestation of the very condition which calls for special educational provision to be made for them". Source: BBC Date: 14 August 2018 Further...
Blog Post

Thousands of police trained to spot childhood trauma (

How do you tackle the problem of young people falling into a life of crime? One of the approaches being adopted across the UK has been more awareness of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In Wales, more than 5,000 front-line officers and police staff have been trained in responding to crimes involving children to enable them to recognise whether they may be experiencing ACEs. The programme, which has been backed by more than £6.5m of Home Office funding, is being used as a pilot which...
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To Prevent Loneliness, Start in the Classroom []

Alicia Doktor ·
Starting in September of 2020, schoolchildren across the United Kingdom will learn from their teachers how to fend off loneliness. In January, British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed the first “minister of loneliness.” This week, her administration released an 84-page plan detailing the actions it will take to curb loneliness across the country, including measures that will be enacted in schools. Starting in primary school, students will have mandatory lessons in “relationships...
Blog Post

Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland: Firkin Crane event Cork 08 April 2019

Jane Mulcahy · This event was an open discussion with survivors of childhood trauma and professionals working in the Early Years sector, education, health, addiction and homeless services about the desirability of raising public and political awareness of the prevalence and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Ireland and the need for a collaborative cross sector trauma-responsive approach for...
Blog Post

U.K. Appoints Minister for Suicide Prevention []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Months after appointing its first minister for loneliness, Britain named a minister for suicide prevention as part of a new push to tackle mental health issues. Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday announced the appointment of the health minister Jackie Doyle-Price to the new role. She will lead government efforts to cut the number of suicides and overcome the stigma that prevents people with mental health problems from seeking help. While suicide rates have dropped in recent years, about...
Blog Post

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children

Dawn Cretney ·
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration has published a report looking at the Home Office’s handling of unaccompanied asylum seeking children and how it ensured the best interest of the child were considered throughout the asylum process. The report covers the reception and intake of unaccompanied asylum seeking children; age dispute and age assessment; the National Transfer Scheme, and decision making. The report is published in...
Blog Post

Whole People Series & Study Guide (

Christine Cissy White ·
There's a fantastic five-part series, Whole People , done by PBS, " spotlighting the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) through personal and community stories. It explores the long-term costs to personal well-being and our society. While much work needs to be done, there are many innovative developments to prevent and treat ACES. We all play a role in becoming a whole people." It's amazing. The five topics covered are as follows: Childhood Trauma Healing Communities A New...
Blog Post

Why are we waiting for them to fall apart?’ – working towards a trauma-informed West Yorkshire and world []

Alicia Doktor ·
Despite the brilliant blue of the Autumn sky and the vibrant atmosphere of the bustling college campus outside, I found myself genuinely excited to settle down for an afternoon in a darkened lecture theatre among over 130 colleagues in Bradford one Tuesday during early October. Organised in part to mark Safeguarding Week – and falling coincidentally just two weeks after the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a report revealing that people abused in childhood are more likely to be...
Blog Post

Why mental health services in England are finally receiving attention []

Alicia Doktor ·
England is witnessing the “ biggest expansion of mental health services in Europe ”, according to health secretary Jeremy Hunt, who has promised that an extra £1.3bn would be invested annually in mental health services by 2021. With one in four people expected to suffer from mental illness at some time in their life – whether it’s a new mother struggling with postnatal depression, a teenager with an eating disorder, or an older person isolated and lonely at home – the financial commitment is...
Blog Post

Young people being encouraged to get comfortable talking about domestic abuse

Dawn Cretney ·
Young people are being encouraged to get comfortable talking about domestic abuse as Greater Manchester’s ground-breaking awareness campaign tours schools and youth centres across the city-region. The ‘Sitting Right With You’ campaign was first launched in October 2016 and features imagery of a yellow sofa accompanied by challenging messages to get people thinking differently about what domestic abuse is and encouraging victims to take that first step and ask for help. Now, the campaign –...
Blog Post

Young people who engage in child sexual exploitation behaviours: an exploratory study.

Dawn Cretney ·
Young people who engage in child sexual exploitation behaviours: an exploratory study. Authors: Simon Hackett and Stephen Smith Format: Online report Summary: Looks at young people who engage in sexually exploitative behaviours. Findings from a study of 14 official case records include: experiences of adversity were found in the developmental histories of 10 of the 14 young people, with domestic violence the most commonly reported factor; 12 of the young people had long-standing non-sexual...
Blog Post

Comparison of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and suicide in children and young people in care and non-care populations: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence

Dawn Cretney ·
Abstract Suicide in children and young people is a major public health concern. However, it is unknown whether individuals who have been in the care of the child welfare system are at an elevated risk. Care is presently defined as statutory provision of in-home care (e.g. child living with birth family but in receipt of legal order involving supervision by social workers) or out-of-home care (e.g. foster care , residential care and kinship care). This paper presents a systematic review and...
Blog Post

Comparison of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and suicide in children and young people in care and non-care populations: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence☆

Dawn Cretney ·
Highlights •Global problem of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and suicide among young people •Unknown if young people in care are at an elevated risk. •Systematic review comparing prevalence between care and non-care populations •Suicide attempt is more than three times as likely among those in care. •Further comparative studies are required. Abstract Suicide in children and young people is a major public health concern. However, it is unknown whether individuals who have been in the care...
Blog Post

Could yoga save prisoners from a life of crime?

Dawn Cretney · The 46-year-old charity worker has been clean of drugs for seven years after breaking his two-decade cycle of addiction, reoffending and imprisonment. He now has a full-time job with the Karuna Trust , a charity working in India and Nepal, and he’s been out of prison for more than five years. He puts this down to the self-control he gained during his daily sessions of yoga and meditation while “inside”. “One...
Blog Post

Cut off from Justice: The impact of excluding separated and migrant children from legal aid

Dawn Cretney ·
All children and young people in the UK should be kept safe and have equal access to justice, regardless of where they were born. However, sweeping changes made to legal aid provision for immigration cases have put some of the most vulnerable children in this country at serious risk and unable to get the help they need. This report, written in partnership with Dr Helen Connolly, University of Bedfordshire, highlights the needs of unaccompanied and separated children in a system that often...
Blog Post

Data collected for the 2017/18 Youth homelessness databank

Dawn Cretney ·
This report centres on findings from Centrepoint’s analysis of data collected for the 2017/18 Youth homelessness databank . The databank collects local data from across the UK on the scale of youth homelessness. It also provides an insight into the type of interactions young people are having with their local councils and what support is being offered. The research estimates 103,000 young people asked for help from their local council in 2017/18 because they were homeless or at risk of...
Blog Post

Disparate reports of stress and family relations between youth who commit sexual crimes and their caregivers.

Dawn Cretney ·
Authors: Jamie R. Yoder, Rebecca Dillard and Larraine Stehlik Format: Article Summary: Explores the perspectives of young people with sexually inappropriate behaviours and their caregivers regarding family relationships and stress. Looks at the effects of parent and youth stress and protective parenting approaches as they correlate with family relationships. Uses the survey results of 46 young people aged 10-17 referred to child protective services and their caregivers. Finds that young...
Blog Post

Domestic and sexual violence and abuse action plan – Northern Ireland

Dawn Cretney ·
Domestic and sexual violence and abuse action plan – Northern Ireland The Department of Health and Department of Justice in Northern Ireland have published their 2018/2019 action plan under the Stopping domestic and sexual violence and abuse strategy. This third action plan identifies new initiatives including: considering how relationships and sexuality education resources can support teachers in addressing domestic and sexual violence and abuse; and linking with the work of the...
Blog Post

Early childhood intervention approaches to mental health and substance misuse challenges

Trevor Lakey ·
Early childhood intervention approaches to mental health and substance misuse challenges - sharing a pair of research and evidence briefings to guide practice for ACEs informed early intervention
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Employers need to do more to support adult survivors of childhood trauma

Serena Bradshaw ·
We now need the right climate in the workplace for survivors to talk openly and with full confidence so that their employer can provide appropriate support.
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"Give me some space": exploring youth to parent aggression and violence.

Dawn Cretney ·
"Give me some space": exploring youth to parent aggression and violence. Authors: Lynne Gabriel, Zahra Tizro, Hazel James, Jane Cronin-Davis, Tanya Beetham, Alice Corbally, Emily Lopez-Moreno and Sarah Hill Format: Article Summary: Research project undertaken by Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) looking at youth aggression and violence against parents. Data was generated through conversations with young people, semi structured interviews with mothers, interviews and a focus group...
Blog Post

Good intentions but the right approach? The case of ACEs

Andrew Turner ·
There are of course lots of examples of fine work going on around ACEs, but there are also aspects of the ACE movement that make me feel a little uncomfortable. I worry that what is clearly a well-intentioned desire to just do something might not do good and could cause harm. My concerns are absolutely not meant as a criticism of the motivation and altruism underlying the ACEs movement, but as a cautionary nudge to make sure that, in our enthusiasm to do good, we don’t run before we can walk.
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Greater Manchester plan to give thousands of children and young people the best start in life

Dawn Cretney ·
A new plan was launched at the Greater Manchester Health and Care Board which will help hundreds of thousands of children and young people in Greater Manchester to get better health and care to improve their development and fulfil their potential. The four-year plan maps out how agencies in the region will work closer together to make sure local services offered from before birth through to adulthood, will give every child across Greater Manchester the best possible start in life. The...
Blog Post

Health inequalities for people with learning disabilities, including children and young people

Dawn Cretney ·
The Institute of Health Equity at University College London has summarised research into the health inequalities for people with learning disabilities, including children and young people . Findings include: compared with the general population, children with learning disabilities are more likely to be bullied; children and young people with learning disabilities are more likely to live in poverty, have worse mental health and display more risky health behaviours; girls with learning...
Blog Post

Hidden Sentence Training by POPS (Manchester UK)

Dawn Cretney ·
The imprisonment of a family member can have significant and long-lasting emotional and practical consequences for those who remain on the outside. Stigma and isolation often ensures these families remain hidden from statutory services, and withdrawn from community support, increasing their vulnerability. Increasing awareness is vital to ensuring these families receive the support they need to overcome the potential impact on their mental health, financial stability and social wellbeing.
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How Adverse Childhood Experiences Cost $1.33 Trillion a Year (

Roger Kluck ·
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How many children experience the death of their mother UK 🇬🇧

Dawn Cretney ·
Finally it seems we are starting to map key events in lives experiences. The death of a parent can have a profound impact on children which may be felt throughout their life. However, there are currently no official estimates of the number of children who are affected by bereavement. Nick Stripe explains how ONS is starting to fill the evidence gap. In new statistics published today we have estimated the proportion of children born between the years 1971-2000 who experienced the death of...
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How many children experience trauma and PTSD UK 🇬🇧

Dawn Cretney ·
This article intrigued me, is this purely PTSD or did it included identifying CPTSD or developmental trauma?... MRC-funded research from King’s College London suggests one in 13 young people in the UK have had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) before reaching age 18. The first UK-based study of its kind, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, found 31% of young people had a traumatic experience during childhood, and those who were exposed to trauma were twice as likely as their peers to...
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Major conference to tackle childhood trauma []

Alicia Doktor ·
Experts from the world of child mental health are coming to Scotland to find solutions to help overcome the impact of childhood trauma. Children’s charity Kibble is hosting the European Federation of Conflict Management in Education and Care (EFeCT) conference in May in Glasgow. The event focuses on research and best practise in trauma informed care for young people. [For more on this story by Susan Smith, go to ]
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Making Connections Understanding how local agencies can better keep missing children safe

Dawn Cretney ·
The Childrens Society Report attached...
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Mental health service launched to help people affected by the Manchester bombing

Dawn Cretney ·
A dedicated mental health service has been set up to help people affected by the 22 May 2017 terror attack on Manchester Arena. The Manchester Resilience Hub run by the NHS will support anyone who may be struggling with their mental or emotional wellbeing following the traumatic events in which 22 people died and many more injured. From helping the very young who may have been directly affected by the incident, to family members and emergency professionals involved in the response to the...
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Mindfulness and Meditation to Become Part of the Curriculum in 370 Schools in England (

Summer Peterson ·
In 370 schools across England, children will be taught how to meditate, techniques for muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises for mindfulness. The program is being conducted under a mental health study that the British government is running up until 2021. Aside from the increasing number of young children that are showing signs of early onset depression and anxiety , National Health Service (NHS) reports have also indicated that 1-in-8 British children have mental disorders. Despite...
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More Evidence that Green Space Helps Develop Young Brains (

Several recent studies have found children tend to fare better academically if they have ample access to the natural world. But the reasons for this remains hazy. Do they get more exercise? Breathe cleaner air? New British research reveals one likely advantage such kids enjoy. It finds they score higher on a standard test of Spatial Working Memory —the ability to retain visual information long enough to process it and make use of it to solve problems. For a child, this may mean developing an...
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MRC-funded research reveals extent of trauma and PTSD in young people []

Alicia Doktor ·
The first UK-based study of its kind, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, found 31% of young people had a traumatic experience during childhood, and those who were exposed to trauma were twice as likely as their peers to have a range of mental health disorders. Relatively little is known about the extent of trauma and its effects on mental health in young people. The researchers looked at participants in the E-Risk Study , funded by the MRC, which includes 2,232 children born in England and...
Blog Post

National Statistics HBAI, 1994/95 to 2016/17: children data tables Children income data tables produced as part of the Households Below Average Income (HBAI) report: 1994/95 to 2016/17 (

Dawn Cretney ·
Details The HBAI report presents information on living standards in the United Kingdom year-on-year from 1994/1995 to 2016/2017. These data tables provide greater detail about the income of children, especially those in families with low income. They include the following information. Overall trends How many and what percentage of children are in low income households, and is this proportion rising or falling over time? Detailed breakdowns What percentages of children in low income live in...
Blog Post

Nauru refugees: The island where children have given up on life

Dawn Cretney · Suicide attempts and horrifying acts of self-harm are drawing fresh attention to the suffering of refugee children on Nauru, in what is being described as a "mental health crisis". The tiny island nation, site of Australia's controversial offshore processing centre, has long been plagued with allegations of human rights abuses. But a series of damning media reports recently has also highlighted a rapidly deteriorating situation for young people.
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Navigating the Transition into Caregiving (

Personal transformation is usually an experience we actively seek out - not one that hunts us down. But in the twenty-first century, becoming a caregiver is a transformation that comes at us because today the ‘call to care’ is at odds with the imperative of work and the call to individual achievement. Being a caregiver is not something most people think or dream about, let alone prepare for, even though it’s a role many of us will inhabit, since there are approximately 43 million informal...
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