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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "child sexual abuse"

Blog Post

An examination of class-based visibility bias in national child maltreatment reporting.

Dawn Cretney ·
An examination of class-based visibility bias in national child maltreatment reporting. Authors: Hyunil Kim, Brett Drake and Melissa Jonson-Reid Format: Article Summary: Examines the relationship between poverty and children's exposure to professional reporters to see if increasing poverty leads to higher level of reports, sometimes known as Class-Based Visibility Bias (CBVB). Findings show that contrary to expectations, increasing poverty was not associated with increases in the proportion...
Blog Post

Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Educational Attainment and Adolescent Health and the Role of Family Socioeconomic Factors: A Prospective Cohort Study in the UK []

By Lotte C. Houtepen, Jon Heron, Matthew J. Suderman, et al., PLOS Medicine, March 2, 2020 Background Experiencing multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is a risk factor for many adverse outcomes. We explore associations of ACEs with educational attainment and adolescent health and the role of family and socioeconomic factors in these associations. Methods and findings Using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a prospective cohort of children born...
Blog Post

Barnardo’s selected to run the National Centre for Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse

Dawn Cretney ·
As part of an effort to address CSE and abuse, the UK Home Office is backing the centre until 2020 following previous criticism for a lack of progress on delivering their action plan. The centre hopes to gather and share high-quality evidence of successful schemes that have previously prevented child sexual exploitation and abuse. The scheme was launched at an event in Westminster in January, and there will be other events in Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and Wales, taking place throughout...
Blog Post

Bruising in Children: Exploring the Attitudes, Knowledge and Training of Child Protection Social Workers and the Interface with Paediatricians regarding Childhood Bruising

Dawn Cretney ·
Abstract While child protection social workers (CPSWs) make decisions about which children with an injury need a medical examination, we do not know how they make these decisions. We aimed to ascertain the knowledge, attitudes and training of CPSWs in regards to assessing childhood bruising. Paediatricians' views on the bruising knowledge and training of CPSWs were also explored, as well as the relationship and communication between the two professions. Semi‐structured, face‐to‐face...
Blog Post

Child poverty and education

Dawn Cretney ·
Child poverty and education The National Education Union (NEU) has published a report looking at the extent to which poverty is damaging the educational opportunities for children from poor families. Findings from a snapshot survey of 908 NEU members including heads, teachers and school support staff working in England, Wales and Northern Ireland finds that: 87% of respondents said that poverty is having a significant impact on the learning of their pupils and students; and 60% believe that...
Blog Post

Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland: Firkin Crane event Cork 08 April 2019

Jane Mulcahy · This event was an open discussion with survivors of childhood trauma and professionals working in the Early Years sector, education, health, addiction and homeless services about the desirability of raising public and political awareness of the prevalence and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Ireland and the need for a collaborative cross sector trauma-responsive approach for...
Blog Post

Young people who engage in child sexual exploitation behaviours: an exploratory study.

Dawn Cretney ·
Young people who engage in child sexual exploitation behaviours: an exploratory study. Authors: Simon Hackett and Stephen Smith Format: Online report Summary: Looks at young people who engage in sexually exploitative behaviours. Findings from a study of 14 official case records include: experiences of adversity were found in the developmental histories of 10 of the 14 young people, with domestic violence the most commonly reported factor; 12 of the young people had long-standing non-sexual...
Blog Post

Disparate reports of stress and family relations between youth who commit sexual crimes and their caregivers.

Dawn Cretney ·
Authors: Jamie R. Yoder, Rebecca Dillard and Larraine Stehlik Format: Article Summary: Explores the perspectives of young people with sexually inappropriate behaviours and their caregivers regarding family relationships and stress. Looks at the effects of parent and youth stress and protective parenting approaches as they correlate with family relationships. Uses the survey results of 46 young people aged 10-17 referred to child protective services and their caregivers. Finds that young...
Blog Post

Domestic and sexual violence and abuse action plan – Northern Ireland

Dawn Cretney ·
Domestic and sexual violence and abuse action plan – Northern Ireland The Department of Health and Department of Justice in Northern Ireland have published their 2018/2019 action plan under the Stopping domestic and sexual violence and abuse strategy. This third action plan identifies new initiatives including: considering how relationships and sexuality education resources can support teachers in addressing domestic and sexual violence and abuse; and linking with the work of the...
Blog Post

Employers need to do more to support adult survivors of childhood trauma

Serena Bradshaw ·
We now need the right climate in the workplace for survivors to talk openly and with full confidence so that their employer can provide appropriate support.
Blog Post

Estimating the costs of child sexual abuse in the UK

Dawn Cretney ·
This report attempts to calculate the overall costs of child sexual abuse in the UK. It estimates that child sexual abuse cost £3.2bn in 2012. It uses research literature to calculate the number of victims who are affected by the different issues, and uses published current costs for the service provision. It sets out the assumptions that have been made, the costs that have been excluded from the calculations, and the limitations of the available data. ...
Blog Post

Everyday coping with moral injury: The perspectives of professionals and parents involved with child protection services

Dawn Cretney · This study examines how Child Protection Services (CPS) – involved parents and professionals describe coping with moral injury through resources available within their everyday lives. Moral injury refers to the lasting harm caused by one's own or another's actions in high-stakes situations that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations. This harm can occur at multiple, interacting psychological, social...
Blog Post

Good intentions but the right approach? The case of ACEs

Andrew Turner ·
There are of course lots of examples of fine work going on around ACEs, but there are also aspects of the ACE movement that make me feel a little uncomfortable. I worry that what is clearly a well-intentioned desire to just do something might not do good and could cause harm. My concerns are absolutely not meant as a criticism of the motivation and altruism underlying the ACEs movement, but as a cautionary nudge to make sure that, in our enthusiasm to do good, we don’t run before we can walk.
Blog Post

How Adverse Childhood Experiences Cost $1.33 Trillion a Year (

Roger Kluck ·
Blog Post

Making Connections Understanding how local agencies can better keep missing children safe

Dawn Cretney ·
The Childrens Society Report attached...
Blog Post

Mental Health, Social Adversity, and Health-Related Outcomes in Sexual Minority Adolescents: A Contemporary National Cohort Study []

By Background Sexual minority adolescents are more likely to have mental health problems, adverse social environments, and negative health outcomes compared with their heterosexual counterparts. There is a paucity of up-to-date population-level estimates of the extent of risk across these domains in the UK. We analysed outcomes across mental health, social environment, and health-related domains in sexual minority adolescents compared with their heterosexual counterparts in a large,...
Blog Post

Neglected Children End Up With 'Smaller Brains' []

By James Gallagher, British Broadcasting Corporation, January 7, 2020 An early life full of neglect, deprivation and adversity leads to people growing up with smaller brains, a study suggests. The researchers at King's College London were following adopted children who spent time in "hellhole" Romanian orphanages. They grew up with brains 8.6% smaller than other adoptees. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

Police officer attitudes to the practicalities of the sex offenders' register, VISOR and Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure Scheme in England and Wales.

Dawn Cretney ·
Authors: Kieran F. McCartan, James Hoggett and Jack O'Sullivan Format: Article Summary: Examines police officers' understandings of and attitudes to the sex offenders' register, Violent and Sex Offenders' Register (VISOR) and Child Sexual Offender Disclosure Scheme (CSODS) in England and Wales. The research is based on a US study using a mixed methods approach including an online survey. Findings showed that police officers were supportive of the registers in principle but they found the...
Blog Post

Poverty, inequality, child abuse and neglect: Changing the conversation across the UK in child protection?

Dawn Cretney ·
Blog Post

Preventing child sexual abuse through education: the work of Stop it Now! Wales.

Dawn Cretney ·
Preventing child sexual abuse through education: the work of Stop it Now! Wales. Authors: Kirsty Hudson Format: Article Summary: Presents findings from an evaluation of education and awareness raising programmes aimed at parents, carers and professionals to prevent child sexual abuse, delivered by Stop it Now! Wales. Finds that participants reported benefits from attending the programmes, however this varied by type of programme and impact reported. Journal: Journal of Sexual Aggression...
Blog Post

Schools trained to help children facing trauma at home []

Alicia Doktor ·
Training to help children who face early childhood trauma is to be offered to all schools in Wales. Teachers will be taught how to support pupils who have adverse experiences such as family breakdown, bereavement or physical, sexual or substance abuse. It follows a pilot project at three primary schools in Bridgend county. [For more on this story, go to ]
Blog Post

Scotland's parents need 'oxygen' []

Alicia Doktor ·
While probably not in your diary, the second of October 2017 is the fifth anniversary of the Scottish Government’s National Parenting Strategy. Other initiatives and events took precedence during this extraordinary period in Scotland’s history. But, when launched, the Strategywas not a trivial, ‘off the cuff’ public policy. After an extensive consultation process, the Scottish Government proposed dozens of actions under the rubric ‘Our commitment to Scotland’s parents’. A year later, NHS...
Blog Post

State of Child Health England – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On The State of Child Health 2017, uncovered alarming inequalities in the health and wellbeing of children across the UK and a clear disparity with the rest of Western Europe. One year on, our scorecard reveals that although progress has been made in some areas, in general, the picture for infants, children and young people remains largely unchanged across England. Government has taken some steps in the right direction. The successful passage of the soft...
Blog Post

State of Child Health Scotland – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On Child health in Scotland ranks among the worse in Western Europe, and the disparity between children living in the most and least affluent communities is unacceptably wide. One in four children – 210,000 – live in poverty, 28% are overweight or obese and many of the approximately 400 deaths among infants, children and young people each year are avoidable. In January 2017, we published a report, the State of Child Health, in which we presented...
Blog Post

State of Child Health Wales – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On In January 2017, we published a report the State of Child Health. This contained a series of policy recommendations for Wales and made the human and economic case for child health to be a top priority for Government and public services. It served as a call to action and a vision of what could be achieved. In the year since the report’s publication, there have been positive developments and important commitments made in Wales. These include the passing of...
Blog Post

The relationship between attachment dimensions and emotion regulation in individuals who have committed sexual crimes.

Dawn Cretney ·
The relationship between attachment dimensions and emotion regulation in individuals who have committed sexual crimes. Authors: Melissa D. Grady and Joseph J. Shields Format: Article Summary: Cross-sectional study looking at the relationship between attachment and emotional regulation capacities in adult male sex offenders. The study consisted of 59 incarcerated adult male sex offenders. Attachment dimensions were measured using the relationship scales questionnaire and the adult attachment...

Re: Child poverty and education

Christine Cissy White ·
Thank you for this. I shared over at Parenting with ACEs!

Re: Estimating the costs of child sexual abuse in the UK

Raymond Lambert ·
Thank you Dawn. Staggering !
Blog Post

Maltreated children five times more likely to develop multiple chronic illnesses in adulthood says study []

By Firstpost., August 20, 2020 The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child maltreatment as the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age and “includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commercial or other exploitation, which results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power". The long stream of child...

Re: Maltreated children five times more likely to develop multiple chronic illnesses in adulthood says study []

James Maguire ·
As a seventy four year old who’s still in therapy after suffering sexual & violent abuse from the age of seven and witnessing my younger sister getting abused aged five. This behaviour from our deranged alcoholic father has had a profound disturbing effect on our lives. Being told by my ex wife to ‘get over it‘ stop waisting money on therapy and to give it to her, as she knew what I needed, didn’t help. Nor did our two children growing up to become drug addicts and gouging one of the...

Rose Latham

Rose Latham

Marion James

Marion James

Hannah Harrsi


James Maguire

James Maguire
Blog Post

Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Level-1

Iya Affo ·
HEAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA & Iya Affo PRESENT: The Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- Level 1 is a comprehensive understanding of Historical Trauma from a multicultural lens. The training is designed for participants serving, leading, advocating and working with people of color. It is the perfect training for people in a variety of disciplines as well as multicultural families and for anyone with the desire to understand the impact of slavery, genocide and colonization. The course...
Blog Post

The Launch of Heal Trauma Global: Culturally Attuned Trauma Training

Iya Affo ·
Being Trauma-Informed means that we are Culturally Attuned. Heal Trauma Global is a sister company to Heal Historical Trauma and was cultivated to fill a wide gap in stress science & trauma training. The trauma-informed movement is beautiful! It's wonderful that as a society we are moving in a direction that honors an individual's past as part of the driving force behind current behaviors. Yet, time and time again, I have attended trainings that are labeled as Trauma-Informed only to...
Blog Post

The Roll Out of LEVEL 2- Historical Trauma Specialist Certification

Iya Affo ·
LEVEL 2 HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION MARCH 2022!!! The wait is finally over! Iya Affo and Heal Historical Trauma will present: Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- LEVEL 2: A Neurological, Environmental & Cultural Perspective on March 1st & 2nd 2022. LEVEL 2 will cover the following: Neurological implications of Historical Trauma and how to align neurobiology with desired behavioral outcomes. Indigenous Attachment Theory Understanding the injurious relationship...
Blog Post

Black History Month 2K22- NEW Trainings!

Iya Affo ·
In Honor of Black History Month 2k22 Please Enjoy the Following NEW Trainings: Facilitating a Full Expression of Resilience: BIPOC are resilient. In learning how trauma is formed and passed from one generation to the next in our communities, we will understand how to facilitate a full expression of resilience in vulnerable communities. This course takes a deep dive into the reality of flight or fight mode and how many people enduring oppression, discrimination and hate live with a constant...
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