The meeting was held at the Leland Smokehouse. An attendance list is attached. The meeting began at 1:22 PM.
Rebecca shared that the Carousel Center is training all Brunswick Couty EMS and Police Officers in the Darkness to Light curricula.
Patricia shared that the final CRM training for Brunswick County employees will be in January. The trainings have been well-received and well attended, with the exception of November which was most likely due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Discussion for the remainder of the meeting centered primarily on planning an event at Brunswick Community College for Spring 2024.
Date: Thursday March 7th at BCC Event Center at Odell Williamson (reserved and confirmed by Gene; other dates we wanted were not available)
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM We would offer the opportunity to attend full day or half day (either AM or PM portion) with lunch and a community resource fair in between-
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Resiliency Film and Panel Discussion
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM LUNCH and Resource Tables
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Intro to CRM OR we may instead offer a 3 hour CRM training from 1- 4
- Bonnie will discuss further with Amy to determine her availability as a CRM trainer for that
We will apply through Dr. Soltis from UNC Chapel Hill for grant funds to provide lunch for all participants, to cover the cost of printing some event flyers, costs for a Resilient Brunswick logo magnet to give to each person, ask her graduate nurses to have a table to provide relative mental health info or screenings, provide goody bags with some items to put in them – stress balls, etc., and see if she wants to cover the cost of Cope Kit cards; they are expensive so if she won’t cover them we won’t provide them. Bonnie will get all costs together and submit a grant request to her, hopefully before the Christmas holiday.
Bonne shared some ideas for the event that Dr. Soltis suggested. One was making the Resource Fair more of a scavenger hunt style event where each organization with a table poses a question about their services that each attendee can answer by visiting the table. If participants visit all tables and fill their answer sheet, they are entered to win a raffle prize. This will encourage people to participate in the Resource Fair portion of the event. Everyone liked this idea.
We will reach out to community organizations to have an info table at the event: target BFA, Hope Harbor Home, New Hope Clinic, Samara’s Village, Sheriff’s Dept, Coastal Carolina Outreach, BSRI, and of course our own organizations.
Jonathan offered to create a flyer and Facebook post for the event and Patricia will take the on- line registrations which we will require since grant money will be used to purchase items for the event. The group decided to call the event A Day of Resilience. We can all post it on social media and send it to other organizations, the chambers, and some larger communities like St James, Ocean Ridge, etc.
Culling the Membership List - Bonnie will also send out an email today to try to clean up our membership list. This way we aren’t sending notices to people who are not reading them and can focus our communication on those who are interested in them and committed to the work of the task force.
The meeting adjourned at 2:32 PM. Our next meeting will be virtual and will be held on February 19, 2024 from 1-3 PM. Bonnie will send out a meeting notice and link prior to the meeting date.
Minutes submitted by Bonnie Jordan, Chairperson 12/12/2023
In Attendance:
Bonnie Jordan, Chairperson
Jonathan Hartman
Dr Gene Smith
Rebecca Martin
Dr. Paula Tucker-Hogan
Patricia Dew
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